Kristi Noem continues to run interference for the vile occupant of the Oval Office. At the close of Noem’s spot on Face the Nation yesterday, reporter Margaret Brennan gave the Republican Congresswoman and candidate for governor a chance to play the good parent and teacher and condemn the offensive language that Donald Trump uses regularly to demean women.
MARGARET BRENNAN: Congressman because you are a Republican. I want to ask you about the president’s language. He has referred this week to a former senior White House official as a dog and a low life physically. He often references physical attributes and as you know he’s been accused by at least 19 women of sexual misconduct. Does any of that make you uncomfortable as a member of his party?
Rep. Kristi Noem’s usual pose when confronted with Donald Trump’s bullying, screen cap from Face the Nation, CBS, 2018.08.19.
REP. NOEM: You know, let me be very clear I don’t think there’s anyone that would say that they approve of any kind of sexual misconduct. And we’ve seen many important people in this country fall when they’ve gone through the judicial process of- of that being confirmed. That isn’t where the president is today. But I tend to not focus on dissecting the president’s tweets or his language. I’m focused on policies. That’s what my job is. Is to look at solutions that will really bring relief to the people in my state, but also to people in this country. I worked very closely with the White House on tax reform. I was one of the last and lead negotiators in the House to deliver that and because of that, women owned. Businesses are better off today when as incomes are going up and that kind of results it makes a big difference in the day to day lives of the people in this country [transcript, CBS, Face the Nation, 2018.08.19].
Responsible parents and public figures do not close their eyes to Donald Trump’s bullying. Responsible parents and public figures tell their kids and the public that words matter and that elected officials have a duty to model honesty and respect in their language. No arguable policy achievements (all dampened by a complete abandonment of fiscal responsibility) justify the rude behavior exhibited daily by Donald Trump.
South Dakota doesn’t need a governor who makes excuses for men who treat women like dirt. Let’s elect a governor who can set a real moral example.
NOem speaking tongues is typical of her failed visit to Washington. What the hell is this jibberish?
“I was one of the last and lead negotiators in the House to deliver that and because of that, women owned. Businesses are better off today when as incomes are going up and that kind of results it makes a big difference in the day to day lives of the people in this country”
NOem sounds like she has a big hangover or just had a couple of Bloody Mary’s to take the edge off. All these years in Washington have not helped her in the communication department. Oh yeah, NOem was never there to communicate, she was always there to vote NO on everything that would help the people of South Dakota.
This is still Noem WITH a talking points sheet. What will she do when she is the one that has to actually develop the talking points memo? I don’t think she has had an original thought in the past 6 years. But, like Trump, I suppose she would “grow into the job”… or not!
Donald Pay
I found this part of her statement odd: “But I tend to not focus on dissecting the president’s tweets or his language.”
Isn’t one of the main job qualifications of a leader to focus on dissecting what people express. She wants to focus on policy, great, but how is policy actually delivered? Through language, and dissecting that language so you can come to an understanding of the policy is. Any surprise here why this administration is one clusterf*** after another? The main problem with both Trump and Noem is they use language to sell you something, not actually do anything. To them talking is “always be ess-ing.”
mike from iowa
What policy/ies does Drumpf’s langwidge address? When wingnuts toot their horns, they tootle them with vigor not necessarilywith reason.
Corruption and lack of transparency, South Dakotans agree, is a problem in Pierre. Noem is a perfect example of how that lack of accountability continues and festers in Pierre. She dodged every question during her Sunday morning appearance; she’ll do the same if elected governor. South Dakotans need to wake up and realize that the governor’s job is much different than being a member of Congress. She’s demonstrated time and again that in her current job she’s not qualified to represent all of South Dakota. Her interests lie purely with her party and her own selfish ambition. Noem in the governor’s office will be very harmful to our state as it faces a variety of challenges in the next eight years.
Anne Beal
Trump’s description of Omarosa was fine. Nothing wrong with it at all. He’s called plenty of men “dogs,” what’s wrong with calling a woman that?
Do women want equality or not?
mike from iowa
Ms Beal, what is the usual name given to a female dog? Are you still alright with Drumpf’s choice of words because you know what the hell he meant.
Calling a man a dog-stud is usually considered a compliment.
