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Deadly Vanity: Trump Eschewed Masks Because They Smudged His Make-Up

During the coronavirus pandemic, the President of the United States set an example for millions of followers by refusing to wear a mask to prevent the spread of a new disease that has killed nearly 3,300 South Dakotans and over 1.14 million Americans.

According to Trump White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson, Trump’s choice to set that example was based on mere vanity:

Trump’s own antipathy to masks, and its effect on willingness to mask up among his ardent supporters, was established early in the pandemic. Notably, Hutchinson describes a visit to a mask-making factory in Phoenix, Arizona, in May 2020, in the chaotic and frightening first months of the Covid onslaught.

Trump was widely criticised for not wearing a mask during the tour of the Honeywell facility, though workers did and a sign was visible that read: “Attention: Face Mask Required in this Area. Thank You!” In a coincidence widely if mordantly noted, Live and Let Die, Paul McCartney’s theme song to Roger Moore’s first appearance as James Bond, played as Trump toured the plant.

Trump told reporters he tried a mask but did not wear it after consulting the company chief executive. Hutchinson writes that in fact Trump “decided on a white mask”, then asked staffers what they thought.

“I slowly shook my head,” she writes. “The president pulled the mask off and asked why I thought he should not wear it.

“I pointed at the straps of the N95 I was holding. When he looked at the straps of his mask, he saw they were covered in bronzer.”

Trump’s reliance on heavy makeup is well documented.

“Why did no one else tell me that,” he snapped. “I’m not wearing this thing.”

“The press would criticise him for not wearing a mask,” Hutchinson writes, “not knowing that the depth of his vanity had caused him to reject masks – and then millions of his fans followed suit” [Martin Pengelly, “Trump and Meadows Joked About Covid on Plane After Biden Debate,” The Guardian, 2023.09.20].

Well, Republicans have been telling us that men wearing make-up are a threat to life as we know it. Trump’s choice to keep his make-up unsmudged over keeping himself and the people around him safer from coronavirus. That vain choice led numerous Americans to reject a basic and inexpensive public health action. As a result, more Americans died of coronavirus than would have with a better role model in the White House, a man who would have put the lives of his fellow Americans ahead of his vanity.


  1. scott 2023-09-22 06:51

    It is interesting how the MAGA world jumps on everything Trump did and still does. No thinking wanted, just believe and follow.

  2. sx123 2023-09-22 08:35

    … and seat belts wrinkle suits and dresses.

  3. O 2023-09-22 08:41

    Donald Trump is an image obsessed narcissist; who knew?
    Trump’s healthy, orange glow was not natural; who knew?
    A cult follows its leader’s actions without question — even in opposition of reason: who knew?

  4. Donald Pay 2023-09-22 08:42

    I mean, really, Trump gets the vapors over his makeup?!!!! He needs to enter Ru Paul’s Drag Race. Is Trump a man or a woman?

    I know, I know. It’s just that I’m an old-fashioned American man who doesn’t pay much attention to my image. My fashion sense is just a bit less sloppy than Senator Fetterman’s. Looking at Trump’s supporters, I would say they are more like me and would never put on feminine bronzer to look manly. I have to wonder what color panties he wears.

  5. leslie 2023-09-22 08:59

    Pretty much says everything anyone would want to know about Trump. Then came the rationalizing against masks, destroying Fauci. Rationalizing Saudi’s MBS participation in Kashoggi’s murder. Rationalizing Putin’s war and the whole Russia, Russia, Russia Jan 6 “peaceful walk-through” of the Capitol. Rationalizing the 2024 presidency bid to avoid deranged 91 felony counts. Rationalizing “good guys with guns”. Rationalizing 6-3 conservative SCOTUS. Rationalizing slavery. Rationalizing Republicans as the party of Lincoln.

    Who wears more of a mask of make-up? Trump? Noem?

  6. larry kurtz 2023-09-22 09:09

    Chancellor Trump makes Jeffrey Dahmer look like humanity’s savior.

    It’s becoming increasingly apparent that Republicans are suffering from mass clinical depression comorbid with suicide ideation. When Trump told Republicans to shoot up bleach and quaternary ammonia then look at the sun for an hour or so to kill Covid-19 every single Republican should have done that.

