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Unpredictable, Insecure Trump Ignores Real Threats, Makes World Less Stable

Donald Trump is succeeding at putting “America First”—first on the list of threats to global stability:

“The U.S. is now the most unpredictable actor in the world today, and that has caused profound unease,” said Paul Stares, the director of [Council on Foreign Relations]’s Center for Preventive Action, which produces the annual survey. “You used to be able to pretty much put the U.S. to one side and hold it constant, and look at the world and consider where the biggest sources of unpredictability, insecurity are. Now you have to include the U.S. in that. … No one has high confidence how we [Americans] would react in any given situation, given how people assess this president.” This president might welcome the development. “I don’t want people to know exactly what I’m doing—or thinking,” Donald Trump wrote in 2015. “It keeps them off balance” [Uri Friedman and Annabelle Timsit, “Global Conflicts to Watch in 2018,” Defense One, 2017.12.12].

Trump certainly isn’t putting America First in dealing with Russia’s proven threat to Western democracy:

The result is without obvious parallel in U.S. history, a situation in which the personal insecurities of the president — and his refusal to accept what even many in his administration regard as objective reality — have impaired the government’s response to a national security threat. The repercussions radiate across the government.

…Intelligence officials who brief the president play down information about Russia they fear might displease him, current and former officials said. Plans for the State Department to counter Russian propaganda remain stalled. And while Trump has formed a commission to investigate widely discredited claims of U.S. voter fraud, there is no task force focused on the election peril that security officials regard as a certainty — future Russian attacks [Greg Miller, Greg Jaffe, and Philip Rucker, “Doubting the Intelligence, Trump Pursues Putin and Leaves a Russian Threat Unchecked,” Washington Post, 2017.12.14].

An unstable, unreliable America that ignores real threats and chases bogeymen—is this really the America you want, Shantel?

Related Polling: 77% of Trump voters who talked to Public Policy Polling Monday and Tuesday say they’d want Trump to remain in office even if it is proven that Trump colluded with the Russians. Россия—наш друг! Russia is our friend!


  1. Dana P 2017-12-14 12:13

    I hate throwing the “treason” word around willy nilly, but…….

    Everyday, I think the treason drum beats get louder.

  2. mike from iowa 2017-12-14 12:20

    Drumpf acts like the British guy that appeased Hitler.

  3. Darin Larson 2017-12-14 12:34

    Trump hasn’t had one cabinet level meeting on the Russian attempts to interfere in our democratic processes and Russian attempts to sow chaos and discord in our society through fake social media posts. How do the Republicans go from Reagan who knew the Soviet Union was the greatest threat to the world to Trump who thinks Russia is benign and that Putin is his friend?

    Simple, Trump analyzes every issue in terms of how he thinks it affects him personally–no matter the effect on the country. He thinks that if he acknowledges the Russian intervention he delegitimizes his own election. As one commentator said, Trump could have portrayed the Russian intervention as a failure of the Obama administration to guard our country’s cyber borders. Trump could have portrayed himself as the strong man that would protect the country from Russian hackers like he is going to protect us from undocumented immigrants. But he is not that bright. He criticizes everyone anytime it serves his purposes except for his family and Vladimir Putin. At worst, he looks like a puppet of Putin and, at best, he looks like a weak leader who can’t admit a foreign power meddled in our society and the elections of 2017 despite the conclusions of our intelligence services.

    And it’s not just Trump that is putting himself before the interests of the country. If you are willing to let collusion with the Russians be overlooked, as long as your political opponents (you know, fellow Americans) in the US are vanquished, then those citizens have chosen party and self over our country. These are supposed to be patriotic Americans and here we find 77% of Trump voters would let collusion with Russia slide. I just have to say, WOW!

  4. OldSarg 2017-12-14 13:41

    It doesn’t matter. Nothing about Trump matters. What is happening isn’t about Trump. Trump is no more than a False Flag for those wishing away the visibility of their own criminal acts. Chase the ball you fools whilst the net tightens.

    Soon the reckoning will be here and the charges against those who have used our government against its own free people will come to light. Down will fall the leftist traitors to our Nation and most of you will watch as your heroes in the media, the democrats and progressives are led away for their criminal acts undermining our Nation. The time draws nigh.

  5. jerry 2017-12-14 13:45

    Who dat say dat? Someone is clearly on the sauce again. Pretty early in the day to get all slobbery there sarge man. Do try to control that, else face a DUI.

  6. jerry 2017-12-14 13:56

    Et tu Nazareth? Yep, them too. your boy trump has finally won the war on Christmas.

