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Taneeza Islam on Islamophobia in Rural America

Here’s what Aberdeen’s xenophobes are afraid of:

Taneeza Islam is an American, a South Dakotan, a Muslim, and a neighbor. She understands the danger to the First Amendment and the cultural and economic health of South Dakota posed by outside forces exploiting South Dakota’s isolation, religious biases, and economic weakness to push conspiracy theories, manufactured hatred, and exclusionary attitudes and laws. She deserves our respect and support for speaking up from her extremely vulnerable minority position against angry, fearful South Dakota neighbors with whom she just wants to get along.


  1. Jim in DC 2017-12-08 09:49

    Thanks for sharing this! What an incredible South Dakota citizen! Wish I was her neighbor.

  2. Stace Nelson 2017-12-08 12:09

    Ms. Islam attempts to victim blame those people who are rightfully fearful of the horrific and constant brutal acts taken in the name of her religion. Her former organization that she came to Pierre to defend, CAIR, in fact has been tied repeatedly to supporting the worst terrorist organizations in the world. Shouting “bigot” and making other false claims of “racism” and “Islamophobia” is nothing more than the victim blaming propaganda Islamic terrorist’s Nazi allies used to silence their victims.

  3. grudznick 2017-12-08 14:42

    Bitter, much? I recall Ms. Islam really cleaning Mr. Nelson’s clock in the committees last year.

  4. Robin Pearce 2017-12-08 16:42

    Nelson seriously dude- Have you done a background check on the terrorists in this country ? None of them were even practicing muslims- They were criminals to start with.
    Your own Party doesn’t hold credence with your conspiracy theory since they passed open carry reciprocity across all states.
    I am more afraid of a white male Republican than anyone else.

  5. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2017-12-08 17:16

    Here we go again, Stace. Name me one South Dakotan attending the anti-Muslim rallies in South Dakota who has been a victim of “horrific and constant brutal acts taken in the name of her religion.”

    I’m not blaming victims. I’m calling a handful of closed-minded, easily tricked South Dakotans what they are.

  6. Roger Cornelius 2017-12-08 17:45

    Ms. Islam points out that the Muslim population of South Dakota is .003% or an estimate of 2,000 to 3,000, that number says there are not enough Muslims to influence any serious political changes.
    Seriously, if Muslims in this state were to take up arms against South Dakotans they would be squashed in a heartbeat by those 2nd Amendment guys.
    I also noted that these Islamophobes that spread their hate propaganda primarily target mainly rural areas, why do suppose that is?

  7. Stace Nelson 2017-12-08 20:32

    @Pearce seriously Dudette – While I understand the Left’s affiliation and allegiance to Islamic terrorism goes back to WWII, thus the need for the disassembly & diversionary tactics, it does not negate the fact Islamic terrorism remains the #1 security concern of our country and every one of our allies.

    @CAH Every person that watches the news, sees the heartless carnage and hears Islamic terrorists taking credit for another barbaric attack, is a victim. Blaming victims for taking Islamic terrorists brutality and threats seriously? Attempting to silence the fears installed in them by Islamic terrorists, with dishonest allegations of “bigotry” “racism” and “islamophobia?” Shows an insidious motive that bespeaks of the Islamic terrorists historic allies, the Nazis, propaganda blaming their victims for their efforts to engage in WWII. Quick, somebody distract from genfacts and scream “racists” “bigots” and “Idlamophobia” for these
    Folks daring to cite these terrorist acts:

  8. Porter Lansing 2017-12-08 22:03

    Relax Sen. Nelson. You’ve been duped by right wing radio, again.
    Far-right extremist violence caused 272 USA deaths between 1990 and 2016 — more than twice as many as the 130 deaths from USA Islamic extremism during the same period.
    Have a good day, don’t be afraid and know you’re safe …

  9. Roger Cornelius 2017-12-08 22:15

    Nelson isn’t only duped by right wing radio and FOX “News”, he’s also a reader and contributor to that lunatic Islamophobe from Mitchell.