Roger Elgersma
She defends the pres and ignores his huge mistakes. But she would not go to an interview with trump to get the secretary of Ag job. So she stays away from him and defends him. Sounds like she is to intimidated to say what she really thinks about him. Is that why she is leaving the spot on the Ways and Means committe(most powerful committee in Congress) to come back home where she feels safe? Watching peoples actions tells more than listening to them.
Anne says it is okay for the President to publically call Omarosa names because he calls men similar names. Really, Anne? Is that all it takes for you to accept bullying of American citizens by the man who models for our children as the leader of our Country – evidence that others have also been bullied?
Is it now okay for your children or grandchildren to publicly denigrate their classmates, neighbor kids, teachers or anyone else on social media or otherwise (as taught by our President’s behavior) so long as your kids or grandkids or their friends or role models have consistently denigrated other people publicly? Is this what our Republican party has devolved to – teaching our children that it is okay to intentionally attempt to hurt and harm others through public name-calling (assuming you are a Republican and are representative of Republican Trump supporters)?
Porter Lansing
Ignore Beal!! She’s trying to change the subject … again.
Listening and watching Rep. Noem yesterday was like reading the prejudiced and lazy posts in that second level blog, from Brookings.
1. When you don’t know what to do about a problem, reference the founding fathers and your contrived opinion of how the Constitution shouldn’t adapt to modern times.
2. She says, “That isn’t where the President is TODAY.” Well then, where’s he been, in regards to demeaning women, Rep. Noem? He’s had his “dabber in the nasty”, that’s where.
3. Republican Party deception. She says, “When incomes are going up, today?” All Republicans have to run on this cycle is a big tax cut for the top 1%. FYI, Rep. Noem. A corporate and super-rich tax cut ain’t tax reform. It’s pandering for campaign donations.
Exactly Loren and Jerry. Talking points and speaking in tongues. That’s about all her handler can prepare her for.
~ Billie’s Ridin’ ~ Noem’s Hidin’ ~
It’s a foregone conclusion that Donald and Melanin Trump will get divorced. The only question is when. Melania has been showing some independence by issuing press releases contradicting things Donald or his surrogates say. It would not surprise me if Melania started overtly supporting Democratic candidates and maybe even campaigning for people to vote Democratic this year, and perhaps for Democratic women specifically. Wouldn’t that be something?
Jason Hatzenbuhler
South Dakota voters don’t care what Noem or Cory thinks of Trump. We care how she will Govern South Dakota.
And I’m sure Annie would think it would have been just fine if Obama had called names to people all through his Presidency. Oh my goodness, the Pubs would be in a tizzy!
Donald, I agree: a governor needs to be able to analyze text very closely, in legislation, in court rulings, in negotiations, in state contracts, everything.
Anne, so you are saying that the President of the United States should regularly stoop to cheap, childish insults to men and women alike? Do you feel that sets a good example for our children?
And Jason, with her inability to analyze text (or perhaps sheer lack of curiosity and ambition to do so), she would manage this state far more poorly than Billie Sutton. South Dakotans will care about that.
But South Dakotans should also care about the fact that Kristi Noem lacks the spine to call out a rude, mouthy Manhattan billionaire who sets a bad example for our kids.
Anne needs to answer BCB’s challenge. He aptly captures the problem of an occupant of the White House who is all bully and no moral pulpit.
Laurie Hemmer
Clearly not a supporter of her own gender !
Demeaning farm women is what now is going on with NOem and her blind support (see picture of her above) of trump. From today’s market reporting:
“Delegations from China, India, Italy and Spain that were supposed to meet with North Dakota’s bean, pea and lentil growers in September have canceled their visits because of trade tensions.
The moves come at a crucial time for American farmers, who use these annual visits to fill orders right after the harvest and make new business connections.
A bumper crop has weighed on soybean prices this year, and trade tariffs already have added pressure on prices of other crops. Growers haven’t seen prices this low for their dry peas and lentils since 2006 and for their chickpeas since 2003, according to Tim McGreevy, CEO of the USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council.
How does this demean farm women, let me tell ya. They have to sit and watch the work they and their husbands did to gamble and put in a crop, then to see it become successful and then to watch as depression sets in as the crop is now taking them down the hole. If that is not demeaning in ways then I do not know what it is.
Anne Beal
I will answer your challenge. If nobody complained when Trump called Glenn Beck a dog, then you shouldn’t complain when he calls a woman a dog.