  7. Mike Lee Zitterich 2023-09-22 11:41

    Do NOT worry Democrats, “WE” Patriots are creating an excellent plan to Restore the Republic of Free States, where the People control the United States Government. “WE” are the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel, many of us are all have common ancestors to the 12 Germanic Tribes that once called the Country of Pomerania home – a country so massive, that today, includes parts of, or all of Mecklenburg (Germany), Denmark, Austria, Hungary, Poland, the Baltic States, Sweden, Norway, all with strong connections to Germany itself..

    We are a culture of people born of Pommerian Farmers of who came to the United States between 1830 and 1920 settling in Dakota Territory, while under our temporary government, formed Counties, to which under them, we formed Homesteads, Farm-steads, townships, and other colonies of people, whereas our religious protestant faith, led to forming the ideal core values of the Republican Party (1848), whereas by 1889, the States of South Dakota, North Dakota, Wyoming, and Montana were formed..

    If you track America’s Ancestory, you will find that much of the Northern States stretching from Wisconsin in the east, to as far as Oregon and Washington in the far west all share this common ancestory and you will discover the main reasons why these “States” seemingly will unite together, establishing a coalition, a “Confederacy of Member-States” with the one goal of Restoring the Republic to Save America.

    You owe your allegience to a Group of People called the Ulster Scots – who rose up during the Revolutionary War, proclaiming their Sovereingty, standing up against the King of England, whereas they further, stood up again during the War of 1812, and it was one of them, Francis Key, who written the words to the Star Spangled Banner, becoming our “National Anthem” in the early 1930’s.

    Way, a long time ago, roughljy 972 B.C.E, the 10 Tribes of Israel were displaced, headed northbound into Europe to escape religious persecution when the Assyrians conquered their massive area, leaving only Judea as the lone tribe, however, little did we know, those 10 tribes, who assimilated into the early origins of the European Continent, found each other, as they reconnected in the Northern States, making up the United States of America, first by residing in Pommeria, becoming farmers, hunter-gatherers, to merchants…The 10 Lost Tribes are reconnecting themselves once again, and together ‘we’ will play our role in Saving America.

    WE declare ourselves Sovereign, taking no Allegiance to NO KING or QUEEN, let alone Form of Government, “WE” are “States of People” to which stand united – Washington, Oregon, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, and Wisconsin.

    We will reconnect under a Political Action Committee under the name “We the People to Save the Republic Political Action Committee”

    We will adopt the 14 Articles of Freedom, Stand United as One Nation, and Install Back into Power, Our “Republic” of which it Stands.

  8. larry kurtz 2023-09-22 11:48

    The Zitterich Earth haters want to suspend the US Constitution and slaughter those of us who actually believe in freedom.

  9. e platypus onion 2023-09-22 12:20

    Better call Homeland Security, FBI, Secret Service and report this manifesto spewing domestic terrorist operation.

  10. O 2023-09-22 12:23

    Mike, I’m not as confident as you are that a common historical background will mean that South Dakota, North Dakota, Wyoming, and Montana will act as if one mind on issues. I also would have to point out that there has been lots of immigration and change since 1889 that may also complicate your monolithic hope.

    I would much rather see what unites the people of this nation NOW. You may be singing a slightly different verse, but is has the same tune as the MAGA song of romanticizing a past that should be questioned as much (if not more) than be extolled.

  11. All Mammal 2023-09-22 12:32

    You go ahead and owe your allegiance, Mr. Z. I will now consider you a traitor. I know my ancestry. I am as legit as it gets. Regardless of my ancestral origins, I am 100% American. I pledge my allegiance to all people who believe in the freedom of others.

    Fruitcakes who want power over others are so played out, man. Get over yourself. We get it, you’re white man. Yippy skippy. The only way that means anything anymore is if you have the bravery to advocate for the small.

    There’s nothing worse in an American than being a ladder puller.

  12. Mike Lee Zitterich 2023-09-22 12:41

    No where above did I say anything about Suspending the United States Constituiton. “WE” can use the 1789 Constitution directly to our advantage, it is all ABOUT enforcing our “Rights” as a State and as Free People living on the land under all the Treaties agreed to.

    Democrats seem to hate the Constitution for this very feature, that it allows Americans to ENFORCE their protected rights as Free States, and People as per our Declaration and the Articles, and the Northwest Ordinance to which provides the guidelines, and means of organization of “States” to which can form a temporary government, with the goal to put back together the REPUBLIC.

