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Dakota Access Raising Revenues for Big Oil, Not Lowering Consumer Prices

The Republican spin blog reads a Wall Street Journal editorial crediting the Dakota Access pipeline with lowering energy transportation costs and reducing rail transport of oil and calls the anti-pipeline protests in North Dakota last year “ridiculous.”

Hold on: Republicans can call protests of fossil fuel addiction and abuse of Native sovereignty “ridiculous” and that’s hunky-dory, but Democrats like me call pro-Trump and anti-immigrant rallies “deplorable” and we’re the out-of-touch bullies?

The Dakota Access pipeline appears to be generating some financial benefits, but, as is standard practice in Trump World, those benefits go to our corporate overlords, not us commoners:

The pipeline system connecting North Dakota with Gulf Coast markets has lowered transportation costs, making the price for Bakken crude more competitive.

Justin Kringstad, director of the North Dakota Pipeline Authority, said before Dakota Access began service in June, the price for a Bakken barrel was about $7 to $8 lower than the West Texas Intermediate price.

From June through October, the most recent data available, the average discount was $5 a barrel, Kringstad said.

“That means getting more and more revenue out of each barrel,” said Ryan Rauschenberger, North Dakota tax commissioner [Amy Dalrymple, “Dakota Access Pipeline Credited with Making Bakken More Competitive in 2017,” Bismarck Tribune, 2017.12.27].

Dakota Access isn’t putting cheaper gas in our tank. It’s helping the oil barons charge more for their product on the global market. I don’t know if that’s worth shouting ridiculous or deplorable, but it certainly doesn’t seem worth a fanfare for the common man or insults to those who said maybe the pipeline wasn’t all that great for regular Americans.

By the way, even with Dakota Access, North Dakota’s average monthly oil production is still below its 2014–2015 peak. The state has more producing wells but daily average production per well is lower than it has been since 2011.


  1. mike from iowa 2017-12-31 10:59

    Does it help to say, what a surprise? I’m guessing most of us were skeptical of the jobs claims and the revenues the states would get, but lower gas prices were not part of the bargain.

    Americans got snookered again.

  2. owen reitzel 2017-12-31 14:17

    And that is what the story will be on the new tax bill. Big Corps are going to pocket the extra money. They’re not going to create jobs.
    That’s why the Republicans pushed this through so fast.
    People have to start waking up and hopefully they will

  3. OldSarg 2017-12-31 15:44

    What a ridiculous statement: “Dakota Access Raising Revenues for Big Oil, Not Lowering Consumer Prices”.

    Who is “Big Oil” would be a better question. Big Oil is you, your mutual fund, your retirement fund, your brother’s universal life insurance policy, you mother’s pension, you child’s 529 account holding, your state of South Dakota’s teachers retirement account, the Highway Patrolman’s IRA account, THAT is who Big Oil is.

    So, the next question should have been” How is Big Oil raising revenue by using the pipeline? If it is cheaper to ship the oil via pipeline rather than truck and train then revenue would of course go up.

    The final question should be: Is the new pipeline responsible for Not Lowering Consumer Prices? The answer to this would be “No”. The new pipeline is insignificant in comparison to the world’s supply of oil and to even make such a connection as Cory did is irresponsible and misleading for the idiots that buy all this tripe Cory spews out and you fools bite onto and run like the small minded fish you prove yourselves to be time after time.

    I swear most of you could spend all day pondering “why is penny candy a penny?”

  4. mike from iowa 2017-12-31 16:01

    Owen, did you just hear something? Sounded like a calf lost in the wilderness with nothing to suck on but its own tail. Yeah, that is exactly what I heard.

  5. owen reitzel 2017-12-31 16:31

    Totally agree MFI. I heard that as well

  6. Roger Cornelius 2017-12-31 16:41

    Old Sarge must be living in the 1950’s that Trump is creating.
    When and where was the last time you could actually buy penny candy for a penny?

  7. o 2017-12-31 17:31

    OldSarge touches on the ONE area where “trickle down” theory seems to have a leg to stand on: reality, history, Kansas . . . all show that we cannot depend on those with the most wealth to make decisions to enrich others when granting additional wealth, but is there a way for others to grab onto the sides of their boats as they are floated? The clear message is that to succeed one MUST invest.