He’s an equal opportunity bully. I never said bullying was okay, but if you are going to bully people you should spread the love around. It’s only fair. He’s always complaining when things aren’t fair, you know. He’s all about fairness. You have to give him that. If he offends you, don’t listen to him. That’s pretty much what the Congresswoman said, she doesn’t listen to him. Don’t follow him on Twitter, either. Nothing he says or tweets is of any significance at all but he gets the press to go after it like cats after a laser pointer. The funny thing is, after a while even cats figure out there’s nothing really there.
If you are still chasing after everything he says or tweets you are dumber than cats.
My cat is a helluva lot smarter than you appear to be Anne. I read the crooked Russian’s tweets as they condemn him even further down the drain of involvement with his Russian handlers in the old country.
He does not offend me because I am not a woman. I am gonna take a stab at this and ask when you stopped being one.
Porter Lansing
“I never said bullying was okay, but if you are going to bully people you should spread the love around. It’s only fair. He’s all about fairness. You have to give him that.” -Anne Beal
– I’m referencing “Questions of Rhetoric and Usage” Part Two – The Writer’s Thoughts: Logic and Rhetoric
~ It’s documented, Anne. That makes no sense, whatsoever.
Noem is ducking out of Wednesday’s Dakotafest forum.
Anne, there are certain professions where one should be held to a higher standard. President of the USA is one, for me being a nurse is another. We should be kinder, more empathetic because of our power to help others. I think you missed this boat. Do you have a daughter or granddaughters? Do you know anyone who has a disability? If so, from every comment you have made, you are cool with someone degrading your family members. Do you want Trump to call your daughter a “dog” or say that he grabbed her “p” without her consent? Supporting Noem or Thune or Rounds equivocates sponsoring someone who condones hate, violence, bigotry and misogyny.
happy camper
What about her hair, makeup, and clothes? What is she doing or who is doing this to her? Is she trying to come across as your grandma with that blouse? But then the hair. She used to be a beautiful woman she looks …. likes she’s trying to look bad. She said women are not taken as seriously in South Dakota is this something intentional cause it aint workin. All that rouge clashes with the lipstick, then the shirt, the hair none of it’s right. If she wants the women’s vote she’s gonna lose it dressin like that. She’s definitely gonna lose the gay man vote.
No, there’s no excuse for Tangerine Wankmaggot’s shameful and childish behavior and he should be called out every time. Whether he has or not, that we’re aware of, never excuses his immature cruelty.
As decent and humane people, we are to stand up for the ones being picked on, not side with the bully. That takes courage, but apparently Noem is sorely lacking in that quality. Most Russpublicans are. Tangerine Wankmaggot has them quaking in their shoes, and Noem is no different.
It seems quite clear that all 3 of SD’s delegation are dedicated Russpublicans. SDakotans could have real representation if they elected Bjorkman and Sutton. Even better if they added Seiller too. Right now the ones represented in SD are the Kochs and Pootie.
Happy camper..that pink blouse and the 5 pounds of blush are horrendous. We could give her a makeover but she would still be a heartless, lackluster person. Rupaul could pick the worst Queen in drag race herstory and Kristi would sink even lower.
Donald Pay
Anne’s analysis is based on a logical fallacy. But I’ll ignore that.
I don’t much care if anyone calls me a dog. I like dogs. They’re loyal and loving and, if I didn’t have to pick up their poop, I might be tempted to get one. Dog is god spelled backwards. In Shakespeare’s day, “curr” was a term for “dog,” and a serious epithet. You can make it sound like a growling dog if you care to act it out. Backwards, it’s “rruc.” It doesn’t mean a thing. Anyway, I’ve been called worse, much worse. “Horse’s ass” comes to mind. Horse’s ass spelled backwards doesn’t mean a damn thing either.
Somehow, just because I didn’t yell about Trump calling Glenn Beck a “dog,” doesn’t mean squat. When you call a woman “a dog,” it has a little more bite, because there is a recent history and context for many girls and women. Granted, it’s not as bad as the “c-word.” Give Trump credit for curbing his behavior a bit.
If she were to really work on policies best for her state and the country…..,,, and then measures progress with incomes?
There were incomes in the dark ages
With abusive degrading, harassment.
So it isn’t her job to stand up for equality ?
