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Daugaard Urges Suicide Prevention Push in September

I hate thinking of September in August, but, recognizing South Dakota’s rising suicide rate, Governor Dennis Daugaard is urging South Dakotans to make September Suicide Prevention Month:

“In 2017, 192 South Dakotans lost their lives by suicide. That’s the highest number ever reported in our state,” said Gov. Daugaard. “Suicide is preventable and we can help by starting the conversation, providing support and directing those who need help to services. We hope our schools, churches, families, and community groups will engage in the fight to save lives by leading these kinds of discussions during Suicide Prevention Month this year.”

…The Governor is encouraging groups across the state to host awareness activities and promote available resources, and to add those upcoming events to the statewide calendar at Groups can add scheduled activities on the website by filling out the online form under the “Events” and “Suicide Prevention Month” tabs. Local data, prevention toolkits for specific populations, and resources for survivors are also available on the website. Information specific to youth suicide prevention is located at, a campaign launched earlier this year by the Department of Social Services [Office of the Governor, press release, 2018.08.09].

Less than five months isn’t a lot of time for a lame-duck governor to do new big things. Perhaps he can use his platform to urge our candidates for Governor and Legislature to talk seriously about addressing mental health and policies our new leaders could propose in 2019.


  1. Porter Lansing 2018-08-13 19:34

    Public health professionals agree. Suicide prevention begins with social change which isn’t always welcomed in South Dakota culture. It begins with committment from individuals, families and communities.
    ~ A personal anecdote. One of my best friends went into the Madison hospital seeking help with thoughts of suicide. He was told there was no one available. He blew his brains out in the parking lot. His wife told us he was embarassed because his body was no longer strong enough to farm.

  2. Anne Beal 2018-08-13 22:35

    Porter, your anecdote is horrifying. I wonder about the person who told your friend there was no one to help and let him leave the building. Not all nurses are trained the same way; one evening I reported to work and was told there was a lady in the lobby who just wanted to sit there because she felt safe, she wasn’t seeking medical attention and had received none. I was trained differently, immediately asked the woman if she was a client of mental health services, called her counselor, called the doctor on call, they both came in to see her and she was admitted for her own safety.
    Not all police are trained the same way, either. Many years ago the mother of one of my classmates asked if the town police could store a gun she owned in their armory, but they said no. They didn’t ask why she wanted them to do that. A few days later, she used that gun to kill her son and herself.
    Other signs of an impending suicide can be subtle, such as when a person starts giving away significant belongings, or stops going to work or classes. Everybody needs to recognize these signs and take action. Will educating the public on what things to look for cost a lot of money? It shouldn’t!

  3. Debbo 2018-08-13 23:48

    In his 8 years as governor, how much money and other resources has Daugard directed to suicide prevention? Does SD have a dedicated, full time hotline? Has there been an increase in funding for mental health care? Does SD mandate that insurance cover mental health and cover it well? Are there more mental health hospital beds now than when Daugard was first elected? What emergency resources has Daugard created? Does the med school at USD offer a psychiatry specialty? Is there any state provided incentive for psychiatrists to come to SD and stay?

    In other words, does Daugard REALLY care about this devastating issue?

  4. LS1 2018-08-14 08:57

    I will never forget the Senate hearing on 2016’s HB 1008 (the anti-transgender “bathroom bill”) that transgender kids showed up to say sent them a message that there was something wrong with them or that they weren’t welcome in South Dakota. Right before the committee took up that bill it heard a bill on suicide prevention W/R/T students.

    The glaring inconsistency made it clear to me that our leaders like to talk about suicide prevention but rarely examine how their own actions actively harm the well-being of vulnerable people in our state. The LGBT community is of course not alone in this, but it was such a clear example – especially given the data that shows a decrease in depression, suicidal ideation, and more among LGBT youth who are supported and accepted.

  5. Jake Kammerer 2018-08-14 18:48

    In South Dakota legislatures, when it comes to entertaining new or different ideas of combating something they seem to be able always to come up with simplistic “one-liners” to negate any action that may be perceived to be “liberal” or “Californish”!!!!

