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Amendment S: Crime Victims Bill of Rights

Amendment S, also known as Marsy’s Law and the crime victims’ bill of rights, is sponsored by Republican consultant Jason Glodt. Amendment S is bankrolled by California billionaire Henry Nicholas, who is working to get similar laws passed in all fifty states in memory of his sister, who was murdered in 1983. The amendment writes a number of apparent legal protections for crime victims into the South Dakota Constitution; however, these provisions seem not to take into account provisions already in South Dakota law, standard practices among South Dakota prosecutors, and the cost to state and local budgets in South Dakota.

Key Provisions:

  1. Amendment S says crime victims have the right to due process, privacy, and protection from the accused and the accused’s associates.
  2. Amendment S says crime victims have a right to timely notification of any legal proceeding involving the accused and of any release or escape.
  3. Amendment S creates procedural rights for victims, including access to government attorneys.
  4. Amendment S grants victims the right to sue for enforcement of these rights.

Click for Full Text: Amendment S, “An Initiated Amendment to the South Dakota Constitution to expand rights for crime victims.”

Read More:

  1. John Tsitrian, “My Column Opposing the ‘Marsy’s Law’ Initiative in South Dakota, Followed by a Response from Jason Glodt, Who Heads up the Campaign Supporting It,” The Constant Commoner, 2016.09.28.
  2. Dan Peters, “South Dakota Lawyers Universally Reject Marsy’s Law Measure,” KSOO Radio, 2016.09.07.
  3. Victoria Wicks, “Amendment S Proponent: It Elevates Victims’ Rights; Opponent: It’s Unworkable,” SDPB Radio, 2016.09.06.
  4. Melea VanOstrand, “Amendment S on November Ballot,” KOTA-TV, 2016.08.17.
  5. Dakota Free Press coverage of Amendment S
  6. C.A. Heidelberger, “Glodt Admits Marsy’s Law is Out-of-State Astroturfery?” Dakota Free Press, 2015.10.27.
  7. C.A. Heidelberger, “,” Dakota Free Press, 2015.10.27.
  8. ,” Dakota Free Press, 2015.10.27.
  9. C.A. Heidelberger, “Glodt Amendment for “Victims” Rights Redundant, Unenforceable, Unwise,” Dakota Free Press, 2015.08.11.