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Thune to South Dakota: GET YOUR SHOTS!!!

Pandemic fatigue? Yeah, yeah, we’re all sick of it. But the fastest way to get rid of pandemic fatigue and the pandemic itself is to GET YOUR SHOTS!!!

Senator John Thune agrees:

Thune—who is fully vaccinated—says if South Dakotans want to get back to normal, the best way to do so is by getting the vaccine.

“Get this done,” Thune says. “It’s absolutely a game changer. In terms of the efficacy of these vaccines—they’ve been very effective. Even the new variants—the UK variant, the South African variant, the Brazilian variant—as they do the more research and data I think these vaccines are going to be proven to be very effective against those as well” [Lee Strubinger, “‘Get This Done,’ Thune Encourages South Dakotans Get Vaccinated,” SDPB, 2021.03.31].

Listen to Senator Thune: the vaccines work. The vaccines are necessary to getting everyone back to work and back to playGET YOUR SHOTS!!!

Senator John Thune visits Harrisburg HS, Twitter, 2021.04.01.
…and keep wearing those masks in public! Senator Thune at Harrisburg High School, tweet, 2021.04.01.


  1. sx123 2021-04-02 10:04

    Good. Got my JnJ last week. Trying to figure out why Noem isn’t out with this same message.

  2. Mark Anderson 2021-04-02 12:34

    Well the Thune of the old pub party speaks. Its now the trumpies of course with their base of imbeciles. Since Noem has fallen in their “minds” maybe she will run against him instead of go for Potus. With Rounds seeming to want to shoot the current Potus, his seat seems safe for now.

  3. Arlo Blundt 2021-04-02 16:51

    Well…Thune is old enough to be thinking of his legacy…He doesn’t want to go down as a total nut case…He was, after all, Executive Director of the South Dakota Municipal League…he wants to be known as a responsible person….too bad he can’t get his head around basic human rights

  4. mike from iowa 2021-04-02 17:16

    Remember “Swamp Witch” by Jim Stafford? Marlboro Barbie has found his swamp witch and wants to embrace it, although he is clueless as to why. Swamp Witch is clueless to the change of heart by MB and magats. and will forever remain on guard lest her magic be usurped by the science dreading Barbies of the world.

  5. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2021-04-02 17:52

    Thune has also appeared in an online ad for weeks telling people to get their shots. Has anyone seen that ad on broadcast TtV?

  6. leslie 2021-04-02 22:17

    Thune could have saved countless lives nationally by wearing a mask at Mt Rushmore 7.03.20, but no, he waits until now to model life saving behavior. He is a robot.

  7. Loren 2021-04-02 22:47

    I agree with the Senator that we should get our vaccinations, but that does not enhance this gent in my eyes, what so ever. To me he is still the human pretzel that can twist into any form at any time. Where was Mr Vaccination during the Trump Clorox/chloroquine/UV light presentations. HIDING! He can do the right thing… AT HIS CONVENIENCE! I will never have respect for him until he shows respect for his office and responsibilities.

  8. Moses6 2021-04-05 10:29

    Thune never misses an op photo op. good one.

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