And demand respectable language and behavior from a leader…,,,
That is scary….,,,,,
mike from iowa
Omarosa is a bitch. Drumpf is a son of a dog. Doesn’t seem fair since one has such a negative connotation.
happy camper
The thing is, I’ve thought about this, and criticizing someone for their appearance is almost always wrong, not something to do under normal circumstances, but she was a beauty queen so she knows the power of images and how to manipulate that, besides her getting it all wrong it is far worse she does not speak her mind honestly. No authenticity.
Hap, you know I try to avoid arguments based on appearance… in part because if that were a valid rhetorical tactic, pretty much everyone in this comment section would lose. ;-)
But you are right to point out that, as a woman who traded on her looks from early adulthood, she invites scrutiny of the images she uses to sell her candidacy. I won’t waste time on her clothing and make-up, because I agree her choice not to call out her party leader’s disexemplary behavior is far more important and problematic. But it doesn’t hurt to point out whenever she tries to use image like make-up to cover her political wrinkles and philosophical blemishes.
NOem speaking tongues is typical of her failed visit to Washington. What the hell is this jibberish?
“I was one of the last and lead negotiators in the House to deliver that and because of that, women owned. Businesses are better off today when as incomes are going up and that kind of results it makes a big difference in the day to day lives of the people in this country”
NOem sounds like she has a big hangover or just had a couple of Bloody Mary’s to take the edge off. All these years in Washington have not helped her in the communication department. Oh yeah, NOem was never there to communicate, she was always there to vote NO on everything that would help the people of South Dakota.
This is still Noem WITH a talking points sheet. What will she do when she is the one that has to actually develop the talking points memo? I don’t think she has had an original thought in the past 6 years. But, like Trump, I suppose she would “grow into the job”… or not!
I found this part of her statement odd: “But I tend to not focus on dissecting the president’s tweets or his language.”
Isn’t one of the main job qualifications of a leader to focus on dissecting what people express. She wants to focus on policy, great, but how is policy actually delivered? Through language, and dissecting that language so you can come to an understanding of the policy is. Any surprise here why this administration is one clusterf*** after another? The main problem with both Trump and Noem is they use language to sell you something, not actually do anything. To them talking is “always be ess-ing.”
What policy/ies does Drumpf’s langwidge address? When wingnuts toot their horns, they tootle them with vigor not necessarilywith reason.
Corruption and lack of transparency, South Dakotans agree, is a problem in Pierre. Noem is a perfect example of how that lack of accountability continues and festers in Pierre. She dodged every question during her Sunday morning appearance; she’ll do the same if elected governor. South Dakotans need to wake up and realize that the governor’s job is much different than being a member of Congress. She’s demonstrated time and again that in her current job she’s not qualified to represent all of South Dakota. Her interests lie purely with her party and her own selfish ambition. Noem in the governor’s office will be very harmful to our state as it faces a variety of challenges in the next eight years.
Trump’s description of Omarosa was fine. Nothing wrong with it at all. He’s called plenty of men “dogs,” what’s wrong with calling a woman that?
Do women want equality or not?
Ms Beal, what is the usual name given to a female dog? Are you still alright with Drumpf’s choice of words because you know what the hell he meant.
Calling a man a dog-stud is usually considered a compliment.
She defends the pres and ignores his huge mistakes. But she would not go to an interview with trump to get the secretary of Ag job. So she stays away from him and defends him. Sounds like she is to intimidated to say what she really thinks about him. Is that why she is leaving the spot on the Ways and Means committe(most powerful committee in Congress) to come back home where she feels safe? Watching peoples actions tells more than listening to them.
Anne says it is okay for the President to publically call Omarosa names because he calls men similar names. Really, Anne? Is that all it takes for you to accept bullying of American citizens by the man who models for our children as the leader of our Country – evidence that others have also been bullied?
Is it now okay for your children or grandchildren to publicly denigrate their classmates, neighbor kids, teachers or anyone else on social media or otherwise (as taught by our President’s behavior) so long as your kids or grandkids or their friends or role models have consistently denigrated other people publicly? Is this what our Republican party has devolved to – teaching our children that it is okay to intentionally attempt to hurt and harm others through public name-calling (assuming you are a Republican and are representative of Republican Trump supporters)?
Ignore Beal!! She’s trying to change the subject … again.
