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Initiative Meetings Saturday SF and Vermillion; Weiland Speaks in Aberdeen Monday

Saturday brings two meetings for South Dakotans interested in people power. New Approach South Dakota and six other groups are hosting their meetings on their cannabis and “death with dignity” initiatives at the Sioux Falls downtown library starting Saturday at 2 p.m. Down in Vermillion, Mark Winegar invites everyone to organizational meeting to talk about salvaging Initiated Measure 22:

We are organizing an effort called Represent South Dakota to raise awareness of the people’s desire for our government to honor the will of the people for greater transparency and protection against governmental corruption. To that end we are meeting this Saturday at 1 PM in the Roger Kozak Community Room of the Vermillion Public Library. Your presence would be greatly appreciated.

We are also looking for volunteers to help by making phone calls beginning this week [Mark Winegar, e-mail, 2017.01.04].

Winegar is organizing the IM 22 protest planned for Pierre on Tuesday, January 10, the opening day of the Legislature.

Meanwhile, the man who brought us IM 22 is on the road again. Rick Weiland will speak here in Aberdeen at the Brown County Democratic Forum on Monday, January 9:

Our special guest speaker for our January meeting is Rick Weiland, Founder of TakeItBack.Org.  He will speak on Initiated Measure 22 (Government Accountability and Anti-Corruption Act).  IM-22 was a vote in favor of revising campaign finance and lobbying laws and creating a publicly funded campaign finance program and an ethics commission.  Although IM-22 received 51.63% of the vote on election day, a lawsuit was filed a few weeks later by Republican legislators.  This will be a very interesting meeting.  Rick will surely enlighten us all concerning the ins and outs of IM-22 and what’s really going on with this issue [Brown County Democratic Forum, e-mail, 2017.01.04].

Buy lunch starting at 11:30; Rick speaks at noon!


  1. Doug Kronaizl 2017-01-05

    Represent South Dakota volunteers will be hosting another kickoff meeting for Sioux Falls voters this Sunday (1/8) from 2:00 – 5:00 PM at the Downtown Library. Here’s the event page on Facebook for those interested:

  2. Mark Winegar 2017-01-05

    Doug Kronaizl will be the speaker on Saturday for Represent South Dakota. I will instead be attending my nephew’s funeral in Onawa. I have every confidence Doug will do an outstanding job.

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