LGBTQ advocacy group Equality South Dakota is distributing this scorecard on legislators’ votes on this Session’s three attacks on South Dakotans who challenge our Christofascist regime with their gender identities and sexual orientations:

Looking just at the all-or-none bars, green for good, orange for bad, the Equality SD scorecard shows 20 legislators who can be counted on to speak up for inclusivity and 36 who reliably put up the “”We don’t want your kind here” sign on South Dakota.
The discriminatory bills in question all failed:
- HB 1057: the Legislature’s most direct bullying of transgender youth, which sought to do the Lord’s will by substituting selectively xenophobic theocrats’ judgment for medical expertise.
- HB 1096: Christofascist Republicans’ attempt to criminalize commercial surrogacy and dissolve the parental rights of couples who gain parenthood through such agreements.
- HB 1167: an attempt to undermine school counselor–student confidentiality.
Republicans threw other anti-LGBTQ bills in the hopper for show (e.g., HB 1215, SB 88, SB 93) but withdrew them before facing the harsh scrutiny of committee testimony and discussion.
Orange is a GOOD color!
The SDGOP’s flashing CLOSED for business sign is well known. They’re determined to stay under their rock.
Religious and anti LGBTQ quacks received a gift wrapped go ahead to use religious freedumbs to discriminate against workers in Federal work places by outgoing Labor Suckretary Scalia …