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Seiler Will Run for Attorney General Against Ravnsborg But Not Against Jackley

If any Republicans are seriously considering nominating impeached killer Jason Ravnsborg to run for another term as Attorney General, they’ve just gotten one more reason to switch their vote to Marty Jackley. Not only has Marty Jackley never been impeached; not only has Marty Jackley never killed anyone that we know of; but if the Republicans nominate Jackley, Randy Seiler, perhaps the strongest possible opponent the Democrats can offer, will back out of the race:

…Democratic Party Chairman Randy Seiler, a career prosecutor and former U.S. Attorney who lost to Ravnsborg in the 2018 general election, has told South Dakota News Watch he will run for Attorney General again – but only on one condition.

“I won’t run against Jackley,” said Seiler. “But if Jason emerges as the Republican nominee, I will run” [Stu Whitney, “Political Intrigue Swirls Around Upcoming Attorney General Election in South Dakota,” South Dakota News Watch].

Nominate Jackley, and Democrats may let Republicans have the Attorney General’s seat without contest. Nominate Ravnsborg, and Seiler, who fell 33,513 votes short of beating Ravnsborg in 2018, before Ravnsborg killed Joseph Boever and became the first South Dakotan ever impeached, will pick up 60,000 votes, boot Ravnsborg back to Iowa, and become our first Democratic Attorney General since the 1970s.

Republicans, do you really want a Democrat to be the state’s top prosecutor and have the keys to the file cabinet where Marty put all the files on EB-5 and GEAR UP? No, of course you don’t.

Republicans, listen to Randy Seiler, and act in your own self-interest: nominate Marty Jackley.


  1. Mark Anderson 2022-04-27 17:29

    It’s sad that it takes a killer to have a Democrat run against them. Democrats need to have a platform and stand for women’s rights, healthcare for all, a clean environment, a good market for agriculture, not killing it like Trump, rebuilding infrastructure, those WPA sidewalks in Highmore need replacing. Come out of the closet Democrats and debate those lame Repubs. They stand for nothing.

  2. Kurt Evans 2022-04-27 19:57

    Does South Dakota have one honest journalist who can ask Marty Jackley for his opinion of Craig Price’s preposterous “reconstruction” of the crash, then publish the response?

  3. grudznick 2022-04-27 20:39

    Mr. Evans, grudznick is nearly finished building a diorama of the crash scene, which more accurately depicts Mr. Ravensborg driving down the shoulder of the road. It has the hay bale, too, nearly to scale. I don’t have high hopes it will be subpoenaed to be used on the floor of the legislatures during Mr. Ravensborg’s Trial of Impeachment, but I am offering it up for the purpose.

    full disclosure: there is a small sign on the model of the hunting lodge just east of the location where the running over took place that says “model by grudzick”, so it’s a little self serving, hoping others will enlist my diorama skills for similar events.

  4. Mark Anderson 2022-04-27 20:58

    Jeez grudz, stayed their several times, just to drink at the local bar. You don’t know what your talking about, although they serve a great breakfast.

  5. grudznick 2022-04-27 21:18

    I’ll add your car in the parking lot to my diorama, Mr. Anderson.

  6. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2022-04-27 21:51

    Delegates at convention have no reason to venture into Kurt’s baseless speculation. They don’t care that Jason Ravnsborg killed Joseph Boever. Ravnsborg delegates will tell you Jason is a good man, the death was an accident, and he’s paid his legal price. They will then gussy up the good feelings they from his butt-kissing and Trumpism by saying some nonsense about Ravnsborg being a good lawyer, lodge some facile complaint about Jackley being in the pocket of big-money special interests, and vote for Ravnsborg.

    Seiler, it seems, figures that such hyper-rationalization can work only among the most die-hard GOP delegates and not among the electorate at large. Seiler knows nobody outside the Ravnsborg delegation will buy Kurt’s revision of plain fact.

  7. ABC 2022-04-28 05:20

    Democrats need to be like 1930s and 1940s Democrats and stand for Something!

    Oh he’ll run against killer but not against JackLee? What a wimp!

    Climate change, women’s and Native rights, higher wages all have to be won, but current D Party won’t win those fights, period!

    I’ve run in 2 Leg. Races and 1 statewide races, I know it is hard to win sometimes, but sometimes you just have to try!

    Dem Party is a bunch of Sioux Falls backslappers and me too people.

    I voted yesterday, No on C. My next trip to Courthouse is to change registration from Dem to Other.

    If Dems acted more like Mormons or Jehovah witnesses they would believe in something, and win more. I don’t like their Loserist platform.

  8. ABC 2022-04-28 05:27

    Remember JackLee is no Bruce Lee!

    JackLee probably win nomination, and then he acts like JackLee again.

    So we have 2 parties, the Winners destroy all hope with corruption and the Loserist Party.

    Bruce Lee 1000 degree opposite of JackLee, said Be like Water.

    Democratic Party is no water.

    Better Yoda.

    Be or not be there is no try.

    Try is the attitude oh I will win or lose if I have progressive values, so if I lose, maybe I run, maybe I don’t, what’s the difference, we will lose.

    Be is This is who I am. I am. Yoda was always Yoda.

  9. V 2022-04-28 06:08

    Grudz, you earned a blue ribbon for your project, but I’d have to see if it’s to scale in order to grade it.

    Randy Seiler is well liked in this redneck area of our state. I think he could win this time no matter who the Republican opponent is. People around here want someone familiar who has been vetted and is in great standing with members of both parties. How many traffic violations does Randy have? Hmmmmm

  10. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2022-04-28 07:03

    ABC reminds us that Jackley is not that strong of a candidate. Sure, he’s got the support of the GOP establishment, but he is not the most dynamic, charismatic speaker. His defeat in the 2018 primary shows that he can be beaten by a challenger who is willing to work hard and throw punches. Jackley would be harder to beat than Ravnsborg, but that’s like comparing Jackley to a carton of rotten eggs.

  11. 96Tears 2022-04-29 11:46

    Working hard and throwing (smart) punches are two attributes that do not describe Randy Seiler. Charisma is also lacking. So is political skill.

    A conditional announcement is one of the weakest impressions one could make if getting elected to any office is the objective. After the recently severely botched legislative candidate recruitment leaving major gaps on the 2022 ballot, Mr. Seiler should put his energies into recruiting someone with the political skill, charisma, energy and guts to win the election against any Republican.

    BTW, I’ve searched online for the dates of the 2022 S.D. Democratic Party State Convention. When and where will it be? (Um, they know they need to do that, right?) If Mr. Seiler and others making conditional announcements to be candidates based on who’s running as the Republican wish to avoid further complications, the Dems will need to conduct their state convention after the Senate trial and the GOP convention, which ends Saturday, June 25.

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