    1) It starts with organizing under the Counties by holding Precinct Committees,
    2) It then goes to a convention where we can choose, and pick our At Large Representatives – Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, State Auditor, Treasurer, Land Commissioner, U.S Senator, and “our” Elector for the President and Vice President.

    3) Draw up a Resolution, to Hold a “Special Election” unless the next General Election is within 30 days of choosing those Persons. Since this is 2024, “WE” will utilize the General Election to place our “Choices” on the Ballot come November 2024.

    4) By S.D Law, those At-Large Reps take office in January of 2025, whereas, “Our” Elector for President goes to the Convention to cast his “Ballot” one for President, and one for VIce President in December 2024, of which we shall place our “guy” on those ballots.

    5) By means of the Precinct Strategy, “WE” will put our people in “Official Offices” of which govern over, the “state government” and of which our “Rightful Choice for President” will govern over the Federal Government in our “Image”.

    States like Pennsilvania and Minnesota are trying to manipulate this process by issuing Voter Rights to anyone with a State Driver License, hence their only means to beat us, is by giving Illegal Immigrants the right to vote, bribing them to vote early and often, “WE” will catch them.

  13. larry kurtz 2023-09-22 12:55

    Violence is all the far white wing of Zitterich’s political party have left to stop the progress made possible by multicultural diversity.

  14. Donald Pay 2023-09-22 13:21

    A few years ago I took a course in European Fascism from WWI until modern times. You couldn’t get a better idea for the myths and delusions that energized that movement than what Mike Z. spewed out above. It’s utter nonsense, of course, but it’s very dangerous nonsense because it can lead, as we have seen, to political violence against people who refuse to accept the fascist myths.

    My mother’s parents left “Germany,” too, though what we know as Germany is made up of a lot of different peoples who speak roughly similar languages. My ancestors didn’t have that “sh*t doesn’t stink” attitude about their “people” that Mike Z. exhibits. They had enough humility and Lutheran theology to know that such thought is not Christian, but is derived from pagan elements from the Middle Ages. They were simple farmers who escaped Germany just for that kind of thinking.

  15. Mike Zitterich 2023-09-22 13:22

    Your right, i hate all these MULTI-NATIONAL CORPORATIONS who have site stolen all put business activity from SMALL LOCALLY OWNED BUSINESS. We do NOT want a New World Order. We stood up to the NEOCON wing of the Republican and we are restoring order.

  16. larry kurtz 2023-09-22 13:39

    It must be horrible in Sioux Falls where so few people even speak English anymore. Spanish speakers are holding a music festival in my hometown of Elkton and it must be sending the white christianic nationalists in seething madness.

  17. larry kurtz 2023-09-22 14:02

    Zitterich is in several Faceberg groups so those with accounts can go there then report him to moderators so they can throw him off the platform.

    Start here.

  18. e platypus onion 2023-09-22 14:33

    White Nationalists apparently define restoring order as fomenting utter chaos amd trying to destroy America.

  19. grudznick 2023-09-22 14:45

    That seems kind of mean, Lar. And funny.

  20. e platypus onion 2023-09-22 14:48

    States like Pennsilvania and Minnesota are trying to manipulate this process by issuing Voter Rights to anyone with a State Driver License, hence their only means to beat us, is by giving Illegal Immigrants the right to vote, bribing them to vote early and often, “WE” will catch them.

    Two lies I have debunked for Zit before, but magats tend to repeat same lies over and over so they themselves will start to believe them.

  21. O 2023-09-22 15:05

    Mike writes: ” . . . it is all ABOUT enforcing our “Rights” as a State and as Free People living on the land under all the Treaties agreed to.” That line made me think of our Native American colonization. I think we have plenty of tribes that wish the US (even Mike’s faction) did live up to treaties and agreements to allow freedom.

    I feel like I’m hearing the same song over and over: when the right people are in charge, the system is great; when stupid democracy allows the others to be in charge, let’s change the system. What is it about white christian nationalists that they cannot function if they perceive themselves as the minority? Why is their dominance the ONLY way of society for them? Why all the skullduggery for absolute dominance? Why is your ability to believe, worship, and live as you choose not enough unless you force EVERYONE to do the same?

  22. Rick 2023-09-22 15:46

    Mike Zitterich
    2023-09-22 13:22
    Your right, i hate all these MULTI-NATIONAL CORPORATIONS who have site stolen all put business activity from SMALL LOCALLY OWNED BUSINESS. We do NOT want a New World Order. We stood up to the NEOCON wing of the Republican and we are restoring order.