  10. robin 2017-12-08 22:38

    Stace you might want to have Cambridge Analytic let you take a look at your profile, and could you please reframe your entire post so that you have at least some sentences that are not ad hominem fallacies ?
    It’s pretty difficult to try and argue with ad hominem fallacies.

  11. robin 2017-12-08 23:19

    Stace- If you are going to be in Government you should pay attention to what your Government is doing.
    This entire expensive mess could have been avoided by two things:
    1) Left the Iraqis alone
    2) Al Qaeda offered Bin Laden’s head up on a silver platter the US turned them down because……….. Well the only thing that comes to mind is arrogance.

  12. Dana P 2017-12-09 08:52

    Sad to see Stace further slinking into the racist bigoted territory of Islamaphobia. (wait for it? He will say I’m in denial, I’m victim blaming, I’m an apologist, I’m a libtard defender of Islamic terrorism, blah blah blah) and further buzz words of his buffet of word salad that he likes to throw out when he comments on many SD blogs. But never ever supports it with facts. Just spouts information (meaning – conspiracy theories) that is not verified and comes from people that like to fear monger.

    Sigh. Stace, I have a “fear” of anyone that wants to do us harm. Anybody. And yes, of course I don’t want terrorists to attack us, no matter WHO they are. If you are leaping to I’m “victim blaming” in that conclusion, well…….. no words.

    But I like to keep my “rightful fears” (your words) in perspective. The people that are attacking and killing (majority Muslim people) in the name of Islam, of course, are dangerous. I’m so glad that we have people that are working day and night, and even harder since Sept 11th, to keep us safe from future attacks. (The same professional hard working people, by the way, that the so-called President continues to attack, demean, and discredit.) These terrorists, are saying they are doing what they do, in the name of Islam. Nope. It has nothing to do with that religion and their propaganda is working in that way. And yes, you have swallowed that propaganda hook, line, and sinker. I lived next to a Muslim family for over 20 years. Probably the best neighbors I’ve ever had. So loving, wonderful, giving, and yes, patriotic. But I guess in your crazed mind, you would say I was blind to their huge terroristic attempts to plot against America. Sigh.

    Rightful fears. I rightfully fear gun violence (600 people shot in LV in October – if it was a “Muslim”, Nelson and other fear mongers would have rewritten the story. White guy does it? SHRUG), anti-gov’t militia in our country, politicians that are taking away our freedoms right now, politicians that are expanding the corporate hold on our country, etc. Ms Islam is not trying to spread propaganda, she is trying to educate – unfortunately, people like Stace don’t want to listen. They are stubborn, accept fear mongering propaganda and conspiracy theories as fact. THAT is very dangerous.

    You used the terms “heartless carnage”. Lots of heartless carnage happening on a daily basis in this country that has zero to do with “fake Islamic people”. DAILY. Sad that you refuse to address that, but are more than happy to continue to fear monger.

  13. Darin Larson 2017-12-09 09:04

    Stace is a “ban people not guns” type of guy.

  14. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2017-12-10 09:19

    Stace, Taneeza Islam and her children suffer daily from the fear, prejudice, and bigotry inflicted on them by people who take your position. No one inflicting that clear and present harm has been a victim of any terrorism carried out by her or her personal or professional associates.

    As for Stace’s expansive definition of “victim”… wow! I read and listen to a lot of news. I have heard about sexual harassment; thus, under Stace’s definition, I am a victim of sexual harassment. I have read a lot about racism; thus, under Stace’s definition, I am a victim of racism. I have read a lot about soldiers suffering from PTSD; thus, under Stace’s definition, I am a victim of PTSD. I have heard lots of news about cancer; thus, I am a victim of cancer.

  15. Ryan 2017-12-13 09:25

    Darin nails it right on the head. Short and sweet.

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