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DiSanto Threatens Constituent with Face-to-Face Meeting; Cops Issue No-Trespass Order

In other very-stable-genius news, the Box Elder Police Department has issued a no-trespass order against Senator Lynne DiSanto (R-35/Box Elder) after making the following statement online to a constituent who criticized her:

DiSanto called Kassner “completely and totally ignorant” in one reply and also wrote, “Patricia Kassner I see you live close to me!!! Awesome! I’ll be stopping by to say Hi so we can talk face to face soon” [“Social Media Spat Erupts over South Dakota Missing Girl Case,” AP via News & Observer, 2019.07.10].

Kassner was criticizing Senator DiSanto for her apparent exploitation of a missing-child case. When the Senator said she’d be dropping by for a face-to-face, Kassner called the cops:

Lt. Chris Misselt issued the no-trespass order even though Kassner acknowledged to him that DiSanto would “probably not” show up to assault her and DiSanto told him she didn’t intend her message as a threat [AP, 2019.07.10].

For her part, Senator DiSanto—who is now spelling her name on Facebook as “Lyn”—is shouting “fake news”:

Senator Lynne "Lyn" DiSanto, Facebook post, 2019.07.10.
Senator Lynne “Lyn” DiSanto, Facebook post, 2019.07.10.

I’m not seeing the “fake” part of this news: DiSanto’s own repost of the online conversation shows clearly that she said the words reported in the news. And her post does not refute that the police saw fit to issue a no-trespass order. There’s the trick, Lynne-Lyn: if you’re going to dismiss news as “fake,” you have to show that the news actually included false information.

Eventually, District 35 may get tired of Senator DiSanto’s inability to speak judiciously on social media. But until then….

As of this noon, DiSanto’s GoFundMe page reports raising $1,180 of her $30,000 goal.


  1. mike from iowa 2019-07-10 13:16

    Pity, if she was allowed to conceal carry pot, there would have been no threats and only two people joining hands around the campfire scarfing munchies and grooving to 60’s music.

  2. Debbo 2019-07-10 14:37

    “Nuttier than squirrel poop.” Juanita Jean.

  3. Roger Cornelius 2019-07-10 14:52

    Ms. Krassner has every right to be concerned about the subtle threat this legislator made.
    DiSanto is known to be a ‘pistol pack’n mommy’, you don’t know what will trigger her.

  4. Jenny 2019-07-10 16:25

    The Pierre Ammosexuals are goin’ mad…I told ya all so. Nothing worse than a female ammo scorned. Please get the hell out of North Mississippi, people.

  5. JW 2019-07-10 19:41

    Shes despicable.

  6. Nick Nemec 2019-07-10 20:39

    In any other jurisdiction Rep. DiSanto would be hard pressed to get the signatures needed to get on the ballot. In gerrymandered South Dakota we give her a seat in the State House.

  7. jerry 2019-07-10 22:23

    After threatening a constituent, this grifter gets to carry a pistol in the statehouse. We didn’t even allow this in territory days, and yet, here we are.

  8. Dana P 2019-07-10 22:25

    Grifters get so defensive

  9. grudznick 2019-07-11 11:15

    Why, Mr. H, you are a sharp-eyed, yet bespectacled fellow to note this Facebooking name changing. For low-and-behold as I sat in Hardee’s on 5th and St. Joe this morning sipping my coffee, reading yesterday’s newspaper for free, I came upon an interesting item on page B10 in section 58. This is the issue where young Lindi had her picture on the cover next to the poor missing girl.

    The only time I’ve seen Ms. Lindi’s picture as small as the other, I may add.

  10. 63 Olds 2019-07-11 13:32

    Is Ms. Kassner safe in the streets? Surprised Rep. DiSanto didn’t threaten her with an “All Lives Splatter” meme.

  11. Nick Nemec 2019-07-11 17:54

    I had completely forgotten the legislature drama and the claim that a fellow Republican legislator had threatened her. Rep. DiSanto appears to be that breed of person no one wants to have to deal with, the drama queen. For the drama queen everyday and everything is a soap opera. They make life miserable for all and are a pain in the butt to be around. But she is pretty and blonde so it’s all good.

  12. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2019-07-12 14:37

    Nick, it’s good that we work together to record and remember all those things. DiSanto’s drama with David Johnson helps illuminate her current drama with a constituent. Suppose David Johnson had said to DiSanto, “I see you live close to me!!! Awesome! I’ll be stopping by to say Hi so we can talk face to face soon.” How would DiSanto have reacted to that?

  13. Nick Nemec 2019-07-12 17:56

    Had Johnson said that DiSanto would have flipped out, gotten a protection order, and made sure every media outlet was aware she had been threatened.

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