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Noem Defends Abortion Pill, Fails to Support “Life at Fertilization” Amendment

There’s the headline Steven Haugaard is after!

Before heading out to her big fundraiser at Jackson Hole tonight, Governor Kristi Noem deigned to speak to the South Dakota press yesterday and criticized the anti-abortion measures introduced by her righter-than-right-wing primary challenger, Representative Steven Haugaard and advancing toward House floor votes next week. Governor Noem said Haugaard’s House Bill 1208, which would ban mifepristone and other abortifacient drugs, is wrong and will hurt women seeking legitimate health care options:

“It completely bans those prescription drugs that are available to women across the state, which, which I think is wrong,” Noem said. “That is not at all what the intention of the measures that I’ve championed which is just not making telemedicine, chemical abortions more available over the internet or over the phone with strangers. What he’s doing is banning those drugs altogether and that could be detrimental to women who are going through very different situations” [staff, “Noem Speaks on Haugaard’s Anti-Abortion Bill, Critical Race Theory and Marijuana,” KSFY, 2022.02.17].

Abortion pills are prescription drugs that should be available to women across the state—dang! Kristi Noem is saying the same thing as Planned Parenthood and advocates for women’s equal citizenship and the proper practice of medicine: abortion is health care. It’s too bad we can’t our Governor on that message every day.

Noem declined to express an opinion on Haugaard’s House Joint Resolution 5003, which would have South Dakotans vote on defining “human being” to include fertilized cells, even though Rep. Haugaard held a news conference on this resolution within a ten-second walk from Noem’s office. Noem’s absence from this press conference suggests she is more interested in political positioning against her opponent than in taking the absolute stand for “life” that Haugaard is offering to her simple-minded, single-issue base.


  1. sx123 2022-02-18 08:01

    I know lots of people who will ding her for this and not vote for her just because of this one issue. They will label her pro-abortion.

    There is no gray area for some people, ignoring the fact that a good share of fertilized eggs never implant.

  2. jerry 2022-02-18 08:14

    The Hags balloon has been pierced with a pretty large pin. Well played NOem, well played. NOem can always change her mind (likely) after handing the Hags head back to him on a platter, served with sour grapes.

  3. Richard Schriever 2022-02-18 10:27

    sx123, I would call 68% better to “a good share of fertilized eggs (that) never implant.” I would called it a veto-proof plurality. Add in those that do implant, but fail to develop further/are rejected and we’re up to around 80% +/-.

  4. Porter Lansing 2022-02-18 14:47

    This “personhood” discussion is what poses as “fun” during a South Dakota winter?

    VISIT COLORADO … you know, for the scenery.

  5. larry kurtz 2022-02-18 17:06

    In 2020, 123 South Dakota women went to Colorado for an abortion, down slightly from the 134 who traveled there in 2019. Abortions there have been increasing over the last five years. An increasing number of patients from out-of-state have traveled to Colorado for the procedure in the last five years, including women from South Dakota and hundreds from Texas and Wyoming. Abortion rights advocates said they suggest the majority of women in western South Dakota go to Fort Collins, Colo., where they can complete the procedure in one visit.

  6. Porter Lansing 2022-02-18 18:51

    As Larry points out, Colorado respects all people’s right to choose what’s best for them in decisions that are theirs and theirs alone.
    Why doesn’t South Dakota?
    I’ve researched that question for fifteen years.
    But, if South Dakota people cared why, there wouldn’t be the question, would there?

  7. Mark Anderson 2022-02-18 19:34

    Well sx123 it’s obvious that God kills more fetuses than anyone else.

  8. Ryan 2022-02-18 20:17

    porter, give it a rest already with the colorado pedestal crap. yap yap yap jebus christmus.

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