    To me, this raises two concerns. 1) Is it (has it been) good for the US economy to transform to an investment economy? Does it serve our nation well to create wealth through investment and banking rather than production and creation? (I say it does/has not). 2) I know that many have investments we do not think about; Old Sarge astutely points out things like retirement plans’ investments, but Americans (outside the elite investment class) do not create living day-to-day income through investment. Investment drains money from production and service economies. I say that has hurt this nation. Really, this was the heart of the message of candidate Trump to the Rust Belt — a message that resonated with voters.

    ps penny candy is a penny because workers and suppliers were exploited to keep the costs low enough for a corporation to make a profit while still charging a “only” penny. That is the WalMartization of America.

  8. OldSarg 2017-12-31 18:56

    Get this Geniuses: It is OUR New Year! It is not “your” New Year. What has been done over the last year will now seem small. You will look back on last year as the year you still had a voice. Those days are over. The “Wave” I spoke of over a year ago has built and it is mowing over your cry baby antics. We will have a wall. We will have lower taxes. We will have less government. We will have more individual freedoms. We will be more of what was once called “Liberal” that was taken over by the ignorant socialist trash you have proven yourselves to be. No impeachment, no collusion, no Trump failures. The wave will mow the leftist traitors over and you will all continue biting at out heels. Bite away. You are nothings. Yo have won nothing. You have gained nothing. You have lost. . .

  9. Roger Cornelius 2017-12-31 19:08

    Does that mean Old Sarge will join America on Jan. 20,2018 for the Impeachment March in Washington, D.C.
    When the clock strikes midnight and brings in the New Year the Trump slate will not be wiped clean. Robert Mueller is just getting started.

  10. grudznick 2017-12-31 19:35


  11. OldSarg 2017-12-31 19:38

    It’s all over Roger. Your ilk are done. You lost. Have a nice evening. I’m heading to a New Years Celebration filled with military, business owners and people that value their Freedoms!!!!

    Put your dark robe on and mope away the night!

  12. jerry 2017-12-31 19:44

    Does this guy sound like trump with the collusion meme over and over again? Yep, he does. Happy New Year to you OS… my favorite chump.

  13. Roger Cornelius 2017-12-31 19:50

    I’ll tell you what, village idiot, I’ll put my dark robe on if you will take off your white robe and pointy hat off.

    Nothings over, we’re just getting started.

  14. mike from iowa 2017-12-31 20:10

    I’m heading to a New Years Celebration filled with military, business owners and people that value their Freedoms!!!!

    Must be the dumbwaiter.

    Happy New Year to one and all except OldStumpy and possibly Grudz. Haven’t decided on Grudz, yet.

  15. Dana P 2018-01-01 07:46

    OS – you are one angry person. Yikes! If you “hate” liberals as much as you continue to show, and if you can’t handle the truth (and won’t ever back up your arguments with any sort of facts or data), why do you even peruse this blog?

    It sure isn’t to become informed or to offer any degree of counterpoints with evidence. All you appear to want to do is insult, pick fights, and trash talk. That is “making America great again”? Being the school yard bully is what was envisioned by the founding fathers? Wow

    If you aren’t working today, you can thank a “liberal” !!

  16. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2018-01-01 08:43

    Once again, OS derails a conversation with his barroom insults.

    “Your ilk are done”—notice how little that statement has to do with reality. It’s just generalized hatred and an inability to deal with specific issues and evidence.

    The fact that the market, the mutual funds, and GDP go up does not inherently grant an action causing those gains moral legitimacy or social good. My mutual fund would increase in value if I owned a lot of pharmaceutical stocks and if Trump’s deregulated polluters caused a lot more diseases requiring pharmaceutical treatment.

    Simple fact remains that Dakota Access, like Keystone XL, serves to increase oil prices, not help Americans get cheaper fuel. Corporations win, vast majority of consumers suffer.

  17. owen reitzel 2018-01-01 09:02

    For some reason OldSarge’s words sounds familiar. Hmmm??????

  18. OldSarg 2018-01-01 10:50

    Get over it Cory. Your “headline” was bogus and trash.

  19. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2018-01-01 14:13

    Get over what? My headline is accurate: Dakota Access is allowing oil companies fracking the Bakken to charge more for their product. The article I cite says exactly that.

  20. Dana P 2018-01-01 15:33

    I’ve read Cory’s entry on this topic, specifically, three times. There is not even a hint of a falsehood or incorrect information that I could argue with.

    OS, “bogus and trash”. (I will probably regret asking this) You threw out an allegation. Please provide something – anything, that shows Cory was incorrect in his reporting.

