Complete Podcast Archive:
- November 20: Lillian Anderson and Kent Moeckly on the Keystone Pipeline Spill
- September 30: De Knudson, Open Primaries South Dakota
- July 12: Senator Lance Russell, Republican candidate for attorney general
- July 6: Cory Speaks to District 22 Democratic Forum!
- June 29: Greg Blair, California, High-Risk Pools, Pink Slime…
- June 22: Spencer and Joe Check out the Fearmongers!
- June 14: Roxanne Weber, Beef for Chicken…
- June 8: Joe Berns, First Amendment, Local Elections…
- June 1: Ken Santema, Billie Sutton…
- May 24: Mike Olson, Black Hills, Borehole…
- May 17: Aaron Schultz, Mark Remily…
- May 10: Tom Black, Chickens, Swastikas…
- May 3: Brian Sharp, Moms Health, Uranium…
- May 1: Bob Mercer, Part 3: Health Scare
- April 30: Bob Mercer, Part 2: The Janklow Years
- April 29: Bob Mercer, Part 1: Journalism
- April 26: Renée Wise, Ehab Jaber, Isabella Red Cloud…
- April 19: Enno Limvere, Earth Day Fair, Clare Lopez…
- April 14: Death with Dignity, Kristi Noem, Fishing…
- April 5: Courtney Waid-Lindberg, Pine Beetles, Online Privacy…
- March 29: Drew Dennert, Medicaid, School Lunch…
- March 27: Drew Dennert on Veto Day
- March 23: Campaign Finance, PAC Robocalls, Essential Air Service…
- March 15: Trumpcare, Petitions, Adoption…
- March 8: Fear, Drones, Protest, and Pot