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Mark Mickelson, Pot Pusher!

Who is the first donor listed on the New Approach South Dakota—Medical Cannabis 2017 year-end campaign finance disclosure? Republican Speaker of the House Mark Mickelson:

Itemized individual donors, New Approach South Dakota—Medical Cannabis, 2017 year-end campaign finance disclosure, provided by New Approach SD to DFP, 2018.01.26.
Itemized individual donors, New Approach South Dakota—Medical Cannabis, 2017 year-end campaign finance disclosure, provided by New Approach SD to DFP, 2018.01.26.

Mickelson also helped the medical cannabis campaign with cash from his ballot question committees:

Direct contributions from ballot question committees, New Approach South Dakota—Medical Cannabis, 2017 year-end campaign finance disclosure, provided by New Approach SD to DFP, 2018.01.26.
Direct contributions from ballot question committees, New Approach South Dakota—Medical Cannabis, 2017 year-end campaign finance disclosure, provided by New Approach SD to DFP, 2018.01.26.

Speaker Mickelson thus provided 16% of the funds supporting the medical cannabis petition drive, the only New Approach petition that made it to the Secretary of State’s office.


  1. Bob Newland 2018-01-26 18:31

    Man! A bunch of stupid, evil legislation and one good deed. How does a person deal with these conflicting character elements?

  2. grudznick 2018-01-26 19:38

    Bob, you know darned well that young Mr. Mickelson is not going to buy our breakfast tomorrow at Talleys, but he would probably call in and give a speech over the phone if we asked him. I dare say this young man may be having an early onslaught of that brain rot, that dementia stuff. It is sad, sad indeed. Gravy taters will all be on me tomorrow, if Mr. Mickelson doesn’t show. Like usual, rules require the smoking and toking to be in the alley after breakfasting is done.

  3. grudznick 2018-01-26 23:37

    Weed is bad. The demon weed is bad, it is bad.

  4. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2018-01-27 05:50

    And Republican Mark Mickelson gave thousands of dollars to promote an initiative for the use of that demon weed for medicinal purposes. The SDGOP spin blog is usually an eager watchdog on such pottery—where is its swift condemnation of Speaker Mickelson’s support of the the pot agenda?

  5. Jackie 2018-01-27 12:34

    I applaud anyone that supports medical marijuana, there needs to be alternative forms of pain management when other medically approved means are removed from legitimate chronic pain patients.

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