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Community Get-Together Featuring Somali Culture Saturday, August 25, Aberdeen Public Library

To correct his inexcusable misrepresentation of a segment of Aberdeen’s recent immigrants as pedophiles, Patrol Sergeant Dan Kaiser should attend the genuinely educational and neighborly event that his police department is co-hosting on August 25:

Community Meet & Greet, featuring Somali heritage, August 25, 5-7 p.m., K.O. Lee Public Library, Aberdeen, SD.
Poster for Aberdeen Community Meet & Greet, poster spotted 2018.07.03.

The Aberdeen Police Department, our public library, and the Aberdeen Area Diversity Coalition are hosting a community get-together August 25 offering Aberdonians old and new, particularly our Somali-American neighbors, to get to know each other. Plus, refreshments!

A real educational event, not a hate rally, Dan. Come see the difference for yourself, Saturday, August 25, 5–7 p.m., K.O. Lee Public Library.


  1. grudznick 2018-08-05

    Are you able to attend, Mr. H? There must be several new people from Somolia who have moved to Aberdeen if they are able to throw a party to meet the neighbors. This is another great event with free food, and I too hope Mr. Kaiser attends. He could even pony up a pretty swell free will offering, if the hat were passed.

  2. Donald Pay 2018-08-05

    I think this is great. Small meet and greets like this help people learn about their neighbors and their cultures. I hope this gets expanded.

    Where I live, we have many international students and academics from all over the world. Various ethnic communities put on a feed, invite people, etc. Some hand out small samples of common foods eaten in their native countries and talk about how to cook it, hand out recipes, etc. They will talk about any food restrictions their culture/religion has. Sometimes they offer food for a small price as a fundraiser. The African students always put on a great feed. Of course there are a lot of cultures in Africa, and you get to learn about those by sampling their foods. We have a lot of ethnic food carts around, too, downtown and around the Capitol Building and Campus. And there is always music, too. And dancing. Food, music and dancing are all you need to have a great time meeting new people.

  3. Debbo 2018-08-05

    I agree with Donald Pay. I’ve attended several similar events in Minnesota and had a wonderful time. That boneheaded cop ought to be required to attend.

  4. Dana P 2018-08-06

    This is wonderful. I wish I lived closer, I would be there. And Sergeant Kaiser? Brush up a bit on Community Policing. Free your mind, you will be much happier and more successful.

  5. mike from iowa 2018-08-06

    FYI- and OT New Jersey ICE spox is a member of anti-Muslim hate groups.

  6. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2018-08-07

    No, irrelevant, Jason. Leave your strawmen on your alt-right RSS feed and deal with what your fellow South Dakotans are actually doing.

  7. Jason 2018-08-07

    Sorry Cory,

    You can’t differentiate SD Democrats from Democrats in other States.

    Are you saying Powerline is alt-right?

  8. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2018-08-10

    Irrelevant to the community get-together on August 25. Everybody is welcome to come learn about some of Aberdeen’s newest residents in person, not from online claptrap.

  9. mike from iowa 2018-08-10

    ] A 2007 memo from the National Republican Senatorial Committee described Power Line as one of the five best-read national conservative blogs.[3]

  10. jerry 2018-08-10

    Immigrants will work, more than can be said for pretty much everyone else. Carrier shows how all of that works. I guarantee you that if these Somali’s were given the task, they would show up early and give a hard days work. Same with Mexicans.

    “By the time the sun comes up, Nicole Hargrove knows if it’ll be a struggle to meet her quota at the Carrier furnace factory in Indianapolis. Six days a week, she’s on the assembly line by 6 a.m., when a buzzer sounds and starts a shift that is supposed to conclude with 1,100 newly built units. But lately, the line sometimes grinds to a premature halt, as supervisors wait for employees to straggle in — or give up and pull people off forklifts to fill in for no-shows. At the end of shifts like that, Ms. Hargrove and the others that bothered to come in have only 800 furnaces to show for their efforts.” New York Times 8/10/2018

    This shows completely whey we do not manufacture here anymore, we are too busy workin at nothing all day.

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