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Trump Attack on Pre-Existing Conditions Helps Democrats Find Voice on Health Care

The New York Times notes that, thanks to Donald Trump’s attack on the Affordable Care Act’s guarantee of insurance for folks with pre-existing conditions, Democrats are rediscovering their courage on health care:

Analysis of television ads through May from the Wesleyan Media Project found that health care was the most common subject of Democratic campaign ads.

The new emphasis on the issue stands in contrast with Democratic campaign themes of the last four election cycles. In those races, it was Republicans who were using health care as their rallying cry. “Repeal and replace” was the centerpiece of many Republican campaigns for four cycles, and one of the most unifying positions among Republican voters. It was not a coincidence that repealing Obamacare became President Trump’s first legislative priority after taking office.

Protection for people with pre-existing conditions was a major part of the Affordable Care Act, but Democrats struggled to find ways to champion the law, which was unpopular and polarizing. When asked, they would defend Obamacare. But they rarely emphasized their support. In 2014, ad research from Wesleyan shows, the vast majority of health care ads were those opposed to the health law [Margot Sanger-Katz, “After Years of Quiet, Democratic Candidates Can’t Stop Talking About Health Care,” New York Times, 2018.08.01].

The Kaiser Family Foundation poll that I mentioned last week finds that “continuing protections for people with pre-existing conditions” is the highest-priority health care issue for voters.

Gee, maybe if Democratic candidates had found their voices for the Affordable Care Act sooner, we wouldn’t be saddled with a Republican Congress and a reckless White House determined to do the opposite of its promises and make health care less accessible to more Americans.


  1. Jason 2018-08-01 07:24

    I don’t recall Trump saying he didn’t want pre-existing conditions covered? It can be done without the crappy obamacare tax.

  2. jerry 2018-08-01 08:18

    Comrade Jason, your Comrade NOem is echoing your Comrade trumps call to eliminate the ACA Obamacare in its entirety. The whole thing, including pre-existing conditions. These Comrades do not parse words, they are on record, as recently as yesterday, to eliminate the ACA Obamacare with no replacement.

  3. mike from iowa 2018-08-01 10:01

    Jan14, 2018 In a carefully worded letter, Attorney General Jeff Sessions revealed that the administration “with the approval of the President of the United States” no longer supports a provision of the Affordable Care Act that requires insurance companies to cover applicants regardless of whether they have a preexisting health condition.

  4. Jason 2018-08-01 10:19

    We need a link Mike.

  5. mike from iowa 2018-08-01 11:19

    You got a direct quote. You don’t need a link.

  6. Jason 2018-08-01 11:28

    There is only one sentence in quotes. Why are you afraid to give the link?

  7. Porter Lansing 2018-08-01 11:32

    Jason … What’s the crappy Obamacare tax? On Dec. 22, President Donald Trump signed a sweeping tax bill that repeals the Affordable Care Act’s tax penalty by zeroing out the fines.

  8. mike from iowa 2018-08-01 11:51

    North Carolina could have dropped Obamacare premiums 22% if Drumpf hadn’t gotten rid of individual mandate. Premiums still dropped 4%.

  9. mike from iowa 2018-08-01 11:58

    Jason, I keep a tight rein on you so you don’t get a chance to move the goalposts. That is why I am not giving you a link. I answered your original post.

  10. Porter Lansing 2018-08-01 12:06

    Well done, MFI. You ‘da cowboy. Jason’s ‘da jack-ass.🔙🔚

  11. Eve Fisher 2018-08-01 12:29 – Letter from AG Sessions
    “Shortly after the ACA’s enactment, the constitutionality of Section 5000A(a)’s ” [r)equirement to maintain minimum essential coverage” was the subject of several lawsuits. In National Federation ofIndependent Business v. Sebelius (NFIB), a majority of the Supreme Court concluded that this requirement to purchase health insurance could not be sustained as a valid exercise of Congress’ s power under the Commerce Clause. 567 U.S. 5 19, 572 (2012). A different majority nonetheless upheld the constitutionality of Section 5000A(a) under Congress’s taxing power. Id. at 570. On December 22, 2017, the Jobs Act amended Section 5000A(c) by eliminating (effective in 2019) the penalty imposed for noncompliance with Section 5000A(a). Pub. L. No. 115-97, § 11081 , 131 Stat. 2054, 2092. The Jobs Act did not, however, amend Section 5000A(a) itself. A coalition of 20 States and two individuals has now brought suit against the federal government, claiming that Section 5000A(a) is unconstitutional under NFIB in light of the Jobs Act’s amendment to Section 5000A(c). I have determined that the plaintiffs in Texas v. United States are correct that Section 5000A(a) will be unconstitutional when the Jobs Act’s amendment becomes effective in 2019.”

