Rallies for reproductive rights will take place in both of South Dakota’s largest cities on Sunday. In addition to the NOW/ACLU/Planned Parenthood “Outrage for Roe” rally in Rapid City Sunday, multiple organizations are hosting the “Our Bodies, Our Futures” rally in Sioux Falls Sunday, July 10, from noon to 3:
Regardless of what the courts say, abortion is our right and we won’t stop fighting for our ability to control our bodies and our futures.
Community organizations from across South Dakota, like Planned Parenthood, JEN, The Transformation Project Advocacy Network, Equality South Dakota, LEAD, Students for Reproductive Rights, South Dakota Voices for Peace, and the ACLU, will never stop fighting for a person’s right to reproductive freedom.
Each of us has the power to decide if and when we start a family. Politicians don’t belong in our personal lives. FIGHT BACK: Join us in downtown Sioux Falls as we rally for abortion rights.
Event details:
- 12 p.m. CT – 1 p.m. CT | Community Rally at the Minnehaha County Courthouse, 425 N. Dakota Ave.
- 1 p.m. CT – 3 p.m. CT | Community Gathering at Van Eps Park, 300 N. Minnesota Ave [Planned Parenthood SD, LEAD SD, et al., Facebook event post, retrieved 2022.07.07].
The ACLU is also offering “digital rally assets” for folks who can’t make the drive to Sioux Falls or Rapid City.

Keep rallying, keep making your support for women’s equality visible, and don’t forget to come back to the courthouse Monday to register to vote. Then ask all of your candidates for Legislature, Governor, and Congress where they stand on abortion rights and women’s autonomy. Early voting begins September 23.
Can I now take out life insurance policies in SD for any unborn persons my daughters may or may not knowingly miscarry during their child bearing years? Ka-ching!
Do fertilized eggs now have personhood in SD? Double ka-ching!
sx123 raises good questions. I also wonder whether birth certificates will set the dob as the date of conception so that young people may buy alcohol, become subject to execution for capital offenses, obtain driver’s licenses, join the military, etc., nine months earlier than before Dobbs?
Bear and sx123 – If you’ve tracked the anti-choice legislation over the decades in Pierre, you would agree that overturning Roe unleashes the untethered lunacy of the anti-choice forces.
A great example was a hearing I attended in a Senate committee meeting in the mid-90s. Representative Roger Hunt posted a bill that would require burial privileges for any fetus. He argued that the remains were those of a legit human being who should be accorded the decency of burials in cemeteries, etc. The Senator from Madison, Dr. Dick Belatti, brought a dose of common sense to the hearing after Hunt’s ridiculous presentation. “Representative Hunt,” he said, holding up a styrofoam coffee cup, “I’ve been a doctor long enough to know that the remains you’re describing couldn’t even fill this cup. It goes out with the rest of the medical waste.” Belatti sponsored and co-sponsored plenty of anti-choice bills, but he would at least allow for rape, incest and the life of the mother and he wasn’t going to play Hunt’s extremist games.
Now that they’ve achieved their objective, they will be looking for new targets and crazier ideas to keep up the fervor. Funerals for zygotes will be one of them, just watch. It’s going to be Upside Down World in Pierre until there is common sense and decency restored in Washington and in Pierre.
That may be why Noem appears to be walking back on her tough talk pledging there would be a special session and that she plans to make South Dakota the most hostile state for anyone considering an abortion. No wonder her TV ad shows her racing across the prairie on a horse. She’s running away from being held accountable for all of her bullsh#t.
Since the activist magat scotus has neutered mthe EPA, how long until we start seeing more deformed fetuses that magats will blame on socialism?
mike – Don’t be surprised when such a bill gets introduced.
Noithing surprises me anymore after hearing MTG claim AOC is dumber than a kindergartner
mfi–I for one would pay a lot to see a televised debate between AOC and MTG or even one between AOC and the cat woman guv we have.
Just a couple more injections and the guv will look like Jocelyn Wildenstein.
I agree with either debate as long as magats wear shock collars to keep them on the subject being debated. Fake Noize would immedciately accuse AOC of abusing feeble minded magats..