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Local Islamophobes Mad at Thune for Condemning Roy Moore

Look out, Senator Thune! Aberdeen’s local crypto-Klan—a.k.a., your base—is mad at you!

50 fearful fools drifted into the Aberdeen AmericInn last night to hear another dreary slideshow from Minnesota immigrant-hater Ron Branstner followed by (I assume, since I got bored and left early) a presentation from its joyless featured speaker, Susan Tully. Among the paper propaganda that Aberdeen’s cowardly crypto-Klan had laid out at the back next to the empty tip jars was the following screed blasting John Thune.

Printout; Americans First, Task Force meeting; Aberdeen, SD; 2017.12.07.
Printout; Americans First, Task Force meeting; Aberdeen, SD; 2017.12.07.

The Americans First, Task Force lets Breitbart drag it from its stated purpose (“to ensure the safety, economic future, and protect the constitutional freedoms of our community“) into a political food fight. But the anti-Thune blip stays true to our comma/capital-challenged neighbors’ commitment to failing on facts:

  1. Senator Thune called on Trump to step aside in one Tweet on October 8, 2016, then meekly reversed himself a week later after taking heat from Trumpists.
  2. There is no evidence that Donald Trump’s stepping aside would have resulted in a Clinton victory. Political observers and a poll in late October 2016 indicated Pence was stronger against Clinton than Trump was.
  3. Senator Thune has said in the press Franken should resign.
  4. I’m not aware of statements from Thune on Conyers, but such silence is not surprising, since Senators tend to refrain from commenting on members of the House.
  5. There is no blue dress—none of the accusations against Franken, Conyers, or Moore appear to consist of “physical evidence”, with the exception of that one photo from Franken. The most damning evidence of criminal intent is Donald Trump’s own voice, on tape, confessing his criminally aggressive sexual behavior.

Senator Thune is more consistent than the Aberdonians with Bannon and Moore stuffed in their ears give him credit. Thune has said both Moore and Franken should not be in the Senate. Before the political pressure hit, Thune also took the right position on Trump. We should all get on the phone to Thune to encourage him to greater consistency… which in this case would consist of resisting Donald Trump’s immorality, lying, and (most importantly) the destructive policies and fearmongering that fuel hate groups like the Americans First, Task Force.


  1. jerry 2017-12-08 08:05

    Roypublicans make pro Russian statements because Putin is their man. Putin is white, rides a pony and likes to get naked in front of the cameras. Moore is a white guy, likes to ride his pony and has a widdle pistol that he flashes minus the raincoat. Dude is the perv’s perv. This fits right into their closeted wheelhouse. Don’t take my word for it, here is the head homophobic (the moore they hate, the moore you know they are closeted) on his love, Putin. These are not Christian values or are they? The moore you see with this treason, the moore you can be sure they are not following the reason for the season.

    Islamophobia, Homophobia, Indianphobia, Catholicphobia, Jewishphobia, etc.phobia all fit into to the perfect definition of Anti-Americanism. In short, the common denominator is Putin and the sum of the whole is treason.

  2. o 2017-12-08 08:17

    Party first.

  3. Darin Larson 2017-12-08 08:22

    You have to wonder what conduct would be sufficient to disqualify a Republican from holding office in the eyes of the Americans First members? Could a Republican kill someone in the middle of the street without a defense and still get the vote of these deplorables? Would Republicans insist it is better that a murderer serve in Congress than that a Democrat be elected instead?

    These people have truly lost sight of morality, ethics, and a belief in country above party. When you are making excuses for sexual predators and a pedophile to justify your vote against a Democrat, you have lost yourself in darkness and should do some soul-searching.

  4. Roger Elgersma 2017-12-08 11:51

    Some republicans think they are for what is right but overlook all their own problems. Thune seems to be much better than that.

  5. Roger Cornelius 2017-12-08 14:02

    If local Islamophobes aren’t offended by Roy Moore’s child molestation accusations they probably aren’t offended by Moore’s recent comment, “the last time America was great was when slavery was legal”, (paraphrased).

  6. John 2017-12-09 08:23

    I’m looking forward to the re-election billboards, ads, and commercials with Thune & Rounds pictured with Roy Moore. Great fun.

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