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Mysterious Aura Emanating from New Secretary of State

Constitutional officers swore their oaths yesterday, and state websites are already updated to reflect the new bosses, many the same as the old bosses.

Steve Barnett is so happy to change offices from Auditor to Secretary of State, you could even say he glows:

Projecting an aura of customer service... South Dakota Secretary of State, new website banner, screen cap 2019.01.06.
Projecting an aura of customer service… South Dakota Secretary of State, new website banner, screen cap 2019.01.06.

I know, I know: dark suit, dark hair, dark banner—you have to so something to set yourself apart.

But that’s funny: Barnett’s predecessor, Shantel Krebs, didn’t have to resort to any graphic design tricks to make herself stand out: banner, retrieved from the Internet Archive Wayback Machine 2019.01.06. banner, retrieved from the Internet Archive Wayback Machine 2019.01.06.

I guess Shantel just lights up any room or website into which she walks.

Maybe the new Secretarial glow is a new customer service feature: Secretary Steve will glow blue when he’s ahead on paperwork and red when he’s behind. Or maybe the banner is simply interpreting readings from the Secretary’s Bluetooth mood ring.

Voter registration up—I'm feeling electric!
Voter registration up—I’m feeling electric!


  1. Nick Nemec 2019-01-06

    How about a lighter shade of blue, maybe something closer to the blue of the state flag?

  2. mike from iowa 2019-01-06

    Barnett will have to bite the head off a live rattlesnake all the while disdaining the howitzer in his holster. That should do it.

  3. grudznick 2019-01-06

    I have heard Mr. Barnett is a vegan, so he would not want the rattlesnake blood on his mouth or otherwise I bet he would, just as a prank.

  4. T 2019-01-06

    It looks strange because K has teeth and B
    Doesn’t, just a funny smile

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