    I think it’s great that you set aside special time each day to humiliate yourself in public.

  23. Eve Fisher 2023-09-22 16:24

    ““WE” are the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel, many of us are all have common ancestors to the 12 Germanic Tribes that once called the Country of Pomerania home – a country so massive, that today, includes parts of, or all of Mecklenburg (Germany), Denmark, Austria, Hungary, Poland, the Baltic States, Sweden, Norway, all with strong connections to Germany itself..
    We are a culture of people born of Pomerian Farmers of who came to the United States between 1830 and 1920 settling in Dakota Territory, while under our temporary government, formed Counties, to which under them, we formed Homesteads, Farm-steads, townships, and other colonies of people, whereas our religious protestant faith, led to forming the ideal core values of the Republican Party (1848), whereas by 1889, the States of South Dakota, North Dakota, Wyoming, and Montana were formed..”

    First of all, “you’re” not the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel, and Pomerania never spread north to Scandinavia. They stayed within the Baltic area.
    Secondly, Pomerania farmers did not come to the Dakota Territory in 1830. The first people to come through the Dakota Territory were French traders and fur trappers, which is why half the names of everything in this and North Dakota are French. The French are not Pomeranian, and would cheerfully deck anyone who said they were.
    Thirdly, wherever the “10 Lost Tribes” went, they seem to have genetically assimilated into Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. See:
    So, if you are of the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel this means that you’re not Pomeranian, you’re either Asian, Arab, or African. Which are you?

  24. sx123 2023-09-22 16:41

    @mike – I agree that many (most?) of us in SD have roots in Germany and Scandanavia. Not sure about the lost tribes of Isreal thing. Sounds like a lotta woo to me.

    Also not sure what the point of this is as we are all ultimately from Africa.

  25. Mike Lee Zitterich 2023-09-22 16:59

    sx123, thank you for being respectful, and I will tell you, many of the people from the 10 Lost Tribes historically went north into Europe, they would have created colonies of people all throughout Europe, you can historically track some of these movements, such as the Ulstra Scots can be tracked as migrating to England through Pommeria….many of these people can be traced to the Lost Tribes. of Isreal.

    And the people of POMMERN did all migrate to America and settled in the regions today known as Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, South Dakota, North Dakota, Wyoming, and Montana, etc. This is a proven fact. and POMMERN was in fact a country that included cultures of people that later became Mecklenburg, Poland, HUngary, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, etc.

    We also know many of the Fake Jews derived from a country called Kharzia, of whom were wealthy merchants, and bankers of whom adopted Judiasm as their own, and became known today as the Zionist Bankers, playing a huge role during World War II

  26. larry kurtz 2023-09-22 17:15

    What was Dunbar’s line in Dances With Wolves? “They will come as locusts more than the stars in the midnight sky.”

  27. Arlo Blundt 2023-09-22 17:16

    Mr. Zittrich: The Ten Lost Tribes??? When you post, can you try to relate to the here and now?? You’re talking 70,000 centuries ago and speculating on an event too dim for human memory.

  28. Arlo Blundt 2023-09-22 17:22

    Pardon my math, Mr. Zittrich, …7,000 centuries ago..Still…a very dim and speculative amount of time to relate to an event for which no physical evidence exists.

  29. e platypus onion 2023-09-22 17:35

    It was Pomerania, not Pommeria.

  30. e platypus onion 2023-09-22 17:36

    Zit is like drumpf calling Nepal and Bhutan, Nipple and Button.

  31. larry kurtz 2023-09-22 17:37

    So, in other words, Mr. Trump killed over a million mostly Republicans because a mask would smear his mask?

  32. e platypus onion 2023-09-22 17:43

    Mormons believe/d Native Americans were one of more of the lost tribes of Israel, so I heard.

  33. Arlo Blundt 2023-09-22 17:52

    ie: Lost Tribes of Israel–If, and its a BIG IF, the Lost Tribes of Isreal even existed, they are now, centuries later, most closely related to the Semitic Arab peoples inhabiting the Levant, Irag, Syria, Jordon and Saudi Arabia…but it’s all academic straw splitting. All the tribes comprising Humanity have intermarried, conquered, raped, and enslaved each other, so often, and for so long, any resemblance to contemporary humans is fragile and fragmented.

  34. Bob Newland 2023-09-22 17:53

    I like Mikey Z’s presence. Reminds me regularly that I need to flush when I poop.

