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No Nod from Novstrup on Saturday Candidate Forum

Speaking of ducks, LEAD South Dakota reports that at least three other Democrats and two Republicans will join me at their Legislative candidates roundtable on Saturday, 2:30 pm. at the Aberdeen Police Department. Besides my you betcha!, LEAD reports affirmative responses to their invitation from District 1 Democratic House candidate H. Paul Dennert, District 2 Democratic House candidates Jenae Hansen and Mike McHugh, and District 3 Republican House candidates Drew Dennert and Carl Perry (but Carl goes to everything, so no one’s surprised there).

No word from my opponent in the District 3 Senate race, incumbent Republican Al Novstrup. The eight-term Republican probably just lost the invitation among his go-kart maintenance tickets on his desk in Sioux Falls. But no worries: as we know from the crackerbarrels, I can explain Al’s Legislative record better than he can.


  1. Porter Lansing 2018-08-21 09:58

    Good one, Cory. Sen. Novstrup states, “I signed on to the bill because I believe in it’s intent.” From what I heard the intent of the bill was to make it harder for citizens to participate in making laws those same citizens must live with.

  2. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2018-08-21 18:57

    …and that assumes, Porter, that he even knew what the intent was, since he surely did not read the details.

    Either way, Al proves he’s not fit to serve in the Legislature any longer.

  3. Debbo 2018-08-22 00:36

    “Duh, it says all that?” 🤔😫🙃

    I hope Novstrup had the good sense to be embarrassed. He looked like a fool.

  4. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2018-08-22 06:47

    More voters need to look at Al’s poor performance and failure to understand the bills he signs on to before casting their votes this November.

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