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DFP Projects Chances of Winning Rushmore July 3 Tickets at 1 in 30

You have until 9:59 p.m. Mountain Daylight Time today to enter the lottery for Mount Rushmore fireworks tickets. If Friday’s early sales figures are any indication, your odds of winning a spot for your picnic blanket along Highway 244 may be 1 in 30:

Katlyn Richter, public relations director at the Department of Tourism, said an early report from, which is handling the ticket sales, said more than 5,689 applicants requested a total of 28,598 tickets by midday Friday.

Lottery ticket sales opened 8 a.m. Friday and will close 10 a.m. Monday. Tickets will be awarded by June 12 [Morgan Matzen, “More Than 5,800 People Seeking 28,000 Tickets Apply by Midday Friday for Trump’s Mount Rushmore Fireworks Show,” Rapid City Journal, updated 2020.06.06].

If lottery ticket sales (remember, just a buck a pop, only one per customer) held that rate through the weekend, multiply that 28,598 by 6, and you get nearly 172,000 tickets requested for 7,500 seats. If that sales rate continues through this final day of gambling, the government will have about 229,000 hopefuls from whom to choose, giving each applicant about a 3.3% chance of winning.

And if Black Lives Matter protestors get on the bandwagon, flood with ticket requests, and then choose in protest to practice the social distancing Governor Kristi Noem has recklessly repealed, your chances of sitting with Donald and Kristi on July 3 could be even lower.


  1. Nix 2020-06-08 09:18

    The Dope Queen of Delusion should
    hold another lottery.
    The winner could spend the day with
    Carrot Top and the Queen at the burning of the Black Hills.

    Second place?
    You get to spend 2 days with them.

  2. Pablo 2020-06-08 10:50

    I suggest everyone apply for the maximum of 6 tickets in the lottery, it only costs $1.00. If you win, your empty seats (assuming you have no intention of attending, like me) will be a silent protest. Given security issues, it seems unlikely the seats could be filled at the last minute by shills. Apply here:

  3. Debbo 2020-06-08 20:18

    Nix, that’s really funny.

    I expect that several someone’s of the SDGOP will go through the drawn names and match them up against the voter database to ensure that they’re suitably duped ‘pubs who will wear offensive clothing to please Frothing Fool and to scream and cheer on cue. If the name is not on the GOP list they will toss it and draw again. Tinyhands Toddler must not be offended. He’ll make a racist, violent speech full of lies and everyone attending will go home happy while the large majority of the nation tries not to vomit.

  4. leslie 2020-06-10 10:37

    Meanwhile the audience will be further militarized by low, screaming B1Bs Ntl Gaurd F-16, -18s and maybe even a $two+ billion B2. Militarized police. Militarized alphabet soup federal police forces (ICE, DEA, ect), disguised like Putin’s Ukraine attackers? Misspent taxpayer $$.

    SWAT. Urban tanks. Riot busters on the Cannonball. Nukes in heaven. Trump’s next big thing.

    (Sitting next to next big thing Hydrocholodroxie Noem whatev. Misspent taxpayer $$. Sitting btw on ceded Treaty land Indians pre-paid their underfunded health care with, btw James Busch)

  5. leslie 2020-06-10 11:16

    Meanwhillllle… Stupid thinskintrump somehow refuses to appoint new testing Czar. Throws in towel in 3rd inning. Guarantees 400K UNNECESSARY DEATHS BY NXT SPRNG. Stupid Noem keeps saying curve is flattened. NOOOOO! Plateau. Harvard/soon-to-be Brown Univ Pub Health Dir MD, On Point, NPR today.


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