  35. larry kurtz 2023-09-22 17:55

    Ms. Hutchinson outed Rudy Giuliani as a depraved lecher just like Mr. Trump is.

  36. sx123 2023-09-22 18:01

    We are all descended from a mashup of people migrating, mating, migrating, mixing, mating, on and on. There are no pure lineages or other nonsense like that. If I only go back a few generations, then sure, I can say I’m of Norwegian/Northern German decent. Cool, I’m Viking. But Vikings (subjects for great TV) are a mix of people, Germanic tribes for one, which are a mix of others. Awesome. And keep going back and the picture gets blurrier and blurrier and we all meet in Africa. Lost tribes, whatever.

  37. larry kurtz 2023-09-22 18:10

    Seven of my eight great grandfathers were Ashkenazi Jews.

  38. larry kurtz 2023-09-22 18:14

    Great grandparents, rather.

  39. Bob Newland 2023-09-22 18:39

    Miikey Z., would you like to share your DNA results?

  40. P. Aitch 2023-09-22 19:22

    The dominant heritage in South Dakota are Russian Germans who left the Volga River region of Russia when the Russian government would no longer allow them to speak their language and retain their customs.
    If you, like Cory, live in SD and don’t have Russian German blood you were raised around their dominant culture and exhibit Russian German customs, tendencies, and stubbornness.

  41. P. Aitch 2023-09-22 19:35

    The name Zitterich has zero mention in any country of the world. Probably a name change occurred when moving to USA.

  42. DaveFN 2023-09-22 19:59


    Thanks for sharing that link!

    “He has no class, no charm, no coolness, no credibility, no compassion, no wit, no warmth, no wisdom, no subtlety, no sensitivity, no self-awareness, no humility, no honour and no grace…There is never any under-layer of irony, complexity, nuance or depth. It’s all surface. Some Americans might see this as refreshingly upfront.”

    Noem characteristically sees Trump as “refreshingly upfront:”

    “He’s unapologetically himself, he’s real, he’s genuine, he is who he is, and he never pretends to be something he’s not,” she said [at the recent Rapid City Trump rally].

    I opt for the British opinion.

  43. Mildred 2023-09-22 21:12

    SHUT UP 🤬 Mike Lee Zitterich

  44. Todd Epp 2023-09-22 21:20

    Zit, I think Pomeranians are great! A very small and loyal dog that needs considerable grooming to look presentable. 🐾

  45. Todd Epp 2023-09-22 21:27

    According to my German to English translator, Zitterich means “trembling.”

  46. P. Aitch 2023-09-22 23:03

    @Mike Z – Nothing wrong with being from a family with an invented name. Trump is an invented name his grandfather on his Dad’s side came up with to cover for his grandfather’s cowardice in the German war. Real name was Drumpf. Also changed it so he could sell low quality tract homes to Jewish New Yorkers.

  47. jakc 2023-09-22 23:27

    I am surprised that Mr Z isn’t also a descendant of survivors from the lost continent of Atlantis

  48. Jake Kammerer 2023-09-23 12:47

    mike z= so full of it; and I don’t mean just hot air!

  49. Mike Zitterich 2023-09-23 18:20

    My ancestors can ve traced back thru my mom’s side, the Zulks to the Koepsells who came to America from Mecklenberg a small part of Germany that sas part of Pommeria.

    On my dad’s side, the ZittericK’s came also from Meckleburg Also…

    So both sides of my family happened to come over on the same shop from what once was the country of Pommern.

    Pommern was broken up around 1730 into Germany, Poland, Hungary, Austria, Denmark, Baltic States….

    All these countries share the same Germanic culture. Language, etc…

    Many of the lost tribes of Israel can be linked to thus region…

    My ancestors would have arrived in America between 1850 to 1870 landing near Boston. The Keopsells came thru N.Y before settling in Wisconsin where they built the Keopsell House which is is on display to this day. Which many of them later move to S.D claiming farmsteads near Unityville, S.D

    MY ancestors on the Zitterick side arrived in Boston between 1850-1870 and ended up settling in Esterville. IA, where my grandparents met then moved their family to Sioux Falls in 1955, where myvdad graduated from Washington in 1969. My mom abuear behind 1970 when they got married in 1972.

    My great-great grand parents would have been part of the earlt homesteaders in Dakota Territory along with the Ingal Family near Desmet.

