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Haugaard Ties Prison Staffing to Governor’s Texas-Bound Inattention

Steven Haugaard’s press team hasn’t gotten around to capitalizing on the continuing investigations into Kristi Noem’s corruption yet, because, apparently, Team Haugaard can only do one thing at a time. Haugaard’s Twitter corps was apparently occupied with catching up with last week’s story about his primary opponent’s dereliction of duty on prison reform:

Steven Haugaard, campaign tweet, 2022.05.03.
Steven Haugaard, campaign tweet, 2022.05.03.

Haugaard actually gets in two shots here, tying Noem’s failure to deliver the improvements she promised to prison staff last summer with her avid out-of-state campaigning. His timeframe may not be perfect—KSFY’s Bath Warden reported that a prison staff shortage deprived inmates of shower time from April 22 through 24; Noem’s most recent visit to Texas was April 25.

But remember: April 25 was her second trip to Texas in April. What she’s doing flying around the country isn’t just the subject of one of the ethics complaints to which Haugaard should next turn voters’ attention; her frequent flying could easily explain why prison staffing and other problems in the state aren’t getting solved. Keep banging that drum, Steve!


  1. larry kurtz 2022-05-03

    Pierre is where truth goes to die therefore Speaker Haugaard is simply the messenger. Killing him first comes first at Mrs. Noem’s inaugural ball.

  2. Nick Nemec 2022-05-03

    Does lack of prison showers influence the Republican primary voter? Most would just as soon throw them in the hole and let them shower when they are released after completing 100% of their sentence.

  3. grudznick 2022-05-03

    Showers can be quite luxurious, especially after a sauna. I suppose some might see it like Mr. Nemec suggests.

  4. Curt 2022-05-03

    Luxurious showers? In prison? Grudz, you are repulsive … which is definitely not news.

  5. Ryan 2022-05-04

    haha i hope steve keeps the pressure on and increases it… but nick nemec has a point. i would wager a guess that the majority of noem voters didn’t shower between april 22nd-25th either.

  6. Richard Schriever 2022-05-04

    Cruel and unusual punishment.

  7. mike from iowa 2022-05-04

    If Noem is so uncomfortable spending time in Northern Mississippi, perhaps she should locate much further South or West and leave governing to those with the aptitude for the job, like Dems.

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