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Jimmy Kimmel Takes Roy Moore to Sunday School

I know this comment section goes to heck in a handbasket almost immediately, but I invite contemplation of who’s the better theologian: Roy Moore or Jimmy Kimmel.

Alabama Republican Senate candidate and theocrat Roy Moore has challenged Hollywood celebrity and late-night theologian Jimmy Kimmel to come to Alabama for a “man to man” Jesus fight, or maybe a fist fight. Kimmel is ready for either:

…I accept the invitation. I will come down there….

…we’ll sit down at the food court, we’ll have a little Panda Express and we’ll talk about Christian values.

Because, and I don’t know, it doesn’t fit your stereotype — but I happen to be a Christian, too. I made my first Holy Communion; I was confirmed; I pray; I support my church; one of my closest friends is a priest; I baptized my children. Christian is actually my middle name. I know that’s shocking, but it’s true.

So if you’re open to it, when we sit down, I will share with you what I learned at my church. At my church, forcing yourself on underaged girls is a no-no. Some even consider it to be a sin. Not that you did that, of course. Allegedly.

But when you commit a sin at our church, at our church we’re encouraged to confess and ask for forgiveness for the sin. Not to call the women you allegedly victimized liars and damage them even more. To confess.

But maybe your church is different. I don’t know. Let’s figure it out together. I’ll be happy to talk it through. I would gladly sit down to interview you about it. Or maybe when you say “Come to Alabama and we’ll do it man to man,” maybe that means you’re challenging me to a fight, which is kind of what it sounds like. And if you are, I accept, by the way. I accept that invitation. There is no one I would love to fight more than you. I will put my Christian values aside just for you and for that fight [Jimmy Kimmel, transcript of on-air remarks, in Emily Yahr, “Read Jimmy Kimmel’s Scathing Response to Roy Moore After Their ‘Twitter War’,” Washington Post, 2017.12.01].

When Hollywood celebrities preach the Gospel better than conservative Republican Southern Baptists, the world has turned upside down.

See Kimmel’s full monologue on the conversation he’d like to have with Roy Moore here:


  1. OldSarg 2017-12-01 07:00

    Sad. Sad that you didn’t tell the story behind this story. Sad you didn’t tell everyone how Kinnel used his thugs to block the people of Alabama’s Freedom of Religion and Speech. You are above even this Cory. Tell everyone the whole truth of what Kimmel did Cory. Tell them.

  2. Jenny 2017-12-01 07:05

    But Jimmy, your church is also anti-LGBT, anti- birth control and against women becoming Priests and is run by a very secretive powerful organization of men who consider themselves important and get to make all the rules – the Vatican. I got out of that church because my conscience told me I could not support such beliefs. Beliefs that have hurt people for many years. Sometimes I miss certain aspects of that church but would never consider coming back until they welcome everyone.

  3. Jenny 2017-12-01 07:15

    For the record I am not supporting Roy Moore or his church.
    (I am also ready to stop supporting that MN Senator also.)

  4. Jenny 2017-12-01 07:26

    Kind of like what James Okeefe did to the Wash Post but it backfired big time, huh Sarg? They sure didn’t expect the newspaper to do their homework and really made Okeefe ( wannabe superstar for the GOP) a stumbling fool.
    Kimmel is all just in fun and games. Okeefe goes to the point of criminality.

  5. jimmy james 2017-12-01 07:38

    A Change Research Poll indicated that only 9% of Trump supporters in Alabama believe Moore’s accusers. Yikes.

    He has nine accusers as well as the people that can corroborate their stories. They were told about his interactions with his victims by those victims years ago. But no, they won’t believe them either.

    What can you say? No matter how crazy or conspiratorial Trump or Moore get, they still believe. They will follow them no matter what. There is absolutely no reasoning with them. I’ve tried. (Some are close relatives.)

    We have all heard about research that indicates most people just want validation for their beliefs. Facts really don’t matter. I guess I would have preferred not to believe that possibility. I can’t any more.

    Glad to be a former Republican.

  6. Ryan 2017-12-01 08:25

    I think this is great – and OldSarg providing the background makes it even funnier. Thanks for accidentally helping, OldSarg.

    To answer the post’s question – “who is the better theologian?” is tricky because these people are both public figures who are likely very different in reality than their personas that the public sees would have us believe.

    Ultimately, I think is great because Moore will either have to back up his invitation or he’ll look like a scared little child. I love when somebody calls somebody else’s bluff. Fantastic.

  7. Darin Larson 2017-12-01 08:33

    What’s funnier than Jimmy Kimmel’s comedy? OldSarg’s outrage about them dadgum trespassers from California disrupting a sacred and holy political event. Hey, if you come to Alabama you can be a child molesting Senator, but don’t you dare molest our political events held in churches! Them’s sacred.