  6. OldSarg 2018-08-14 19:00

    In her 8 years as comentor, how much money and other resources has Debbo directed to suicide prevention? Does volunteer to man a dedicated, full time hotline? Has she donated any money for mental health care? Does Debbo call anybody or contact anybody asking for a mandate that insurance cover mental health and cover it well? Has Debbo opened more mental health hospital beds now than when Deddo was first started trashing what she thinks others should do that she doesn’t do herself? What emergency resources has Debbo created? Does Debbo have a degree in a psychiatry specialty? Is Debbo starting any GoFundMe accounts to help the state provided incentive for psychiatrists to come to SD and stay?

    In other words, does Debbo REALLY care about this devastating issue? Hell NO! Debbo doesn’t even live in this state.

  7. mike from iowa 2018-08-14 19:26

    OldMentalmidget- Debbo is not the guv of South Dakota you mentalmidgetmaroon.

  8. OldSarg 2018-08-14 19:28

    Dear stupid, I mean mike; You’re brilliant.

  9. leslie 2018-08-14 20:56

    No, Dennis, “we can help by ‘starting’ the conversation”. (my emphasis) And No, “We ‘hope’ our schools, churches, families, and community groups will engage in the fight”. They HAVE been in this fight since 1997, at least. You are not starting anything. Spend a day in the residences on the rez, for example. You will quickly see how overwhelming poverty conditions the schools, families and community groups are faced with play into the statistics under your watch, Dennis. HOPE???? do something!

    OS, get a life.

    our open gun laws provide the most effective tool towards successful suicide completion.

  10. mike from iowa 2018-08-14 21:03

    OldSawniebean, yer Dad did what in a flower pot and raised a blooming idiot?

    Isn’t this fun, Gumby?

  11. Debbo 2018-08-14 23:18

    OS, what have YOU done to make life better for folks who might be suicidal? Anything?

    I’ve worked with disabled people for years, talked to clients about depression and suicide, handed out suicide hotline numbers, drove a suicidal person to the hospital, talked to a client’s psychiatrist about her suicidal ideation and urged him to look at changing her meds because she was exhibiting signs of tardive dyskinesia. I’ve preached sermons on alternatives to suicide, dealing with suicidal family, coping after a loved one dies by suicide.

    OS, you dumb ass, haven’t you figured out by now that I am a person who genuinely cares about those who are in need and I act to make life better for others in whatever way I can? Now take your big, fat, smelly foot out of your mouth, apologize to me, and contribute something positive to this conversation.

    You still haven’t told us what state you live in.

  12. OldSarg 2018-08-15 05:56

    South Dakota

  13. bearcreekbat 2018-08-15 10:27

    Debbo, OS claims he lives in the state of SD. His comments suggests he lives in the states of confusion, anger and fear.

  14. OldSarg 2018-08-15 11:10

    Look it doesn’t matter. You all complain and complain about everyone and everything else being the reason for your failures in life and politics lately but it is you. Look at what you all have created and why you will lose:

    *In Minnesota a woman beater Keith Ellison won the party platform for attorney general (who is clearly a sharia supporter) to enforce the law of the state, who’s empty house seat has a Somali named Omar who married her brother is running for house seat.

    *In Vermont the Dems have put forward a mentally challenged man that thinks he is a woman and looks like a horse for the Governorship.

    This has all become just WEIRD! Now, you can hate what I posted, call me names and generally be as nasty as you want but the reality is THIS IS WHY YOU ARE LOSING!!!!! It is not Trumpsters, right-wingers, misogynist men, racist white folks or the privileged color of someone’s skin making you fail. It is suing a baker who won’t make a cake, open borders, lack of respect for the American culture, calling every walking rational person a racist, promoting a treasonous harpy for president, weaponizing the IRS, FBI and DoJ against our own people, feeding weapons to Mexican killers, killing babies and calling it a right and working to take away our freedom of religion, speech and the very right to protect our families. You can blame me, the “alt-right” or the freaking wall but it will not change the fact that the full blown idiocy of your party has left the rational world behind. Now go ahead and spew your hate. . . but unlike breaking up; it ain’t me. . . it’s you. . .

  15. mike from iowa 2018-08-15 11:24

    OldSferbrains, racist. Go back to Whitopia where you are from and take yer worn out talking points with you.