  12. Jason 2018-08-01 12:33


    I caught you lying again.


    The supreme court said obamacare was a tax. Remember it had no severability clause.

    But now, Sessions argues, a 2012 Supreme Court ruling comes into play. The court ruled that the individual mandate was constitutional because it could be considered a tax. But when the penalty is zero dollars, it’s no longer a tax, Sessions claims, so now it’s unconstitutional.

  13. mike from iowa 2018-08-01 12:50

    Jason is a big boy. He found an answer to his first question even if he did it by accident.

    And of course he lied again. Wait for it……wait….wait…

  14. Jason 2018-08-01 12:57


    The letter details that the law is now unconstitutional. It says nothing about the provision for pre-existing conditions like you said.

    You should seek professional help for your lying.

  15. mike from iowa 2018-08-01 13:10

    Dear poor unfortunate misguided troll Jason, you’re an idiot. Be offended. I could care less. That letter Eve Fisher posted is not the one I referred to as my nom de plume is not Eve Fisher.

    Therefore you are a jump the gun idiot troll. And a liar.

  16. Jason 2018-08-01 13:38

    I see you are still afraid to link to it liar.

  17. Porter Lansing 2018-08-01 13:51

    Wrong, Jason. The Supreme Court said the individual mandate was a tax. It’s gone. You know it’s gone and yet you try to lie about Obamacare being a “crappy tax”. #LoserVille

  18. Jason 2018-08-01 13:55

    I didn’t say it is currently a tax Porter so I can’t be wrong.

  19. jerry 2018-08-01 13:58

    Comrade Jason does not even read his own links so why bother. I praised him on his link the other day that made the case for Medicare for All and he still didn’t get it. Very amusing to see ignorance at its finest, troll on Comrade Jason, troll on.

  20. Porter Lansing 2018-08-01 14:14

    I see, Jason. You’re saying that Trump isn’t attacking pre-existing conditions by promoting the sales of “half-coverage” insurance policies (by insurance companies) that will allow states to eliminate the pre-existing coverage regulations (if the state’s choose to) when Trump said today that he supports the sales of those type of “half coverage” policies. I say Cory’s post is correct.
    Bottom Line ~ Dem’s are going to win on Obamacare because it’s as popular as Medicare.

  21. Porter Lansing 2018-08-01 14:23

    Jason loses again. He’s your’s, Cory, MFI, Jerry, Debbo, Don et al. (The article I posted about specifics on Russian Facebook infiltration (posted yesterday) is fascinating and highly informative. FiveThirtyEight is “most valid”.) Above all, when reading social media … BEWARE THE ZEALOT! That’s where Russians are attacking America.

  22. Jason 2018-08-01 14:28

    Please do run on Obamacare as well as immigration and gun control.

  23. jerry 2018-08-01 14:43

    Comrade Jason, no one wants gun control, not with me anyway. I am perfectly happy with the 2nd and may need it more sooner than later.

  24. owen reitzel 2018-08-01 14:44

    Have you ever used the ACA Jason?

  25. Dana P 2018-08-01 14:50

    All of the sabotage that the GOP /Trump have been doing to the ACA is unbelievable. Playing with people’s lives for political points. Horrifying. Rather than working to fix some of the problems with it.

    It is kind of late in the game, but hopefully the message will resonate with people that healthcare is do-able and winnable.

  26. Bucko Bear 2018-08-01 20:45

    Why do republicans hate Americans ?

  27. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2018-08-01 21:18

    Asking us to base arguments on words spoken by Trump is foolish. Trump’s public statements are meaningless. They are still destructive, but they are meaningless. It is the height of speciousness to try dragging us into a semantic argument over words with no semantic content.

