To prove she’s not too sick to govern, Alabama Governor Kay Ivey’s office released photos yesterday of Ivey with a woman who’s too busy campaigning to govern, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem:

A sharp-eyed reader notices that the jet in front of which these two non-governing governors stand bears the logo of Boch Aviation, a Massachusetts company offering luxury jet travel with leather seating and a full bar. Boch Aviation appears to be connected to guitarist billionaire care dealer Ernie Boch, Jr., who hosted a fundraiser at his Norwood home this week for Republican candidate for Massachusetts governor Geoff Diehl this week. Noem attended Boch’s fundraiser and strolled around Boston having pizza with Diehl Thursday:

Diehl’s campaign manager is Noem’s friend and advisor Corey Lewandowski.
Well, Mrs. Noem is a known swinger, too.
Those do not look like the hands of a healthy 50 year old female. It looks like her ring is now too large for her finger as the ring rotated to the side. Her chin does not look right in the profile picture. Her right arm looks, well I’m not sure how to describe it.
Most females gain weight in their late 40’s and early 50’s with menopause, but Noem seems to be getting thinner. I have to wonder what is going on or what she might be taking to lose weight.
My first reaction, too, scott. Did she purge after chowing down that fattening pizza slice?
Scott, WOW! I’m afraid I thought the same thing. I’m that top picture her hands look like Cruella Devil’s.
fml, I’d flee screaming if that harpy clutched me like that. Remember way back around ’08 or ’09 when Madonna was savagely body shamed for her arms and hands? But it’s OK for “Merica’s Governor.”
This sharp eyed reader also missed the fundraiser connection you pointed out. That makes more sense than her chartering this one plane randomly.
Face it. The Governor is having a wonderful time being a Republican B-List celebrity.
I say let young Ms. Noem enjoy her pizza in peace. I am sure most of you fellows with the NDS would be screaming if she was eating a charcuterie or a hoagie sandwich just as much. grudznick, for one, is glad we have a pizza snarfing Governor and so should body shamers be as well.
Oddly enough, I’m mostly with Grudznick here. Being the current GOP It-Girl has to be intoxicating. I honestly hope that the Governor’s handlers are ready to take her all the way or manage the crash. Either way, it feels like governing SD could be something that she officially lets go (instead of holding the title for title’s sake). Let some of the other Jackson Five take the spotlight and let Michael soar solo as it were.
When I first saw the headline I read, “Noem rides billionaire to Alabama” but that’s just what I’m used to from her.
O, oddly enough, I don’t know if grudz’s reference to “charcuterie” is a person, place, or thing, although I suspect it must be to food (eeewww, please NOT canned mushrooms, goose livers, frozen brussel sprouts, or goats’n’gravy).
I’m STILL not sure why “America’s Governor” can be in the same physical shape Madonna was, but not called out by loser Piers Morgan, who called Madonna “Grotesque, why would anyone woman like to look like a caveman? I’m serious.”
Piers claimed she was still “banned” from his show, “mainly because of the arms.” “I don’t want arms like that on my show. Long sleeves, maybe she can come on…”
Yes, Ms. Fairbank. Exactly the sort of body shaming that got grudznick chastised by some as related to Ms. Kennecke and her arms. Exactly.
Is Stan Adelstein still alive?
B-list? Too generous.
Whatever Noem is eating, the point is, she is eating much of it elsewhere, where her attention is on those out-of-state voters and donors, not on South Dakota. If you have the time and the means to spend all your time traveling, and if billionaires will loan you their jets to do so, by all means, do it, and see the world. But don’t also pretend to hold a full-time job and campaign to be rehired. Do the thing you love, but quit your job and let someone who wants to work take over.
Larry: Noem is a “known” swinger? I still haven’t seen the evidence. The rumormongers on the Noem Lewandowski story never followed through with verifiable evidence. She’s swinging from airport to airport, jet to jet, fundraiser to fundraiser, but there is no evidence she is swinging from mate to mate.
