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SDSU Football Has Lowest Coronavirus Vaccination Rate in Conference; SDSU Nursing Students Must Get Shots

The Missouri Valley Football Conference commissioner Patty Viverito is pushing conference teams to reach an 85% vaccination rate. To its embarassment, South Dakota State University’s footballers have the longest way to go to reach that mark:

Viverito said none of the teams in the MVFC are at the 85% vaccination threshold right now and according to SDSU head coach John Stiegelmeier, his team has lowest rate of any of the teams. Stiegelmeier said he thinks that may have to do with the way the Jacks handled COVID in the spring. SDSU went the entire season without having a positive COVID test.

“I think [the way we handled it] has come back to bite us because we have the lowest number of players vaccinated in the Missouri Valley Football Conference. I think it’s caused our guys to say ‘hey we did it without a vaccine, we can maybe do it.’ And I say maybe. We’re really pushing hard here at the end to get our guys vaccinated. Bottom line is, if there not vaccinated, they’re going to be treated like they were last year with masks, to-go meals and stuff like that and not as punishment, but as that’s the way life was and the way life is. I think our guys will respond like they always do and we’ll get to that 85%,” Stiegelmeier said [Andrew Holtan, “SDSU Picked to Win MVFC, Has Low Vaccination Rate,” Brookings Register, 2021.07.29].

Push harder, coach.

One Jackrabbit team that will be 100% vaccinated for coronavirus by this fall is the SDSU nursing students heading out for clinical rotations:

Administrators from South Dakota State University say completed COVID-19 vaccinations will be required to fulfill clinical rotations.

The dean of the college of nursing says many clinical sites have provided notice of required vaccinations beginning on August 1, 2021.

Limited medical and religious exemptions will be considered on a case-by-case basis and final decisions related to these exemptions reside with the clinical partners [staff, “Students Will Need Covid-19 Vaccination Before Clinical Rotation,” KSFY, 2021.07.31].

SDSU and its health care partners are making sure nursing students understand from the start that their obligation to their patients’ health comes first. Get your shots, nursing students (and football players, and coaches, and everyone else)!


  1. Mark Anderson 2021-08-02

    I believe it’s because they only learn to vaccinate cattle at SDSU. So it’s a cultural thing.

  2. John Dale 2021-08-02

    I hope they all resist .. this isn’t about a virus or a “vaccine” in my opinion. It’s about control.

  3. cibvet 2021-08-02

    Sports are extra curricula and not required for a degree. If you are not grown up enough to take a shot, then join the unemployed antivaxers on the respirators fighting for their life. No vax, no play.

  4. Mark Anderson 2021-08-02

    By the way everyone. Chris Nilsen from USD is going for a medal in Tokyo tommorrw in the pole vault and he got his shots.

  5. Mark Anderson 2021-08-02

    Another thing about Missouri Valley, it was so nice to see the national coverage they got by playing in the spring. For a college football fan like me it was great to have another season of college football. Wish it could happen again.

  6. Porter Lansing 2021-08-02

    John Dale’s public comments are killing people.
    Just STOP, shallow thinker!

  7. Nick Nemec 2021-08-03

    John Dale, why are you putting vaccine in quote marks? Are you trying to scare people into thinking the vaccine is not a vaccine? What is your purpose?

  8. John Dale 2021-08-03

    Dear Nick, MRNA genetic therapies are not vaccines.

    Dear Porter – My understanding is that more than 11,000 people have died from these experimental genetic therapies. More than 100,000 have been seriously injured. I also understand from one of my sources that the VAERS database was taken offline as deaths and injuries skyrocketed.

    Now, it’s a question of courage.

    SDSU is exhibiting it.



  9. John 2021-08-03

    No vax. No play.

  10. mike from iowa 2021-08-03

    Johnny Whodunit leaves out important context about VAERS….

    Anyone can report events to VAERS (, with a disclaimer on the website of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) saying: “The reports may contain information that is incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental, or unverifiable” (here).

    When downloading the data, users are presented with a further disclaimer that the data does not include information from investigations into reported cases. The disclaimer also says “the inclusion of events in VAERS data does not imply causality” (here).

    The CDC here says COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective, “under the most intense safety monitoring in United States history,” and recommends receiving the vaccine as soon as possible. It also explains that VAERS accepts reports of any adverse event regardless of proof that it was caused by the vaccine. Reports can be submitted by an individual.

  11. Mark Anderson 2021-08-03

    Well it’s hard to let John’s lies pass. Go to to check his “understanding” of 11,000 deaths, pure proper gander. Go to johnshopkins to see that the vaccine is a vaccine. Its getting boring getting the full facts John. Why don’t you get your paranoia under treatment it doesn’t have to be a shot.

  12. Mark Anderson 2021-08-03

    By the way Chris Nielson got the silver, I did predict that the wonder boy from “Sweden” would win but he’s the world record holder.

