Perhaps every network should scroll “Fox News Alert” when Kristi Noem starts talking….
I’m looking at this with a couple different priorities in mind. First of all, we want to strengthen families. We want to give them more flexibility in their pockets, help them provide for their families, and make decisions on how to help their future be more successful. It means giving them a break at milestones in their life like when they grow their family, they have children, buy a home, start a business, or then want to pass that business down to their future generations [Rep. Kristi Noem, audio transcribed from Adam St. John, “Noem Selected to Serve on House/Senate Reconciliation Committee,” Dakota Broadcasting, 2017.12.08].
I’ll be coming to these negotiations with two goals in mind: (1) promote stronger families and (2) create a strong future for all Americans. I’ll be pushing to make sure folks get a break at those critical life milestones, like when you grow your family, buy a home, start a business, or pass that business down to your kids. I’ll also be pushing to improve things on a broader scale so wages rise and more jobs open up in our hometowns [Rep. Kristi Noem, mass e-mail, 2017.12.05].
Dakota Broadcasting calls a local expert to set the record straight and express the very real concern that Noem will only make a bad bill worse:
[Photo by Dennis Olson, Huron, SD, 2017.07.06.]This tax package results in a net decrease in money in your pocket for South Dakotans making less than $30,000, and that’s right away. It only gets worse. As this tax plan gets implemented fully… by 2027, you, me, and everybody else making $75,000 or less will be paying more tax than we would under the current system. We’ll have less money in our pockets. So I’m glad Kristi Noem is on the reconciliation committee, but so far she’s done a terrible job of writing a good plan that does more for South Dakota families. All her plan does right now is serve the few rich families at the top who don’t need any help [CA Heideberger, audio transcribed from St. John, 2017.12.08].
I remember a time when she was the third to the top person in the legislature. She was for a bad bill and asked why she was for it she said, ‘the leadership was for it.’ She was leadership but just did as the party said.
Jason Hatzenbuhler
Who is the tax expert you contacted Cory?
A family of four making less than 30k doesn’t pay income taxes. Of course they will not get a tax cut.
Mother says Roypublican NOem, is a damn fool. Roypublicans like NOem and Jackley or Opie are certainly not what South Dakota needs to dig ourselves out of the hole the governor and his legislature have put us in. Roypublican NOem was perplexed to find she taxed graduate students on income they have not received. If NOem cannot understand the law she just signed off on, how in the hell can she not look to anything other than corruption to her future as a governor? Hint. She cannot. NO to NOem. BTW, Roypublican Krebs has shown us her behind as well with the fundraiser in Sioux Falls and her undying love for all things Russian/trump. Crooks and liars should have no place in a state that historically used to use a handshake as a means of honor. These gals ain’t really any different than horse thieves.
mike from iowa
Healthcare for all would make people more flexible. Less starch can put some flexibility back into stiff collars and pockets.
Roger, I wonder how well someone used to doing what the leadership says can transition to being the leader who tells the rest of the party what to do.
Jerry, we do need to hear more about that hit on graduate students. Over the last decade-plus, the Regents have made a big deal out of expanded the research opportunities at our universities. Taxing cash poor grad students on their tuition waivers would have far worse impact on South Dakota’s economic development than maintaining the estate tax exemption at $5.4M would have.
Mike, we shouldn’t need IQ tests to establish elected officials’ intelligence. Listening to their words should suffice.
Jason, click the link, read the charts. NPR based those charts on this CBO report. It’s not just that the low-end doesn’t cut a tax cut. It’s that they end up with less money left in their pockets, due to the net distributional effects of concomitant spending cuts. Folks making less than $30K end up worse off right away.
Now, what tax expert have you and Kristi Noem been talking to?