Listening and watching Rep. Noem yesterday was like reading the prejudiced and lazy posts in that second level blog, from Brookings.
1. When you don’t know what to do about a problem, reference the founding fathers and your contrived opinion of how the Constitution shouldn’t adapt to modern times.
2. She says, “That isn’t where the President is TODAY.” Well then, where’s he been, in regards to demeaning women, Rep. Noem? He’s had his “dabber in the nasty”, that’s where.
3. Republican Party deception. She says, “When incomes are going up, today?” All Republicans have to run on this cycle is a big tax cut for the top 1%. FYI, Rep. Noem. A corporate and super-rich tax cut ain’t tax reform. It’s pandering for campaign donations.
Exactly Loren and Jerry. Talking points and speaking in tongues. That’s about all her handler can prepare her for.
~ Billie’s Ridin’ ~ Noem’s Hidin’ ~
It’s a foregone conclusion that Donald and Melanin Trump will get divorced. The only question is when. Melania has been showing some independence by issuing press releases contradicting things Donald or his surrogates say. It would not surprise me if Melania started overtly supporting Democratic candidates and maybe even campaigning for people to vote Democratic this year, and perhaps for Democratic women specifically. Wouldn’t that be something?
South Dakota voters don’t care what Noem or Cory thinks of Trump. We care how she will Govern South Dakota.
And I’m sure Annie would think it would have been just fine if Obama had called names to people all through his Presidency. Oh my goodness, the Pubs would be in a tizzy!
Donald, I agree: a governor needs to be able to analyze text very closely, in legislation, in court rulings, in negotiations, in state contracts, everything.
Anne, so you are saying that the President of the United States should regularly stoop to cheap, childish insults to men and women alike? Do you feel that sets a good example for our children?
And Jason, with her inability to analyze text (or perhaps sheer lack of curiosity and ambition to do so), she would manage this state far more poorly than Billie Sutton. South Dakotans will care about that.
But South Dakotans should also care about the fact that Kristi Noem lacks the spine to call out a rude, mouthy Manhattan billionaire who sets a bad example for our kids.
Anne needs to answer BCB’s challenge. He aptly captures the problem of an occupant of the White House who is all bully and no moral pulpit.
Clearly not a supporter of her own gender !
Demeaning farm women is what now is going on with NOem and her blind support (see picture of her above) of trump. From today’s market reporting:
“Delegations from China, India, Italy and Spain that were supposed to meet with North Dakota’s bean, pea and lentil growers in September have canceled their visits because of trade tensions.
The moves come at a crucial time for American farmers, who use these annual visits to fill orders right after the harvest and make new business connections.
A bumper crop has weighed on soybean prices this year, and trade tariffs already have added pressure on prices of other crops. Growers haven’t seen prices this low for their dry peas and lentils since 2006 and for their chickpeas since 2003, according to Tim McGreevy, CEO of the USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council.
Soybean futures are down 16 percent since April. And growers have seen a 25 percent decline in dry pea prices, a 40 percent fall in lentil prices and a 49 percent drop in chickpea prices.”
How does this demean farm women, let me tell ya. They have to sit and watch the work they and their husbands did to gamble and put in a crop, then to see it become successful and then to watch as depression sets in as the crop is now taking them down the hole. If that is not demeaning in ways then I do not know what it is.
I will answer your challenge. If nobody complained when Trump called Glenn Beck a dog, then you shouldn’t complain when he calls a woman a dog.
He’s an equal opportunity bully. I never said bullying was okay, but if you are going to bully people you should spread the love around. It’s only fair. He’s always complaining when things aren’t fair, you know. He’s all about fairness. You have to give him that. If he offends you, don’t listen to him. That’s pretty much what the Congresswoman said, she doesn’t listen to him. Don’t follow him on Twitter, either. Nothing he says or tweets is of any significance at all but he gets the press to go after it like cats after a laser pointer. The funny thing is, after a while even cats figure out there’s nothing really there.
If you are still chasing after everything he says or tweets you are dumber than cats.
My cat is a helluva lot smarter than you appear to be Anne. I read the crooked Russian’s tweets as they condemn him even further down the drain of involvement with his Russian handlers in the old country.
He does not offend me because I am not a woman. I am gonna take a stab at this and ask when you stopped being one.