  13. DaveFN 2021-08-03

    (11,000 deaths ÷ 333,000,000 vaccines) X 100 = 0.0033 percent

  14. DaveFN 2021-08-03

    Back-of-the-envelope calculation:

    (618,539 US COVID deaths ÷ 332,987,277 US population) X 100 = 0.185754 percent of the U.S. dead from COVID

    0.185754 percent of U.S. dead from COVID ÷ 0.0033 dead from COVID vaccines = 56.3 times more likely to die from COVID than to die from a COVID vaccination

  15. Jake 2021-08-03

    John Dale (alias STUPID); Your ilk equate coming to a stop at a 4-way stop sign as evidence that you are a liberal embracing big government rules/regulations. Like following ‘no smoking’ rules in theaters, driving on the wrong side of the road, etc. etc. etc. Your anti-socialable tendencies are so very prominently displayed in almost every one of your post on this blog.
    Yes, we all know that your brand exist, it is so evident in the Republican party of this era.

  16. DaveFN 2021-08-03

    To your point, Cory, vis a vis “Push harder, coach.”

    Indeed, push harder. A coach might start by framing vaccination as an expectation and the alternative inconveniences as a nuisance, rather than an “ah, shucks, guys” tenor. If, that is, the coach himself is a leader in terms of the collective good. Students are quick to pick up on cues to the contrary. The very statement “not as a punishment” immediately suggests punishment, for example.

    If one orders mushy peas at a London fast food restaurant, one is immediately queried “takeaway,” as a supplement will be charged for eat-in orders. If one wishes to smoke nowadays in a Paris restaurant, one will be advised it is allowed in a certain area–if one also pays a supplement. There is always a price to pay so the logical option is to pay the lower of the two prices. (One might think of all this in mechanistic, thermodynamically allowable pathways leading to if not creating good social hygiene, as opposed to lesser pathways denigrating the latter, if one is so inclined).

    As ABC made eminently clear in a previous post, those in leadership positions on many sides aren’t stepping up to the plate and acceding to their symbolic and symbolizing function. This happens at many levels of society: I’ve seen it for decades in higher education: students are more than likely to rise to the level of uncompromising expectation of their professors, but too many professors try to be popular and don’t realize what they are there for, hence the majority of their students rise very little. There are many reasons for this—administrators hell-bent on putting out every little fire (complaint management to a fault) and professors reduced to serving opinion surveys which have little to nothing to do with their own education and everything to do with tangential popularity—- but if I overgeneralize, education has become much like politics with teachers trying to please everyone to keep their job. Pleasing has its price to pay when elevated to an end in itself, however.

    As far as that goes, many seem to admire Noem simply for her ability to put her foot down, for her projected uncompromising grit and authority (cf Trump). As it is, however, her accent is on the wrong syllable—what freedom must be in her book is defined only in the negative sense by what it is not (not being issued mandates, not submitting to them, not submitting to Roe v Wade, etc) and not what it might be in the positive sense (which one senses she would be very hard-pressed to articulate). Keeping the definition wide open and the term “freedom” plastic, she thus lets people stuff her word “freedom” with whatever stuff they wish, whether high or low quality that stuff. She thereby broadens–or thinks she broadens—her popular appeal, as do many other politicians, again, allowing popularity and pleasing to be an end-in-itself.

    I submit Noem would have as much if not more appeal were she to put her foot down where it counts, namely, in the interest of the universal public good., in the interest of defining freedom in its most positive sense. Freedom in such a sense would be the freedom to live virus-free, whether as an individual or as a collective by taking concrete steps including and not limited to vaccination, freedom being defined in a concrete and tangible, rather than an-open ended sense.

    There are many ways to step up to the plate. Too many in a leadership position aren’t doing it, and many doing it are in error when it comes to what I term the universal good in the interest of higher principles.

  17. DaveFN 2021-08-03

    In short, it’s questionable and must always be questioned how Noem’s abstract and ambiguous, negative notions of freedom are of any concrete and tangible benefit whatsoever to the universal good when what are of concern are the particulars of our own historical context in which we do, or if not now will in the near future, find ourselves confronted by a virus we did not create nor do we control, other than by the best of our understanding in terms of our vaccines and secondary measures to outwit it. We are ultimately faced with an unprecedented and unpredictable virus that will spontaneously mutate and that in due time will invade our state, our midst, as it has elsewhere, however low our cases and death rate may be at the current time. Noem neither controls nor dictates such an inevitability.

    Let us not let Noem off the hook in this regard, not any of her ilk, those who like herwould have us think our own illusory ideas, our thoughts, our elucidation somehow protect us from the empirical dictates of reality itself. The best of science is a reflection and response to empirical reality, and has nothing to do with the illusory in our own minds.

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