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New DiSanto Website Promises to Expand Grandstanding Beyond Missing Child Case

Speaking of West River legislators making naked pleas for attention, Senator Lynne DiSanto (R-35/Box Elder) has a new website to market her mug and her crass exploitation of a missing child.

While the scant text of Lynne Seeks Truth says the website (created on May 21) is “Seeking Truth, for You” and “Asking questions, no stone unturned” about “Missing children, corporate corruption, intentional coverups, discrimination or maltreatment, its ALL EXPOSED HERE,” the graphic layout makes clear what Senator DiSanto is most interested in promoting:, home page, screen cap 2019.07.01., home page, screen cap 2019.07.01., contact page, screen cap 2019.07.01., about page, screen cap 2019.07.01.

I’d love for Lynne to join me in tackling the broad range of ills she claims to be interested in exposing. But for now, she seems most interested in exposing herself and her unproductive grandstanding on one missing child’s sad case to more Google juice.


  1. Ed 2019-07-01 13:08

    This is simply not true. She even used an open house to fundraise for finding this poor girl. She has been losing business because of her stance on this issue so taking the time to use her open house is just wonderful.
    Ha, had a hard time typing that through the laughter. You should see the rabid comments on her Facebook site as well. Truly mind blowing the amount of ridiculous crap being laid down.
    This situation is so tragic and yet she just makes it worse.

  2. Roger Cornelius 2019-07-01 14:01

    It seems odd that there isn’t a photograph or the missing little girl, Serenity Dennard.

  3. Debbo 2019-07-01 15:54

    I think she’s gunning for a spot on Faux Noize. Shes got what it takes– blond, empty headed, wingnut, vacuous, attractive, attention glutton. She could be their “girl.”

  4. Debbo 2019-07-01 15:56

    I forgot to add, genuinely fake sincerity and BS slogan.

    There. She’s ready for Faux Noise prime time!

  5. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2019-07-01 18:51

    Oh, there is a picture of the missing child, Roger, below Lynne’s, and smaller.

  6. Roger Cornelius 2019-07-01 19:08

    Thanks Cory, after looking again with a magnifying glass I found Serenity’s picture.
    That was damn generous of Disanto

  7. CheriO 2019-07-01 19:10

    The pictures Lynne displays of Serenity are all older pictures no more recent than 2015. She received them all from Serenity’s bio family and from the adoptive mother. If you haven’t had a chance, please have a look at DiSanto’s Facebook page of the same name. Seeks Truth, has a lot of irony in those words. She has a loyal following though, the bulk of which are all persons who do not even live in South Dakota or if they do, it’s East River. If you dare to disagree with her, the fan club will attack.

  8. Black Hills Bob 2019-07-02 12:06

    Thanks for keeping this story alive. It continues to baffle me how DiSanto has yet to be called out by the party or by your nemesis Mr. Powers. His response to all of this was only to focus on your use of the word “naked” in your story. Everyone (including Pat) should be appalled by this self-serving, money-grubbing, ego-boosting and vote-seeking effort. None of which has had an ounce of positive impact on the search/recovery effort. Such a sad state of affairs when someone of “authority” takes monetary and fame-seeking advantage of a very bad situation. Funny how the “liberal” media has turned a blind eye to DiSanto’s egregious “efforts”. I am still holding on to the hope that District 35 voters will send her packing come next election.

  9. Jenny 2019-07-02 12:39

    The second photo of Di Santo looks like she’s sitting on the toilet.

  10. leslie 2019-07-03 23:27

    Debbo right on @ 1524.

    Naked! Where oh where is ryan to again tempt fate :)?

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