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Initiated Measure 23: “Fair Share” Union Dues

Initiated Measure 23 is a very short measure, just two lines, petitioned onto the ballot by the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 49, the heavy equipment operators’ union.

Key Provision:

  1. Currently, South Dakota labor unions may be required by law to represent all workers in an organization in collective bargaining, including workers who are not dues-paying members. South Dakota’s “right to work” law does not allow unions to collect dues from all workers as a condition of employment. IM 23 would allow unions to charge non-members reduced “fair share” dues for services like collective bargaining.

Full Text: Initiated Measure 23: “An initiated measure to give certain organizations the right to charge fees.”

Section 1. Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, an organization, corporate or nonprofit, has the right to charge a fee for any service provided by the organization.

Section 2. The effective date of this Act is July 1, 2017 [proposed ballot measure, sponsored by Scott Niles, released by Attorney General Marty Jackley, 2015.09.04].

Read More:

  1. official campaign website.
  2. Dakota Free Press coverage of Initiated Measure 23
  3. C.A. Heidelberger, “SD Dozer Drivers May Challenge Anti-Union Misperceptions with “Fair Share” Ballot Initiative,” Dakota Free Press, 2015.09.16