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1. Advertisers: Dakota Free Press will consider requests to advertise on this website ( from local and area businesses and other organizations. The editor of Dakota Free Press reserves the right to accept or reject any advertisement.

2. Content and Format

2.1. The advertiser and the editor will agree on the final content (text and/or images) and format before payment and placement of the advertisement.

2.2. Ads will not exceed 215×150 pixels.

2.3. Advertisers should submit images in JPEG, PNG, or PDF format. Please contact the editor before submitting images in other formats.

2.4. Ads may link to a website of the advertiser’s choosing. Any linked website must belong to the advertiser or advertiser’s business and relate directly to the product(s) and/or service(s) advertised.

3. Rates:

3.1. 215—150 pixel sidebar ad — $50 per month

3.2. Rates may change month by month. Advertisers will be notified of any rate change at least two weeks before any change takes effect.

4. Payment:

4.1. Advertisers may pay one month at a time or for any number months ahead of time.

4.1.1. Pre-paid months are locked in at the current rate and will not be subject to any rate increases that may take place.

4.2. A monthly payment covers the following month of publication.

4.3. Advertisers will make payment up front.

4.4. Taxes: The State of South Dakota does not impose sales/use tax on advertising. However, in the event of changes in South Dakota law, the Dakota Free Press will collect all applicable taxes from advertisers per South Dakota law.

4.5. Advertisers may pay by cash, check, or credit card. Checks should be made out to “Dakota Free Press“. Credit card payments may be submitted via Paypal by clicking the Blog Tip Jar image in the near right sidebar on this blog.

4.6. An advertiser’s ad will appear online within 24 hours of receipt of payment (or later, if requested by the advertiser).

4.7. Payment is expected on the first day of each billing period (dates to be agreed upon by the advertiser and editor at the beginning).

4.8. Late Payment/Reposting: If payment for the following month(s) is not received within three business days (Monday–Friday, excluding holidays) of the beginning of the billing period, the ad will be removed. To republish an ad removed for late payment, the advertiser will pay the full month’s billing plus a $5 republication charge.

Week 1

Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Table 1: Ad Placement Example

5. Placement:

5.1. The editor will place new ads in the highest available slot in the blog sidebar.

5.2. The editor will rotate ads on a weekly basis.

5.3. Example: During a four-week period, Ads A, B, and C appear on the blog. New ad, D, is added in the middle of week 2. The billing cycle for Ad A ends during week 3 and is not renewed. The ads will appear and rotate as shown in Table 1.

5.4 [amended 2012.10.09] During more intense coverage periods (such as the month before a general election) ads may rotate on a more frequent but still regular basis.

6. Termination of Advertising

6.1. Advertisers may request the removal of their ad from Dakota Free Press at any time. The editor will remove the ad within 24 hours of receipt of a written (paper or e-mail) removal request from an advertiser.

6.1.1. Advertisers requesting removal will receive no refund for any remaining time in the current billing month. Example: An advertiser pays for an ad to be displayed on Dakota Free Press for one month, starting August 15. The advertiser e-mails the editor at noon on August 25 and requests removal of the ad. The editor removes the ad. The advertiser receives no refund.

6.1.2. Advertisers requesting removal will receive a refund of any fees paid for advertising time beyond the current billing month.

6.2. The editor reserves the right to remove any advertisement from Dakota Free Press at any time.

6.2.1. If the editor removes an ad due to an advertiser’s violation of the terms of Dakota Free Press advertising policy, Dakota Free Press will refund no advertising fees for either the current billing month or any subsequent prepaid billing month.

6.2.2. If the editor removes an ad as a result of a request or order from a law enforcement agency, Dakota Free Press will not refund the advertiser for the current billing month. In this situation, Dakota Free Press will refund the advertiser for any fees paid for advertising time beyond the current billing month.

6.2.3. If the editor chooses to remove an ad prior to the end of a billing month for reasons other than violations of this policy, Dakota Free Press will refund any fees paid for advertising time for the current billing month and any pre-paid months beyond the current billing month. Example: An advertiser pays for an ad to be displayed on Dakota Free Press for four months, starting August 15. The editor decides to remove the ad on October 10, despite the advertiser’s willingness to continue running the ad. Dakota Free Press refunds the advertiser an amount equal to the fee for three full months of advertising time.

7. Editorial Control

7.1. The advertising agreement covers only the advertising services outlined in this policy and nothing else. Dakota Free Press assumes no authority over advertisers’ pricing, services, or other policies and activities. Advertisers assume no authority over Dakota Free Press‘s editorial content, choice of other advertisers, or other policies and activities.

[policy created September 26, 2007; last updated June 18, 2015]