Last updated on 2022-07-08

NOW South Dakota is hosting a march and rally Sunday in Rapid City to protest the reduction of women to second-class citizens:
Abortion is healthcare! We in South Dakota have been deprived of a basic human right to a safe and essential form of healthcare.
We are coming together for three reasons: 1. To comfort from one another, 2. To raise our voices so no one can ignore us, and 3. To offer resources and ways for folks to get involved and make a change.
Join us at 11 a.m. on July 10 at Central High School. We will march from there through Memorial Park and will end at the MP Band Shell, where speakers will offer stories and ways to get involved.
Please note we will have chairs near the Band Shell for our elders and others who may need them. We will also have an ASL interpreter. Please let us know how we can otherwise accommodate you [NOW SD, “Outrage for Roe” Facebook event, retrieved 2022.07.06].
NOW SD’s press release says the South Dakota ACLU and Planned Parenthood are partners in this protest.
magats in Kansass want to eliminate abortion from their constitution. They have scheduled a crucial vote on this subject for the primary election when there will be few Dem races and a bevy of magat races to be decided. Stack the stacked deck against pro-choice voiters.
magats can’t win without cheating. Proven tgime and again.
“So, again, we find ourselves in this bananas situation where somebody says, ‘You have to implant an embryo that we know is going to turn into a fetus that can’t live.’”
Can’t think of a better place for it. About time people who love liberty and personal choice demonstrated in this bastion of the far right.