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ACLU-SD Hosts Pints and Politics in Rapid City Thursday 5:30 p.m. MDT

In his constant pursuit easy barroom insults and distractions, one of my commenters asserted, “Not a single person on this site has EVER been helped or assisted by the ACLU.” History and case law easily refute that claim… but so do (in the minds of my non-teetotaling readers) 50 free beers on Thursday!

Pints & Politics: Rapid City is an opportunity to socialize and network with ACLU supporters, meet the staff, and learn how our mission is changing South Dakota.

  • Pints & Politics: Rapid City
  • Thursday, August 16, 5:30 p.m.
  • Hay Camp Brewing Company
  • 601 Kansas City St.
  • Rapid City, SD 57701

The first 50 people to RSVP will receive a voucher for a pint of beer on us (or beverage of your choosing)! Hors d’oeuvres and ACLU swag bags will be provided for all attendees.

Take this opportunity to tune in, make your voice heard, and join us in our work toward creating a smarter criminal justice system [American Civil Liberties Union of South Dakota, online event notice, retrieved 2018.08.14].

I note with approval the liberty guests will be afforded to choose non-alcoholic beverages. Go have a ginger ale or one stouter on the ACLU Thursday, and find out how many ways the ACLU helps all Americans enjoy more liberty than the powers that be would allow.

Hay Camp Brewing is downtown at 601 Kansas Street. Possibly related: they also host a one-hour Sip-N-Stretch Yoga class monthly, every first Tuesday, at 5:30 p.m.


  1. OldSarg 2018-08-14 12:58

    ““Not a single person on this site has EVER been helped or assisted by the ACLU.” History and case law easily refute that claim””

    Cory, did you read the link you provided? I can’t see anything in South Dakota referenced much less any of your commenters. . .

  2. jerry 2018-08-14 15:37

    Comrade Old Soviet, you made that claim, you own it you dummy.

  3. grudznick 2018-08-14 17:10

    grudznick was one of the first 50 people to RSVP and didn’t even get a coupon for the free pint, so I concur with Mr. OldSarg that not a single person on this site has ever been assisted by the ACLU.

  4. Porter Lansing 2018-08-15 18:05

    The Colorado Baker Decision as explained by conservative Glenn Beck:
    – One or more of the six members of the Colorado Civil Rights Commission (three Democrats – two Unaffiliated and one Republican) didn’t give enough respect and creedance to a citizen’s religious beliefs before making a ruling. The USA Supreme Court ruled that religion is a wholly valid criteria for making personal decisions. Religious beliefs MUST be considered when deciding if civil rights have been infringed.
    – The Supreme Court didn’t rule on whether religious beliefs are reason enough to overrule a citizen’s civil rights, however. This will no doubt lead to more cases of this nature. The Supreme Court may choose to decide this question in the future or they may not.
    ***- Glenn Beck speculates that the next time the Colorado Civil Rights Commission is called upon to rule on LGBT discrimination on religious grounds, they will and must include in their decision, “Yes, Mr. Phillips. Your religious beliefs ARE entirely valid. Those beliefs ARE a proper criteria for making your personal decisions. No government can disregard your religious beliefs as being well founded, sound, reasonable, rational and logical. However, those religious beliefs DON’T trump an LGBT citizen’s human rights in any or all cases. (i.e. If you make wedding cakes for the public, you can’t refuse any member of the public for religious reasons. ***Religious rights don’t quash or nullify human rights.)
    – After such a ruling the losing party may appeal again to the Supreme Court for a decision on this issue, which the USA Supreme Court ruling yesterday didn’t address.

  5. OldSarg 2018-08-15 19:08

    Having the communist ACLU in Rapid during Hot Summer nights should be entertaining. . . They should all wear ACLU shirts and walk around.

  6. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2018-08-16 07:26

    OS, your inability to generalize when it makes sense is risible. The link I gave provided examples of rights the ACLU has helped defend for all Americans. That includes South Dakotans, putting our civil rights on a surer footing. Like the Klan in its opposition to organized labor, you don’t like viewing everyone as equal and seem only capable of understanding direct personal benefits, to the exclusion and /or detriment of others.

    As Paul Wellstone said, we all do better when we all do better.

    As for shirts in RC, you mistake us for the Klan. The ACLU’s event is public, open, not hidden. Anyone can come see who’s there. Those of us who believe in real liberty don’t feel the need to hide under white sheets or false names.

  7. Jason 2018-08-16 09:07

    Why isn’t he ACLU defending the Colorado baker?

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