I have a dozen comments on thy tax bills and the governors budget speech, one of which constant commoner fired effectively (thune relies on Koch Bros econ analyses). my own expertise is not financial so i’ll wait, but am trying to insert this fascinating “comments section” to our dear readers, dealing with lawyerly-type thinking behind bringing down the tax break for the rich our leader trump and our three amigos dutifully follow:
forgive me :)
John and Kristi and Mike: “As one representative from a super PAC funded by the billionaire Koch Brothers recently warned, if Republicans fail to cut taxes for business, ‘there are going to be consequences.’ The Kochs and their fellow mega-donors have contributed the lion’s share of the over $3.3 billion in new spending that has flooded into federal races since Citizens United. And they will benefit hugely from the proposed tax cuts. Eleven families who spent a total of $205 million on federal races in 2016 could save as much as $67.5 billion just from repeal of the federal estate tax.”
thune twitter today: “colleagues from both chambers and I work together to deliver a tax reform bill that provides relief for middle-income Americans….”
Roger Cornelius
When Noem promotes Trump’s tax bill, I always recall when she first ran for congress and had a commercial showing how much of the national debt her children would be responsible for.
How does she explain the $1.5 Trillion added debt to Booker and her other children?
John Kennedy Claussen, Sr.
Did everyone see Senator Thune on CBS this morning? He was asked a question about how little of a tax refund would be given to a household with $ 50,000 of annual income, which is the SD average – and thus, why he supported such a tax plan – then he answered the question by saying that a household of $ 73,000 a year would receive a $ 2200 refund under the Republican Senate plan….. But what about the average household of $ 50,000 in this state? That was the question and is the true reality for many South Dakota households….
Correct Mr. Claussen. What Thune/Rounds/NOem and would be Krebs are trying to pull off is cherry picking the numbers. This giveaway to Thune/Rounds/NOem and the rest of the elite will kill the dreams of many South Dakotan’s and cause grave harm to those folks who have worked very hard to get their degrees from our school’s. Which begs the question, how will those schools even offer graduate courses? How will they be able to do that? When those program courses are eliminated, then we can do like Dave Lust wanted to do, sell the South Dakota School of Mines for starters.
Remember George W. Bush? One thing he did was provide forgiveness of a student loan if you entered public service NOem and the rest of the Roypublicans did this:
“”House Republicans are also envisioning the end of loan forgiveness for college graduates who pursue careers in the public sector. The plan, much like the White House budget, would do away with Public Service Loan Forgiveness, a program that wipes away federal student debt for people in the public sector after they have made 10 years’ worth of payments.
The program, enacted in 2007 under President George W. Bush, was designed to encourage college graduates to pursue careers as social workers, teachers, public defenders or doctors in rural areas.””
Last I looked, South Dakota was as rural as it gets. NOem and the rest of the slackers of the Roypublican party could give a care about South Dakota, they only want her treasure by any corrupt way they can find
John Kennedy Claussen, Sr.
If you look at the Republican tax plans (House and Senate) beyond the obvious handouts to the elite fat cats, there are other goals to be found in those plans which are intended to punish or destroy academia and blue states especially. The Republican tax plans are merely an extension of the Koch Brothers agenda to destroy our democracy as we know it, to destroy the two party system, and to destroy the middle class all in the name of liberty or what they call liberty, or libertarians that is, in order to protect the 1% and further enrich them by first lessening then destroying the voice of progressivism which is the only actual keeper of truth and fact in this age of Trump.
Conservatives, and especially the conservatives who lead this country today, do not play fair. They justify their practices as the realities of life because there are no real guarantees in life, but their actions are pure Darwinist and by a crowd which often denies Darwinism or is tolerant of those who do. Conservatives today are like that kid that we all knew as a child, who only wanted to play wiffle ball in his/her backyard and according to his/her own house rules.
mike from iowa
I may have been too skeptical when dingbat Noem was talking about 9% growth last year or whenever. It appears the deficits will bigly exceed 9% growth.
mike from iowa
Hold onto yer entitlements because wingnuts are already talking about attacking Medicare and SS early next year to pay for their massive giveaways to the wealthy this year.
