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Noem Loses Press Secretary, Video Propagandist

Speaking for Governor Kristi Noem must wear people out. Bob Mercer notes that Noem continues to go through staff like Wal-Mart t-shirts:

Turnover among Governor Kristi Noem’s staff continued Friday as press secretary Kristin Wileman announced it was her final day.

…Wileman said all media requests should be sent to Maggie Seidel, the governor’s senior adviser and policy director.

…In February, Ryan Sheldon left Noem’s communications team, where he was digital media manager, including photography and video duties. His salary was $61,500.

…Wileman’s salary as she leaves is $61,500 [Bob Mercer, “Wileman Is Latest to Leave’s Noem’s Team,” KELO-TV, 2020.03.13].

What? Noem canned her official gubernatorial videographer, too? Is that why we aren’t getting all those great small-town videos that Kristi’s hubby Bryon promised us last fall?


  1. Debbo

    I heard Scaramucci is looking for work.

  2. grudznick

    The bastages. I bet you a gravy laden breakfast that my good friend Bob pops up as a media mogul for The Man right soon now.

  3. Richard Schriever

    High turnover is a known trait of authoritarian management styles.

  4. jerry

    Nailed it Mr. Schriever.

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