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Noem Away Again, Hanging out with Trumpist Liars in Alabama

Governor Kristi Noem is away from the office again, this time spending her Friday promoting kakistocracy with her pal Herschel Walker in Alabama:

Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey welcomed South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem to the state this afternoon at the Montgomery Regional Airport.

Noem is one of the keynote speakers at tonight’s Alabama Republican Party summer dinner in Montgomery.

…Georgia Senate candidate and former football great Herschel Walker and Mississippi Attorney General Lynn Fitch will join Noem as featured guest speakers at tonight’s GOP event at the Renaissance Montgomery Hotel and Convention Center [Mick Cason, “Alabama Cov. Kay Ivey Welcomes South Dakota’s Kristi Noem in Montgomery,”, 2022.08.12].

Montgomery County Republican Party, flyer for Alabama GOP Summer Dinner 2022, retrieved 2022.08.13.
Montgomery County Republican Party, flyer for Alabama GOP Summer Dinner 2022, retrieved 2022.08.13.
Alabama Lt. Gov. Will Ainsworth, tweet from ALGOP dinner, 2022.08.12.
Alabama Lt. Gov. Will Ainsworth, tweet from ALGOP dinner, 2022.08.12.

Fitch was an early adopter of the Big Lie about election fraud in 2020. Walker is also lying bigly about the voters’ free and fair rejection of Donald Trump, not to mention lying about Trump’s lying. Lt. Gov. Will Ainsworth, who snapped the dinner pics above, has claimed that the FBI’s seizure of improperly secured top secret documents from Donald Trump’s Florida office/residence was an “unconscionable” political attack. Amidst such political smoke machines, Noem was thus in more personally apt company than if she had been back home talking to regular, hard-working South Dakotans.


  1. sx123 2022-08-13

    Random thoughts…

    That lineup of speakers looks like a yawn fest.

    They need to be careful with the anti FBI rhetoric. Never know when they’ll need ’em.

    I still don’t see how anything Trump had in the basement is that important. I would hope protocol on how super top secret stuff is viewed and accessed would prevent that. If not, that’s a problem.

  2. John 2022-08-13

    Max Boot’s article is a ‘gift article’ at WAPO should not trigger the paywall.

    “Republicans Went Crazy . . .” is a glimpse inside the cult.

    Meanwhile enjoy what may be a weekend of bliss while MAGA awaits it’s talking points from its Hunger Games corporate think tank over lords.
    To be a modern republican is to allow others to do one’s thinking, save for Cheney and Kinzinger and a handful of others.

  3. leslie 2022-08-13

    Kari Lake, AZ Trumpist, is against “corruptness” and wants to know who’s with her!!?? The GOP, death spiraling to the bottom! Heard on NPR just now.

    Propagandist is an example of these incompetent Republicans.

    Dog whistling her own racism to another low-intelligence Southern governor, “gee shucks” Noem was multiply photographed on the Alabama tarmac in her CAMOUFLAGED oath keepers-like militia tactical cap in pig tails!???

    see Cory’s link above.

  4. flopster 2022-08-13

    Yep another free be plane trip @ SD taxpayers expense. Hope the cuddling was worth it.

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