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“Pale, Stale, and Male”—SDGOP Spin Blog Finally Turns on Al Novstrup

Dakota War College has consistently promoted Al Novstrup as a smart politician and an attentive, effective legislator for Aberdeen’s District 3. But now that DWC’s sponsor Governor Kristi Noem has turned her favor to Rachel Dix, a newly registered Republican who is running against Novstrup in the Republican primary, the SDGOP spin blog turns on its dime against Novstrup, deeming him and his fellow District 3 Republican incumbents “pale, stale, and male“:

As opposed to being more independent, in the last several elections Novstrup has allied himself closely with his running mates, Carl Perry and Kaleb Weis (and before the change-over in District with Drew Dennert) in more of a team approach to campaigning. This approach, while it made campaigning cheaper at the time, did not do him any good in the long run as it melded him with the pack, transferring their negatives to him by association and really removing his individuality.

Because, really.. is Carl Perry viewed by his constituents as a distinctive leader in the House? Probably not.  Kaleb Weis has not been able to pass a single bill in 4 years, and probably has a dimmer view, with people questioning if he eats crayons. Now when Al needs to be his own individual, as one person quipped to me about the current team of District 3 legislators, the comment was that when you look at the group of them, your impression is that they’re pale, stale, and male.  Ouch [Pat Powers, “Primary Battle Between Newcomer Rachel Dix Versus 20yr Incumbent Al Novstrup. This Years’ Tobin v. Qualm Contest?Dakota War College, 2022.05.25].

And now with Noem’s nod elsewhere, Novstrup goes from paragon of Aberdeen business to distracted Sioux Falls carny:

Dix might be a newcomer to politics, but as her opponent has focused on building his Thunder Road business in Sioux Falls (which is a great facility, BTW), Dix has been working in the community and volunteering with organizations in Aberdeen. Arguably, she’s a more active and visible day to day presence in Aberdeen, which shows with her tremendous fundraising prowess [Powers, 2022.05.25].

Aberdeen has long needed better representation in Pierre than distracted, self-serving Al Novstrup. I’m glad both Governor Noem and her obsequious spin blogger have recognized that fact.


  1. grudznick 2022-05-26

    Even Mr. Novstrup, the elder, has a shelf-life that is not infinite. And c’mon, who doesn’t think a tanned, fresh female is better than the stooges, three? Although it could be time for a come-back for the younger Novstrup, so watch out for that.

  2. DR 2022-05-26

    Grudz, the Novstrup, the younger is making a comeback, he is running for city council in Aberdeen

  3. grudznick 2022-05-26

    This is a good blogging, indeed. I like the blue links to some of Mr. PP’s old writings. The one where he talks about how Mr. Novstrup, the elder, beat Mr. H “like a rented mule” is one of my favorites.

    …Novstrup beating Heidelberger like a rented mule…

    It is also a great educational piece on how to run a campaign for the legislatures, and how Mr. Novstrup skillfully managed the game back in the days when he was less fringy.

    But Mr. H’s blogging here is good, too. It allows him to poke the goats of his two biggest nemeses since high school.

  4. larry kurtz 2022-05-27

    Given enough lift and adequate surface controls any idiot can fly a garage.

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