  16. Jenny 2018-08-15 11:33

    It’s interesting those Keith Ellison ALLEGATIONS came right before the election, isn’t it? We will see what happens but the timing makes it peculiar. The Pubs have wanted to get rid of Ellison for a long long time.
    I have never heard that Omar is married to her brother so quit making these lies up, OS.
    The important thing is, despite OS wanting to believe that the Democrat Party is history, the Dems spoke loud and clear in Minnesota yesterday! Record numbers came out to vote. Voters said so long to Pawlenty! Tim Walz will make a great DFL populist governor, and Omar will be America’s first female Somali Congresswoman! Great job Minnesotans!

  17. Debbo 2018-08-15 11:33

    Still waiting for an apology OS. A real man would apologize.

    Where in SoDak? How long? Do you know how much right that gives you to care about the state and comment on this blog? Yeah. Its totally irrelevant, but makes you feel better. BCB is right about your true state.

  18. Jenny 2018-08-15 11:45

    Isn’t it nice that a transgender person can become accepted and win a primary to run for governor in our US, OS! This is one of the many reasons what makes this country so great!!! :)
    This is what America is supposed to be about! But Republicans like OS will continue to show their discrimination, hate and racism.
    As Boy Dylan, our Minnesota boy sang, “the times they are a changing”
    Get over yourself, Pubs.

  19. Debbo 2018-08-15 12:02

    You’re right Jenny. It was a great primary day in Minnesota. Even our GOP voters are smart enough to know that Pawlenty would have never been their governor. He would have been the Koch governor, Russpublicans governor, trump governor. Makes me very happy they booted his butt.

    I am very disappointed that Erin Murphy didn’t win, but Tim Walz will be a very good governor for the citizens of Minnesota.

    BTW, Tim Walz, like Gov. Mark Dayton, won’t be declaring feel good mental health days. He’ll be taking action to improve mental health care in the state. That’s what Democrats do, unlike Daugard and the SD Russpublicans.

  20. Porter Lansing 2018-08-15 12:10

    OLdSoviet … You don’t seem to be emotionally content, these days. Anything we liberals can do to help? :0)

  21. OldSarg 2018-08-15 13:32

    Omar: Omar had married the man touted as her husband in 2002 before marrying her brother for fraudulent purposes in 2009

    Keith Sharia Ellison: “‘Bitch you answer when I am talking to you. I said take out the trash, you’re a bad guest’ ” ~ Keith

    “In May, Keith wanted to try and quiet me so he came to my home uninvited,” Alexander wrote. “We had words. His anger kicked in. He berated me. He grabbed me and pushed me out of the way. I was terrified. I called the police. As he fled he broke my screen door. I have never been so scared.” ~Amy Alexander

  22. Jenny 2018-08-15 14:36

    All allegations, OS. Just like Trump raping Ivana is an allegation also. Do you worry about your President’s history with women also?

  23. Jenny 2018-08-15 14:43

    Why do you worry so much about people’s genitals, like the genitals of Vermont Candidate for Governor, OS?
    Oh, that’s right – Pubs like OS are really just scared to death of Transgenders. Just like they are scared to death of Muslims and all minorities.
    The Democrats are the real pro-life accepting of all people party. Democrats love all people, why don’t you join us! :)

  24. Robin Friday 2018-08-15 18:11

    Well said, Anne. And another sign of impending suicide in someone who has been severely depressed is somewhat brightened spirits for a few days. They may look and sound better and seemingly brighter, but sometimes it indicates that they’ve made the decision and are feeling a relief of pressure.

  25. Robin Friday 2018-08-15 18:19

    Porter, How very awful. No one should be turned away. How awful is the state of mental health when people crying out for help are turned away, being told “there’s no one available”. Inconceivable.

  26. mike from iowa 2018-08-15 18:24

    “In May, Keith wanted to try and quiet me so he came to my home uninvited,” Alexander wrote. “We had words. His anger kicked in. He berated me. He grabbed me and pushed me out of the way. I was terrified. I called the police. As he fled he broke my screen door. I have never been so scared.” ~Amy Alexander

    Just locker room talk. Girls will be girls.


  27. Porter Lansing 2018-08-15 18:25

    @Robin … It was 1992. Madison is a great town. I’ll bet such a tragedy wouldn’t happen, now.

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