  8. Rorschach 2017-12-01 09:11

    Whether Kimmel and Moore debate, or fight, I want to see it. If they put it on pay per view and promote it, it might be as big as Mayweather/McGregor but only if it’s before the election. Not much time for Moore to train.

  9. o 2017-12-01 11:27

    Only party matters.

    I am willing to bet all the money in my pocket that a scary percentage of those Alabama voters (especially those who Jimmy James refers to) cannot name the man they are voting for and the name of the man he is running against. All they know is GOP. Who the man is or what he may have done is irrelevant.

  10. mike from iowa 2017-12-01 12:28

    Political rallies in churches are supposed to violate church and state requirements. But wingnuts have never been accused of understanding constitutional requirements when doing so is to their detriment.

    Hey OldScourge, is pedophilia an acceptable form of suffer the children?

  11. Roger Cornelius 2017-12-01 12:48

    I don’t know who the better theologian really is, Moore may know more of the Bible than Kimmel.
    The question should be: who practices what they preach?
    It appears that Kimmel has a better handle on family values and that Moore pretends to practice family values based on his behavior.

  12. mike from iowa 2017-12-01 13:05

    Moore’s sincerely held religious beliefs let him believe his bible trumps the constitution and he isn’t bound by constitutional laws that conflict with his religion.

    I have said this before- if he wins and swears to uphold the constitution he will have committed perjury and can be removed from office. But, wingnuts need his vote so they will overlook their own shortcomings to advance the party’s goals.

  13. OldSarg 2017-12-01 13:46

    I can’t believe how ignorant the rest of you are. Hey, I’m ok with you all following Cory like lemmings. I didn’t expect anything else. I was disappointed in Cory though. What all you fail to realize is Kimmel crossed a line into the private lives and exploited those people on national TV all because he thought it would be funny. The fact the rest of you lemmings jump on the band wagon every time you think someone is wounded. kind of a sad place to be. . .

  14. Roger Cornelius 2017-12-01 13:57

    Trump lemmings is a sad place to be, even sadder is that those lemmings support Roy Moore when even his own party has condemned his behavior and is threatening to challenge his senate seat and immediately bring him before the senate ethics committee should he be elected.
    Naturally republicans will let any investigation drop because they need his vote for their selfish agenda.
    republicans expressed the same outrage after the Trump Access Hollywood tape became public, but elected him none the less.

  15. Darin Larson 2017-12-01 14:14

    Quick question, OldSarg, who do you suppose told Flynn to go meet with the Russians? I’ll give you a hint on the name: it starts with a T and ends in rump.

  16. mike from iowa 2017-12-01 15:13

    Roy Moore as Cheap Justice of the Bama Soopreme court violated LGBT’s rights to get married as adjudicated by the Scotus- the final arbiter of what is and isn’t the law of the land.

    The bible is not and has never been the official law of the land and if it was phony kristians violate the commandments daily. Moore should have been tossed in jail for knowingly violating American citizens rights.

  17. mike from iowa 2017-12-01 15:18

    Ignorant, OldMilwaukee? I will take that as a compliment from you and yours.

  18. Darin Larson 2017-12-01 16:22

    Hopefully, all well-informed readers of DFP know this story already: Remember the whole uproar over false allegations that Muslims had imposed Sharia law in a city in Michigan? Roy Moore tried to impose his version of Sharia for Jesus in Alabama by placing a 5,200 pound statue of the Ten Commandments in the Alabama state judicial building and insisting that “God’s law will be publicly acknowledged in our court.” Moore insisted that there were communities in the US that were under Sharia Law. Even though this allegation was false, he did not see the hypocrisy of insisting on laws being interpreted according to the dictates of his Christian faith and that God’s law ruled over the US Constitution.

  19. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2017-12-04 07:42

    Oh, what Jimmy Kimmel did to Roy Moore! Boo hoo!

    I would contend that Kimmel’s partner in comedy was actually upholding good Christian theology, speaking prophetically against Roy Moore’s abuse of power. Amen.

  20. Darin Larson 2017-12-04 08:13

    Republicans have decided it is better to embrace evil and ignore concerns about allegations of child molestation and sexual assault if it means securing a Senate seat in Alabama. Mitch McConnell now says let the people of Alabama decide if child molesters can serve in the US Senate. The Genital Grabber in Chief, who attacked Al Franken for groping people, now fully embraces and endorses Moore.

    Christian churches in Alabama have hosted Moore’s rallies as if preying on children is fine as long as you are praying. I thought sinners were supposed to be repentant and victims were supposed to be believed and embraced. I am not familiar with this brand of Christianity being practiced in Alabama and it brings shame on the church as a whole.

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