    Trump’s actions to undermine and repeal the ACA show that he wants to undermine protections for folks with pre-existing conditions.

  28. Debbo 2018-08-01 21:43

    One of the most ironic, or perhaps pathetic, things about healthcare in the pre-Russpublican years, is that Tangerine Wankmaggot cultists regularly agreed that they loved the ACA, but desperately wanted much hated ObamaCare repealed. Oh yeah. That’s what happens when they watch Faux Noise and listen to wingnut radio. Sad.

    Now that they’re losing it piecemeal, thanks to Tangerine Wankmaggot and the Russpublicans, they’re eager for Medicare for All. The majority of people in the US favor universal, single payer healthcare.

    Idiot, greedy Tangerine Wankmaggot and the Russpublicans made healthcare a winning issue for Democrats, that party that actually cares about ordinary citizens.

  29. Jason 2018-08-01 23:24


    Why can’t the pre-existing conditions situation be dealt with by a bill just addressing that?

  30. jerry 2018-08-02 00:37

    Pre-Existing conditions can be dealt with by bills, millions of them addressing just that. Pre-Existing conditions are one of the pillars of the ACA/Obamacare.

  31. Porter Lansing 2018-08-02 01:39

    Jerry … Jason means a law that a black President hasn’t touched. You know, a white supremacist, pre-existing condition law.

  32. OldSarg 2018-08-02 05:45

    “Gee, maybe if Democratic candidates had found their voices for the Affordable Care Act sooner, we wouldn’t be saddled with a Republican Congress and a reckless White House” this is exactly why the people objected to it. . . Had the dems allowed the voice of the people to be involved instead of forcing it upon a free people it may have lasted but in this case, like so many before, when you force a free people to do something they either do not like or do not understand they will fight against it. This changed the political winds and this is how you all got Trump. The ACA isn’t the only reason you got Trump but it was one of the big ones. Remember, Obama also made several statements that doomed the ACA such as “you can keep your doctor”, “If you like your healthcare plan, you will be able to keep your healthcare plan.”, “We’re going to lower your premiums by up to $2500 per family per year.”, “No family making less than $250,000 a year will see their taxes increase.”, “I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits, now or in the future.” But the real truth was, the ACA was NEVER “Health Care”. It was forced “HEALTH INSURANCE”. You were not issued a doctor, a pill or given a bed. You got a premium to pay to a third party who’s job t was to control how much they spent to keep you alive. That is all it was.

    To most of you it is only an enigma but I had socialized medicine for the majority of my life. I rarely if ever got to see a doctor. There were groups that were of more value to the collective that got to see doctors. I would not be referred to a specialist because of the cost. Some groups that were of more value to the collective could at the drop of a hat. I could’t even get an MRI. They just didn’t have the money. This program of health care was instituted without a question and accepted by all without objection but now even it has changed and continues to become more open due to the failures of the system, poor care, overburdened staff, and un-controlable costs. This is the care of our military.

    Folks, in a perfect world with true equality and peace it might work but just as communism has become a totalitarian in every instance, case or place it was implemented so will you health care if you give over control of it to the government.

  33. Porter Lansing 2018-08-02 06:02

    OS … You are a deeply troubled individual. Hoping things get better. Really.

  34. jerry 2018-08-02 08:19

    Comrade old soviet, it is good to see you speak so lovingly of communism. Now I know why you and the rest of the 40 per centers are all in on the Putin takeover of America.

    Speaking of mandates, why did the 40 per centers demand and get a mandate for healthcare in 2003 with Medicare Part D? How about a mandate for vehicle insurance? What are the three first requests, that even a 40 per center gets, when pulled over by the police of the state? Let me see your license and registration along with your proof of insurance please. If you do not have that up to date insurance, the kindly police of the state will write you a ticket to produce that item to the court. That is also called a mandate so that you are responsible. Get it?

  35. Dicta 2018-08-02 09:01

    Jason: if the penalty is zero dollars, I am not sure how a claim regarding it would be justiciable. If there is a “penalty,” but that penalty is actually nothing at all, then no concrete harm is suffered and there are no grounds to bring a claim. Am I misunderstanding your claim here?

