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Barnett Losing Glow, Loosening Up in Secretary of State’s Office

The blush is off the rose in the Secretary of State’s office. As you’ll recall, the weekend he took office, Secretary of State Steve Barnett made sure the office website bore a sharp image of himself, all aglow and nicely necktied:

Projecting an aura of customer service... South Dakota Secretary of State, new website banner, screen cap 2019.01.06. banner, 2019.01.06

The pressures of taking charge of South Dakota’s elections have apparently worn the new guy. Secretary Barnett has lost his glow and his tie: banner, 2019.01.25. banner, 2019.01.25.

But maybe Barnett’s make-down signals something other than the grinding routine of learning all the ins and outs of campaign finance filings, petitions, ballot design, lobbyist registrations, concealed weapons permits, notary applications, corporate documents, not to mention the vital duty of protecting the Great Seal of South Dakota from idiots. By ditching the red necktie, could Secretary Barnett be signaling that he won’t let the Russians fix the next election for Trump? Might he be signaling that he’s fed up with the Party of Trump and is ready to go blue in 2020?

We hear you, Steve. Come to the blue side….

One Comment

  1. grudznick 2019-01-25 20:47

    There are those who say that young Mr. Barnett has leftist leanings, and some of them may be wrong. Do you see how the young man turns his left side, his LEFT side, closer to the viewer? This is a signal to you libbies. And do you note he almost never lets himself be photographed with a unibomber beard, or wildly disheveled hair? What meaning do you all find in that? It will be 8 years of witch-hunting Barnett’s haircuts from here on out.

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