You knew it was coming. They have to get it done because they stand to lose in the 2018 elections, bigger than bigly.
Joseph Voigt
The problem is not the tax part of it, it’s the deduction part of it. Yes people will get a tax cut (though not permanent). The problem is the deduction part of it. I will get a small tax cut ( I make somewhere around $50K. But if I can’t write off my student loan interest it will be a net tax increase for me. Now luckily for me, I’m getting to a point on my student loans where it’s way more principal than interest, but if I was right out of college it would kill me.
My dad is an investor in a wind farm, where before this bill he was looking at possibly making close to $100K, but if this tax bill happens the project won’t happen.
The big problem with this tax bill is it messes with tax incentives/deductions that have already been approved and in which many already have sunset clauses attached to them.
mike from iowa
Drumpf’s treasury department came out with announcement that taxcuts for the koch bros will generate 1.8 trillion in new receipts over 10 years based on ,7% growth and says taxcuts will pay for themselves.
I remember a time when she was the third to the top person in the legislature. She was for a bad bill and asked why she was for it she said, ‘the leadership was for it.’ She was leadership but just did as the party said.
Who is the tax expert you contacted Cory?
A family of four making less than 30k doesn’t pay income taxes. Of course they will not get a tax cut.
Mother says Roypublican NOem, is a damn fool. Roypublicans like NOem and Jackley or Opie are certainly not what South Dakota needs to dig ourselves out of the hole the governor and his legislature have put us in. Roypublican NOem was perplexed to find she taxed graduate students on income they have not received. If NOem cannot understand the law she just signed off on, how in the hell can she not look to anything other than corruption to her future as a governor? Hint. She cannot. NO to NOem. BTW, Roypublican Krebs has shown us her behind as well with the fundraiser in Sioux Falls and her undying love for all things Russian/trump. Crooks and liars should have no place in a state that historically used to use a handshake as a means of honor. These gals ain’t really any different than horse thieves.
Healthcare for all would make people more flexible. Less starch can put some flexibility back into stiff collars and pockets.
Could this wingnut woman pass an IQ test?
Roger, I wonder how well someone used to doing what the leadership says can transition to being the leader who tells the rest of the party what to do.
Jerry, we do need to hear more about that hit on graduate students. Over the last decade-plus, the Regents have made a big deal out of expanded the research opportunities at our universities. Taxing cash poor grad students on their tuition waivers would have far worse impact on South Dakota’s economic development than maintaining the estate tax exemption at $5.4M would have.
Mike, we shouldn’t need IQ tests to establish elected officials’ intelligence. Listening to their words should suffice.
Jason, click the link, read the charts. NPR based those charts on this CBO report. It’s not just that the low-end doesn’t cut a tax cut. It’s that they end up with less money left in their pockets, due to the net distributional effects of concomitant spending cuts. Folks making less than $30K end up worse off right away.
Now, what tax expert have you and Kristi Noem been talking to?
I have a dozen comments on thy tax bills and the governors budget speech, one of which constant commoner fired effectively (thune relies on Koch Bros econ analyses). my own expertise is not financial so i’ll wait, but am trying to insert this fascinating “comments section” to our dear readers, dealing with lawyerly-type thinking behind bringing down the tax break for the rich our leader trump and our three amigos dutifully follow:
forgive me :)
John and Kristi and Mike: “As one representative from a super PAC funded by the billionaire Koch Brothers recently warned, if Republicans fail to cut taxes for business, ‘there are going to be consequences.’ The Kochs and their fellow mega-donors have contributed the lion’s share of the over $3.3 billion in new spending that has flooded into federal races since Citizens United. And they will benefit hugely from the proposed tax cuts. Eleven families who spent a total of $205 million on federal races in 2016 could save as much as $67.5 billion just from repeal of the federal estate tax.”
thune twitter today: “colleagues from both chambers and I work together to deliver a tax reform bill that provides relief for middle-income Americans….”