    Let’s not forget that oil/gas companies are STILL getting subsidies from us – despite making record profits. I keep waiting for some of those profits to be passed on to consumers. Oh yeah, that’s right. I’m not an owner or a shareholder of those companies.

    Saw this today, and it reminded me of OS’s entries on Cory’s blogs —

    “Trump’s acolytes in politics and social media have modeled their behavior on his, combining the worst traits of the schoolyard bully, the thin-skinned nastiness that mimics confidence and the strut and sneer that substitutes for actual strength”

  21. mike from iowa 2018-01-01 17:06

    I know where the next deep borehole belongs- searching for signs of intelligence in OldSmokey’s numbskull. Could take decades.

  22. OldSarg 2018-01-01 19:56

    Attack away. Cory knows I am right. The headline reads “Dakota Access Raising Revenues for Big Oil, Not Lowering Consumer Prices” NOT “Dakota Access is allowing oil companies fracking the Bakken to charge more for their product”.

    Cory, you change your story each time you are caught.

    The rest of you lemmings can just follow along as the cowards you have proven yourselves to be. You all are boring. Not smart. Not quick witted. Just boring.

  23. jerry 2018-01-01 20:19

    Speaking of boring, Mr. Newland has made a point about boreholes, perhaps you would like to read up about that. It may be difficult for you to follow as it is the first sentence…Drat, I gave it away.

  24. mike from iowa 2018-01-02 09:01

    OldMasochist has a deep need to come to DFP and get abuse so he can get his koch bros rocks off.

  25. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2018-01-02 12:04

    Can you read, OS? Nowhere have I changed my story. The sentence I gave you in the comment is entirely consistent with the headline I offered. You’ve caught nothing but your own illiteracy.

    Dakota Access is allowing oil companies to make more money by charging more for their product.

    Dakota Access is not lowering my fuel prices.

    Everything I have said in this discussion, including my observation on OS’s willfully poor reading comprehension, is supported by evidence and remains unrefuted.

  26. OldSarg 2018-01-02 15:49

    Ok genius:

    “Dakota Access is allowing oil companies to make more money by charging more for their product.” Dakota Access doesn’t set the price. I think you are referring to Energy Transfer Partners, Sunoco and Phillips 66 but they don’t set the price they sell oil at either. Oil is sold on the open Market. The “Global” market sets the price for the crude oil flowing through that pipeline. When there is more oil available the price drops. Less oil the price goes up. It is called “economics”. More/less, you know. . .

    “Dakota Access is not lowering my fuel prices. ” I don’t think the pipeline knows you or even supplies oil for your KIA. As a matter of fact my bet is Dakota Access is not even in the business of making gasoline. They are in the business of shipping crud oil via pipeline. Do you blame the Walmart Greeter when you lose your keys? It would be better if you addressed this problem of yours to the South Dakota Department of Revenue to find out who is selling motor vehicle fuel in your area and asking them who they are buying it from if you want to blame someone.

    Regardless you have been better. This time you sucked.

    Now, let us proceed with your lemming’s attack. . .

  27. OldSarg 2018-01-02 17:21

    mike from iowa, do you know what a “subsidiary” is? Honestly, you are stupid. I don’t mean the in a bad way. It’s just what you are. It is your calling in life. You prove it every day with every post. Get a shirt with it printed on it. It should say “I am “mike from iowa and I am stuped”. Everyone already knows but to wear it across your pectus excavatum would better represent your standing in the world.

  28. mike from iowa 2018-01-02 17:55

    You didn’t read the link I posted, Stoopid.

  29. Alex Sherice 2018-01-04 00:49

    I wonder what OldSarg does when he isn’t trolling political blogs…Maybe Kevin Vogel of Rapid City, SD on Facebook has more information.
    OldSarg D.F.P. Mentions: Airforce, SD resident, son attending law school at USD. and an old post from 2008 on a Rapid City blog that has a profile photo who looks a lot like Kevin and handle of OldSarg.

  30. mike from iowa 2018-01-04 08:56

    Quoted Ayn Rand. Oh, Brother.

  31. Roger Cornelius 2018-01-04 11:50

    Excellent research Alex Sherice, you just may have unearthed the troll, Old Sarge.

  32. mike from iowa 2018-01-04 12:46

    OldSausage, I just love it when you talk dirty to me, but try to stick to the subject matter at hand- Stoopid.

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