Some readers have cited comments like that, where you rush in to lead off the comment section with your insulting rumors, as an example of how our your rabid comments degrade the quality of the conversation. And comments subsequent to that suggesting eating disorder fall into the same category. How about we stick to the verifiable facts? There’s plenty in Noem’s criss-crossing the country in billionaire jets to persuade voters that Noem is not working for South Dakota without delving into personal rumors that only give the GOP an excuse to say, “Oh, look how mean those liberals are!” and distract from the very real critique of her dereliction of duty.
That some haven’t interviewed eyewitnesses to Mrs. Noem’s extramarital dalliances like I have doesn’t mean the evidence doesn’t exist.
Meth, we’re on it.
Today at the Conservatives with Commin Sense Breakfasts we will have a special speaker who will educate us on the serious problem many young women and girls face in our society: body shaming
Commonly “common” is spelled “commin” by some of us. In case you were wondering.
Looks like Noem is *horing herself out to the highest bidder
I have to admit… the temptation to body shame Noem is strong. There is little to admire about her and she is ethically challenged. It doesn’t help to read some of the comments on other sources that state what some men would like to do with her. She is a 50 year old granny trying to look like she’s 30. We’re all shamed by her words and actions. So I take a breath and make an effort to remember that the issue is not what she looks like, but what she does or doesn’t do. Something we should all remember regardless of gender or political party.
I have a splendid idea. Let’s go high and MIND SHAME 50 year old young Ms. Noem. I think even Cory can get behind that; h*ck, most of us are libbies, and we certainly do NOT want any controversy here.
Of course, we run the risk of laboring under the presupposition that Kristi, well, um….don’t make me spell it out.
Well..I’m with Cory, no need to get personal in our criticism of Governor Noem. She has more problems trying to catch on as a national personality/candidate. She was not invited to address C-PAC this year, her place was taken by the likes of Kyle Rittenhouse and Tulsi Gabbard. She needs a new speech writer and a new speech. The Republican, Trumpist “Rally”, Convention, Symposium ” business, which is a multi-million dollar effort to extract money from the Trump faithful, is fully exposed in the latest issue of “Mother Jones”. Mrs. Noem gets only a passing mention.
Cully Williams does some solid research and finds the Boch Aviation Cessna Sovereign depicted in the photo of Noem and Ivey has tail number N900EB. He checks Flight Aware and finds N900EB flew from Norwood, Massachusetts, to Spearfish on Wednesday morning, landing at SPF at 09:13 MDT, then taking off at 10:21 MDT and returning to Norwood OWD. Boch’s jet made five flights Thursday (to Trenton, NJ; Bradley airport at Windsor Locks, CT; Norwood; Martha’s Vineyard; Norwood) while Noem was having pizza and partying at Boch’s house with Lewandowski’s pal Diehl. On Friday, N900EB flew to Montgomery, landing at 13:25 CDT and departing at 14:20 CDT to return to Norwood.
From that flight itinerary, it appears Noem left directly from Spearfish on Boch’s jet Wednesday morning, spent two nights in Massachusetts, then flew on Boch’s jet to Alabama Wednesday afternoon. It’s not clear how she got home.
An elected official, our Governor, flying around on a billionaire’s jet gives the appearance Kristi could be influenced by this billionaire and his special interests/political influence. Looks really shady if you are an elected official like Noem.
Arlo, I’m not sure what your last post is trying to say. Are we supposed to PITY Noem and her failed (to date) overweening juvenile political fantasies simply because she didn’t get invited to C-PAC and she endured the other cascading political tragedies? Am I reading you right?
So she didn’t make it as a “national /personality candidate.” Boo-hoo.
I’m an old, cynical woman, and I believe every time Kristi Lynn lies/lied to South Dakota voters she deserves to be personally criticized.
Williams said Sturgis, not Spearditch in his tweet.
Young Mr. Williams, Cully to some, is a known witch. He also has been known to date young ladies with skinny arms, which leads to out-of-state name-callers criticizing his choices. Beware the resources you cite, as sometimes they are tied to exactly the strange body-shaming line you are promoting. Cully’s oddly tall, hisownself. I wonder what’s up with that.
Mr. H, maybe she is not home yet.
“Grudz has gone bye-bye, Cory….what’ve you got left?”
Bonnie: As Jimmy Cliff sang. “the harder they come, the harder they fall, One and All.”