    For many of us, we are only 4 generations Removed from the people who founded S.D

    Our Ancetory is mostly from this Pommerian Region which explains why 90% of us are German, Dutch, Polish, Hungarian, Swedish, Norwegian…it also explains our state constitution also…

  50. jerry 2023-09-24 07:40

    Zit, there were many Jewish folk who came to America or other parts of Europe and then changed their religion to Catholic, mostly. So yours is just another blended immigrant family. It makes me wonder then, why you hate yourself for being who you are.

  51. Loti 2023-09-24 21:40

    Trump followers took his lead and refuse to wear masks too. They do wear his Red caps. Very Bazaar mentality those people who follow him. :(

  52. leslie 2023-09-26 11:32

    More on Trump’s narcissistic personality. The epitome of “non-woke”!

    General Mark Milley:

    For example, at the ceremony welcoming him as the new chairman, Milley invited Captain Luis Avila to sing “God Bless America.” Avila had completed five combat tours, lost a leg in an IED attack in Afghanistan, and suffered two heart attacks, two strokes, and brain damage as a result of his injuries. Jeff writes:

    After Avila’s performance, Trump walked over to congratulate him, but then said to Milley, within earshot of several witnesses, “Why do you bring people like that here? No one wants to see that, the wounded.”

    Never let Avila appear in public again, Trump told Milley.

    “Milley’s family venerated the military, and Trump’s attitude toward the uniformed services seemed superficial, callous, and, at the deepest human level, repugnant.”

    But Trump did respect some military personnel, especially Eddie Gallagher, the Navy SEAL who was court-martialed on multiple charges and whose own comrades testified to his bloodthirsty and reckless behavior. (Gallagher was acquitted of all charges except for posing with a slain enemy’s corpse.) Trump intervened in the question of whether Gallagher, despite his acquittals, should keep his SEAL pin—a decision traditionally made by fellow SEALs.

    Trump “called [defrocked Seal] Gallagher a hero and said he didn’t understand why he was being punished.”

    “Because he slit the throat of a wounded prisoner,” Milley said.

    “The guy was going to die anyway,” Trump said.

    It’s a war crime, Milley protested, to no avail. Trump refused to see what the “big deal” was all about. “You guys”—and here he meant combat soldiers—“are all just killers. What’s the difference?”

    Kristi endorses Trump. What fools! Noem characteristically sees Trump as “refreshingly upfront:”

    “He’s unapologetically himself, he’s real, he’s genuine, he is who he is, and he never pretends to be something he’s not,” she said [at the recent Rapid City Trump rally].

  53. e platypus onion 2023-09-26 11:45

    drumpf’s a war crime.

  54. P. Aitch 2023-09-27 15:30

    Trump killed Net Neutrality – We Liberals Reinstate Net Neutrality

    FCC chair Jessica Rosenworcel just announced plans to restore net neutrality rules previously reversed during the Trump administration, Axios’ Maria Curi reports. – AXIOS AI 9/27/23

    If approved, the net neutrality rules would place providers under the same classification as phone companies, allowing the FCC to treat the internet as an essential service subject to greater regulation.

    The FCC’s rules aim to prevent internet companies from slowing down service, blocking content or showing preferential treatment to websites that pay by, for example, increasing speeds.

  55. leslie 2023-09-28 21:14

    National security experts have concluded that there are more than ten million Trump MAGA people and other members of the Republican fascist party and right-wing who support using violence to remove President Biden and the Democrats from power. Of those many millions, there are perhaps only a “few” hundred thousand who are willing to actually engage in direct acts of violence.

    The potential and reality of right-wing political violence in America as part of a plan to end multiracial pluralistic democracy is not some type of unknown or mystery.

    Ideation and fantasy and wish fulfillment of committing acts of violence against “the enemy” are well-documented steps in a process through which political violence up to and including genocide and eliminationism is normalized.

    Trumpism is a way … to engage in the fantasy and ideation of violence as a way of getting power and “getting even” with their “enemies”, those Black and brown people, gays and lesbians, transgendered people, “liberals”, “the left”, “political correctness”, “Black Lives Matter”, “Woke”, “Critical Race Theory”, “illegal immigrants”, criminals, “intellectuals”, “socialists”, “feminists”, “Muslims”, or whoever in their minds has somehow “oppressed” “real Americans” like them by not staying in their place as a second class citizens who are to be subservient and obedient to White “Christian” Americans. Chauncy DeVega

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