“I never said bullying was okay, but if you are going to bully people you should spread the love around. It’s only fair. He’s all about fairness. You have to give him that.” -Anne Beal
– I’m referencing “Questions of Rhetoric and Usage” Part Two – The Writer’s Thoughts: Logic and Rhetoric
~ It’s documented, Anne. That makes no sense, whatsoever.
Noem is ducking out of Wednesday’s Dakotafest forum.
Anne, there are certain professions where one should be held to a higher standard. President of the USA is one, for me being a nurse is another. We should be kinder, more empathetic because of our power to help others. I think you missed this boat. Do you have a daughter or granddaughters? Do you know anyone who has a disability? If so, from every comment you have made, you are cool with someone degrading your family members. Do you want Trump to call your daughter a “dog” or say that he grabbed her “p” without her consent? Supporting Noem or Thune or Rounds equivocates sponsoring someone who condones hate, violence, bigotry and misogyny.
What about her hair, makeup, and clothes? What is she doing or who is doing this to her? Is she trying to come across as your grandma with that blouse? But then the hair. She used to be a beautiful woman she looks …. likes she’s trying to look bad. She said women are not taken as seriously in South Dakota is this something intentional cause it aint workin. All that rouge clashes with the lipstick, then the shirt, the hair none of it’s right. If she wants the women’s vote she’s gonna lose it dressin like that. She’s definitely gonna lose the gay man vote.
No, there’s no excuse for Tangerine Wankmaggot’s shameful and childish behavior and he should be called out every time. Whether he has or not, that we’re aware of, never excuses his immature cruelty.
As decent and humane people, we are to stand up for the ones being picked on, not side with the bully. That takes courage, but apparently Noem is sorely lacking in that quality. Most Russpublicans are. Tangerine Wankmaggot has them quaking in their shoes, and Noem is no different.
It seems quite clear that all 3 of SD’s delegation are dedicated Russpublicans. SDakotans could have real representation if they elected Bjorkman and Sutton. Even better if they added Seiller too. Right now the ones represented in SD are the Kochs and Pootie.
Happy camper..that pink blouse and the 5 pounds of blush are horrendous. We could give her a makeover but she would still be a heartless, lackluster person. Rupaul could pick the worst Queen in drag race herstory and Kristi would sink even lower.
Anne’s analysis is based on a logical fallacy. But I’ll ignore that.
I don’t much care if anyone calls me a dog. I like dogs. They’re loyal and loving and, if I didn’t have to pick up their poop, I might be tempted to get one. Dog is god spelled backwards. In Shakespeare’s day, “curr” was a term for “dog,” and a serious epithet. You can make it sound like a growling dog if you care to act it out. Backwards, it’s “rruc.” It doesn’t mean a thing. Anyway, I’ve been called worse, much worse. “Horse’s ass” comes to mind. Horse’s ass spelled backwards doesn’t mean a damn thing either.
Somehow, just because I didn’t yell about Trump calling Glenn Beck a “dog,” doesn’t mean squat. When you call a woman “a dog,” it has a little more bite, because there is a recent history and context for many girls and women. Granted, it’s not as bad as the “c-word.” Give Trump credit for curbing his behavior a bit.
If she were to really work on policies best for her state and the country…..,,, and then measures progress with incomes?
There were incomes in the dark ages
With abusive degrading, harassment.
So it isn’t her job to stand up for equality ?
And demand respectable language and behavior from a leader…,,,
That is scary….,,,,,
Omarosa is a bitch. Drumpf is a son of a dog. Doesn’t seem fair since one has such a negative connotation.
The thing is, I’ve thought about this, and criticizing someone for their appearance is almost always wrong, not something to do under normal circumstances, but she was a beauty queen so she knows the power of images and how to manipulate that, besides her getting it all wrong it is far worse she does not speak her mind honestly. No authenticity.
Hap, you know I try to avoid arguments based on appearance… in part because if that were a valid rhetorical tactic, pretty much everyone in this comment section would lose. ;-)
But you are right to point out that, as a woman who traded on her looks from early adulthood, she invites scrutiny of the images she uses to sell her candidacy. I won’t waste time on her clothing and make-up, because I agree her choice not to call out her party leader’s disexemplary behavior is far more important and problematic. But it doesn’t hurt to point out whenever she tries to use image like make-up to cover her political wrinkles and philosophical blemishes.