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Seiler Ready to Swat Out Crime; Republican Legislators Happy to Pose with Next Democratic Attorney General

The Brown County Republicans say you’ve got to look at this picture from the Brown County Fair of our two candidates for Attorney General standing next to my Republican neighbors’ fading ogrish Trump cut-out:

Brown County Republican Party, Tweet from Brown County Fair, 2018.08.17.
Brown County Republican Party, Tweet from Brown County Fair, 2018.08.17.

The Brown County GOP have got to get a better camera so we can all look more closely at that great green flyswatter experienced prosecutor Seiler is holding up in front of Trump, his highly popular campaign handout that reads, “Swat Out Crime.” That’s Seiler, ready to take action against pests of all sizes, while his inexperienced opponent Ravnsborg stands there with his hands in his pockets.

The Brown County GOP and their Brookings spin blogger are probably less eager to have you look at this Twitter pic, even though, arguably, it’s even more important:

Rep. Sam Marty, Randy Seiler, and Sen. Ryan Maher, Tweet from Randy Seiler campaign, 2018.08.19.
Rep. Sam Marty, Randy Seiler, and Sen. Ryan Maher, Tweet from Randy Seiler campaign, 2018.08.19.

That’s Democratic candidate for Attorney General Randy Seiler standing between Republican Representative Sam Marty of Prairie City and Republican Senator Ryan Maher of Isabel. They aren’t just three guys who happened to be in the same frame. They stopped, posed, and held hands, hands up in the air like winning boxers, smiling like guys who want each other to win.

That’s two Republican legislators who look an awful lot like they know South Dakota will be better off with Randy Seiler and not their party’s own feckless nominee serving as our next chief crime-swatter.


  1. Ryan Maher 2018-08-20

    That picture was taken in Camp Crook this morning 8/19/2018, Smallest parade in District 28 only two blocks long but what a great turn out for the Harding County Fair.

  2. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2018-08-20

    Senator Maher! Thanks for the geographical detail! Curious: How’d the county fair end up out on the border in Camp Crook instead of in the middle in Buffalo?

  3. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2018-08-20

    Seiler’s weekend itinerary, according to his team on Facebook: “On Friday, I visited the Brown County Fair in Aberdeen. On Saturday morning, our campaign walked in parades at Yankton Riverboat Days, White River Frontier Days, and the Crow Creek Dakota Nation Wacipi. After the parades I traveled to Tyndall for a meet and greet, then headed to the Crow Creek Pow Wow to participate in the Grand Entry. Earlier today, I walked in the Harding County Fair parade at Camp Crook and then traveled to Rapid City for the Central States Fair. Thank you to all of our volunteers, whose support continues to make this campaign possible. On to November!”

  4. Porter Lansing 2018-08-20

    Grandma Hilda would have scolded that fella’ for standing with his hands in his pockets.
    Note To Candidates: Don’t do that!!

  5. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2018-08-20

    Hands in pockets—indeed, Porter, that’s pretty basic public appearance advice. I’d have to look, but I don’t think I’ve ever posed for a picture with my hands in my pockets.

  6. Debbo 2018-08-20

    Wow. Seiller is really traveling! Lotta miles. Good luck Randy and vote smart SD.

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