  36. mike from iowa 2018-08-02 09:13

    Drumpfism is a mental disorder and terminal.

    Being born with a brain is a pre-existing condition for Drumpfbots as theirs do not develop normally if at all.

  37. mike from iowa 2018-08-02 09:16

    OldSoapweed- how many nations with government run healthcare have switched back to insurance offered care?

  38. OldSarg 2018-08-02 11:08

    mike – you didn’t get any health care. You got insurance. No health care in the ACA. It is just insurance. Insurance.

  39. mike from iowa 2018-08-02 12:34

    Cory, make OldSoapweed answer the question.

  40. OldSarg 2018-08-02 14:14

    “Cory, make OldSoapweed answer the question.” momma!!!! Poor baby, I sure hope you’re ok. Stay out of the kitchen. Lots of sharp things in there. . .

  41. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2018-08-02 20:24

    Always so ugly and personal, OS. I don’t need to say such things to make my point. That suggests I’m much more confident of my points than you are.

    As far as I know, the proof is in the pudding. All those nations that Republicans point to as examples of failing socialized medicine stick with their systems and refuse to adopt ours.

    The proof is also in Trump’s pudding. We shall know ye by your fruits…

  42. OldSarg 2018-08-03 04:58

    Cory, at least I’m not running around calling everyone with different political views a racist.

    Once again, as I stated earlier: No one ever got any health care from ACA. You only got the unwanted forced payment for “insurance”. That is all. No more. You got to pay a corporation for the privilege of making secret agreements between a health care provider and the corporation for which you pay. Nothing more. They don’t help you get better, figure out the bill, or work for your benefit but they transfer the financial risk from your wallet to theirs. That is what you got.

  43. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2018-08-03 05:34

    “At least I’m not…”‚that’s another “what about” distraction, admitting that you are guilty of the poor debate tactics I’ve identified, tactics that you should drop.

    At least with your latest word game you are admitting that Republicans are lying when they call the ACA “government-run health care.” You are technically correct that the ACA is about providing insurance for health care, not directly providing care itself.

    But that technical point about the main provisions of the ACA ignores the practical impact: by making insurance affordable, millions more Americans are able to go to the doctor without taking a huge hit to their personal budgets. Folks with pre-existing conditions are a great example. Millions of Americans either couldn’t get insurance, were paying budget-busting premiums, or were living in fear that their insurer would decide that some condition on their medical transcript (asthma, pregnancy) would cause their employer to kick them off their coverage and leave their families without affordable access to treatment. Now, the ACA gives those millions of Americans practical access to health care and great economic security… which Donald Trump is actively trying to take away.

    And check your typical accusatory use of “you”. I have employer-based insurance. So I’m assuming the financial risk for those folks with pre-existing conditions… and I’m happy to do it for the general welfare, just as I am happy to assume the financial risk for old people (like you, “Old” Sarg) who enjoy Medicare.

  44. Jason 2018-08-15 23:28


    What is Canada’s taxes vs the USA’s?

    You want to tax farmers to suicide?

    Obamacare has already done that.

    Here is a solution.

    We pass a law saying every hospital and clinic post their prices on a State website before insurance.

    Let’s get Capitalism back into healthcare.

  45. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2018-08-19 18:50

    I welcome mandating a clear, itemized price list for every good and service a hospital provides, to be made available to every patient upon request before any medical action. Informed consent should include price.

  46. mike from iowa 2018-08-19 19:25

    The Federalist- wolf, wolf, wolf, wolf, wolf, wolf, wolf!

  47. Debbo 2018-08-25 21:08

    Wow. Audrey Denney has got my vote.

    When candidates allow their passion to show through it’s more powerful.

    My congressional candidate seems to have found her voice and I heard her give a passionate, no script, jeans and ball cap speech at MN Farm Fest. It was great. She’s sick of farmers being ripped off and taken advantage of. She’s favored to win too, beating the horrible trumpelstilskin we’ve been stuck with for 2 years.

    There’s nothing like having a heart and showing it to make voters notice.

    Go for it Tim!

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