When Noem promotes Trump’s tax bill, I always recall when she first ran for congress and had a commercial showing how much of the national debt her children would be responsible for.
How does she explain the $1.5 Trillion added debt to Booker and her other children?
Did everyone see Senator Thune on CBS this morning? He was asked a question about how little of a tax refund would be given to a household with $ 50,000 of annual income, which is the SD average – and thus, why he supported such a tax plan – then he answered the question by saying that a household of $ 73,000 a year would receive a $ 2200 refund under the Republican Senate plan….. But what about the average household of $ 50,000 in this state? That was the question and is the true reality for many South Dakota households….
Correct Mr. Claussen. What Thune/Rounds/NOem and would be Krebs are trying to pull off is cherry picking the numbers. This giveaway to Thune/Rounds/NOem and the rest of the elite will kill the dreams of many South Dakotan’s and cause grave harm to those folks who have worked very hard to get their degrees from our school’s. Which begs the question, how will those schools even offer graduate courses? How will they be able to do that? When those program courses are eliminated, then we can do like Dave Lust wanted to do, sell the South Dakota School of Mines for starters.
Remember George W. Bush? One thing he did was provide forgiveness of a student loan if you entered public service NOem and the rest of the Roypublicans did this:
“”House Republicans are also envisioning the end of loan forgiveness for college graduates who pursue careers in the public sector. The plan, much like the White House budget, would do away with Public Service Loan Forgiveness, a program that wipes away federal student debt for people in the public sector after they have made 10 years’ worth of payments.
The program, enacted in 2007 under President George W. Bush, was designed to encourage college graduates to pursue careers as social workers, teachers, public defenders or doctors in rural areas.””
Last I looked, South Dakota was as rural as it gets. NOem and the rest of the slackers of the Roypublican party could give a care about South Dakota, they only want her treasure by any corrupt way they can find
If you look at the Republican tax plans (House and Senate) beyond the obvious handouts to the elite fat cats, there are other goals to be found in those plans which are intended to punish or destroy academia and blue states especially. The Republican tax plans are merely an extension of the Koch Brothers agenda to destroy our democracy as we know it, to destroy the two party system, and to destroy the middle class all in the name of liberty or what they call liberty, or libertarians that is, in order to protect the 1% and further enrich them by first lessening then destroying the voice of progressivism which is the only actual keeper of truth and fact in this age of Trump.
Conservatives, and especially the conservatives who lead this country today, do not play fair. They justify their practices as the realities of life because there are no real guarantees in life, but their actions are pure Darwinist and by a crowd which often denies Darwinism or is tolerant of those who do. Conservatives today are like that kid that we all knew as a child, who only wanted to play wiffle ball in his/her backyard and according to his/her own house rules.
I may have been too skeptical when dingbat Noem was talking about 9% growth last year or whenever. It appears the deficits will bigly exceed 9% growth.
Hold onto yer entitlements because wingnuts are already talking about attacking Medicare and SS early next year to pay for their massive giveaways to the wealthy this year.
You knew it was coming. They have to get it done because they stand to lose in the 2018 elections, bigger than bigly.
The problem is not the tax part of it, it’s the deduction part of it. Yes people will get a tax cut (though not permanent). The problem is the deduction part of it. I will get a small tax cut ( I make somewhere around $50K. But if I can’t write off my student loan interest it will be a net tax increase for me. Now luckily for me, I’m getting to a point on my student loans where it’s way more principal than interest, but if I was right out of college it would kill me.
My dad is an investor in a wind farm, where before this bill he was looking at possibly making close to $100K, but if this tax bill happens the project won’t happen.
The big problem with this tax bill is it messes with tax incentives/deductions that have already been approved and in which many already have sunset clauses attached to them.
Drumpf’s treasury department came out with announcement that taxcuts for the koch bros will generate 1.8 trillion in new receipts over 10 years based on ,7% growth and says taxcuts will pay for themselves.