Shantel Krebs is going full Trump in her campaign for U.S. House. Our Republican Secretary of State has sent out an e-mail inviting supporters to “Come meet Donald Trump’s advisor!” (Krebs includes the exclamation point in her subject line) at a fundraiser with Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach at Callaway’s in Sioux Falls next Thursday, December 14:

Embracing Trump is bad enough; embracing Kobach signals contempt for the very voting rights that we elected our Secretary of State to protect. Kobach heads the voter commission Trump empaneled to push Trump’s blatant lies about widespread voter fraud, undermine confidence in America’s election system, and weaken voter rights. Kobach has defended Trump’s bogus claims and himself has made shaky allegations about voter fraud. More concretely, Kobach has proposed greater restrictions on voting rights. Kobach pushed a 2011 law in Kansas that invalidated the ballots of 23 legitimate disabled voters in just one local election this fall.
Kobach’s Republican-favoring voting-rights restrictions align with the anti-immigrant paranoia that he has promoted. Kobach worked as a lawyer for the Federation for American Immigration Reform, the white-supremacist-founded organization putting on an anti-immigrant show in Aberdeen tonight. FAIR returned the favor by talking up Kobach last December for a role in the Trump Administration. FAIR is a key part of the nativist/racist infiltration of the GOP and the White House.
Secretary Krebs, you’re better than this crypto-racism. So is South Dakota. Call off your fundraiser with this representative of the worst parts of Trumpism. Show South Dakotans you’re more interested in promoting voter rights than in promoting fear and discrimination to win a few primary votes.
Does this play into the hands of Tapio (referencing Cory’s 12/01, “Tapio Touting Trumpism to Topple Top Two Team GOP Players” post)? He certainly can out-Trump Krebs, so does this put her in the role of winding up the pro-45 crowd for their REAL leader/candidate for the House?
Krebs always projected an image as a more reasonable SD Republican. This fundraiser reveals that her image of reasonableness is, instead, “fake news.”
Secretary Krebs, you’re better than this crypto-racism
Guess not, huh? Wingnuts have enough of a majority in this red state she can easily afford to ignore criticisms and associate with people no normal American would be seen in the same zipcode with.( for reasons Cory has eloquently laid out)
By the same token, you lie with dogs you wake up with their fleas.
Interesting point, O. On face, it would look like an effort to defang Tapio. His claim to be Trump’s guy seems pretty hollow if big Trump cronies all come to town shouting, “Krebs Krebs Krebs!” Krebs apparently doesn’t see a risk; she just sees this as a chance to drink Tapio’s only milkshake before he even gets out his straw.
I’ll be curious to hear what comments Kobach and Krebs make from the same stage.
Notice that, unlike the swanky events hosted by other candidates, Krebs doesn’t list a recommended minimum contribution. She just says, “Contributions greatly appreciated,” suggesting darn near anyone, including the penny-pinching blue-collar Trumper, is welcome to bop in and mingle.
Cory, no, she is a racist. You don’t associate with these evil folks and come out anything but an evil racist who would strip anyone not white and owning property of their right to vote. She is steeped in the evil of Trumpism. Lock her up.
Donald, you may have stumbled on the three magic words that will cost Krebs this nomination and Trump loyalists: “Lock her up.” These folks love a good chant – and they know the words to this one. Could South Dakota become a recasting of the same roles as the last national election?
Krebs is a Roypublican, she claimed that her job would be to only do the trump agenda. I guess that includes pedophilia and the groping of women. This gal is crooked as a dog’s hind leg and will do nothing to improve the lives of South Dakotan’s.
Another crazyy.. sad.. No Support here in fact Ill go around and tell everyone why not to vote for her… with the suprememist groups building around here everyone better start opening their mouths to fight against all of this crap..
Dusty has a better ground game than Krebs and Tapio, which I think helps to explain the K and T strategy duality. But I question if there are enough Trumpsters in the GOP to give K or T the primary win as long as both stay in the race…. I call it for Dusty right now.
As far as next fall, well, the general election is the real world and my quess is that the people of South Dakota will vote Andy over Opie next November…..
John KC, could Krebs and Tapio split the angry Trump base and leave Dusty winning with the sane GOP plurality? Or will Dusty need some Dems to temporarily cross-register to help him win?
Or will Dusty get a call from his TARS camp Russian-guns guest speaker, Maria Butina, telling him to go Trump or go home?
Very very disappointing. And Krebs was one that I thought might be a tad different. Sad to see this.
Cory, I think it is Dusty’s to lose as long as Krebs and Tapio are in the race fighting for the Trump vote.
Plus, Dusty is a great campaigner and Krebs and Tapio’s campaigns are merely going for the “Hail Mary” with their Trump strategy.