    “”The Israeli town of Nazareth has canceled Christmas celebrations, with the mayor saying the end of festivities is due to President Trump.

    Mayor Ali Salam, who presides over the town in northern Israel of mostly Muslims and Christians, announced Thursday that planned events such as a Christmas market and festival were called off.

    He cited the U.S. decision directly and said that it had taken the “joy” from the celebrations in the hometown of Jesus Christ, according to 10 News.””

    For all who voted for the anti Christ, trump, look what he did to the birth place of Jesus Christ. You all should reflect at what you did and ask for a recount. Hell, even Pontius Pilate was not able to achieve what trump and the fascists have accomplished in such a short time.

  7. Roger Cornelius 2017-12-14 14:00

    The Village Idiot spews more nonsense.

    “It doesn’t matter. Nothing about Trump matters”. If “it doesn’t matter” is to become Trump and his supporters defense, they have serious problems.

  8. Darin Larson 2017-12-14 14:09

    Good to hear from you Sarge. Are you the prophet we have been seeking to hear from? What signal should I watch for? I have my TEOTWAWKI kit ready to go and the tin foil hat is pulled down tight. I know you can’t share the details of all you know right now. This channel is not secure. Be ever vigilant!

  9. mike from iowa 2017-12-14 14:23

    OldHorse’syouknowwhat has jumped the shark some more.

  10. jerry 2017-12-14 15:08

    Mr. Larson, the Roypublicans will have to do that messaging door to door now as Net Neutrality will have gutted all other forms of messaging. The placards will have moron spelled to roypublican specifications of moran to keep the level of understanding in place. BTW, the reckoning time is already here, we call it Mueller Time and it is refreshing as the all outdoors.

  11. Donald Pay 2017-12-14 16:52

    My daughter was in a meeting with various non-Americans in China when the news about Roy Moore losing hit. There was a spontaneous cheer. That was interesting to me, first of all, because they are paying attention to a Senate race in Alabama. How much do we pay attention to Australia’s races or the recent Party Congress in China?

    Second, strangely Trump is seen as weak when it comes to putting America first. They expect an American President to stand up for American values, and Trump doesn’t do that. He stands for oligarchic and authoritarian values, and he’s seen as caving in to dictators. When Trump visited China, he didn’t bring up human rights, freedom of religion, etc., which is strange, because there is a growing Christian movement in China, especially among the young. Thus, he throws away bargaining power. When it comes to rules-based multi-lateral agreements, he is not interested, because he can’t deal with complexity. But complexity, or, in an ecological sense, diversity, imparts stability.

    The young and sane Americans who work or study in China are now seen as the real America, and Trump is seen much as they view their own corrupt governments. Obama was seen more as an inspirational leader who gives and receives respect. If foreigners only knew us for Trump, we would be in a heap of hurt. Globalization has done miracles for the US image abroad, because the image foreigners have is of young people doing great things and respecting different cultures, while demonstrating real democratic values.

    In short, OldSarg’s view of the world is a sick one. He thinks Trump doesn’t matter. In a sense he’s right. People elsewhere think he’s nuts and not representative. They know he didn’t receive the most votes in the last election. They view him as illegitimate, a buffoon, like Rocketman. Think about that Old Sarg. Two guys with old haircuts feared not because of strength, but because they are both nuts.

  12. Roger Cornelius 2017-12-14 17:25

    With Trump’s reckless and unreliable behavior when it comes to foreign policy, I have concern for daughter and other Americans living abroad.
    With his disassociation with his own State Department he puts Americans at risk not only at home, but especially abroad.
    I hope your daughter remains safe.

  13. mike from iowa 2017-12-14 19:33

    Listen to Drumpf and you might think just the opposite of reality was true. He actually believes world leaders admire and respect him.

    I suppose his WH staff have to lie to him or he would be unbearable to be around. What have wingnuts done to America and can it ever be fixed?

  14. Donald Pay 2017-12-14 21:58


    You are right. The problem with people living or traveling abroad right now is that Trump and Tillerson are hollowing out the State Department. If you get into trouble, like those basketball players, or there is a disease outbreak like SARS or there is an earthquake or you have a heart attack, you want to have your Foreign Service officers able to respond to you and to help.

    My daughter is fluent in Mandarin and knows a lot of Chinese folks who would stand up for her, knows the US State Department, since she worked there, and has great friends in the press. She knows enough not to join a street demonstration or shoplift. I don’t worry about her too much. She’s a formidable force of nature. It’s the tourists and the students who I would worry about.

  15. OldSarg 2017-12-15 13:56

    Over 4,000 indictments. The vast anti-American left is soon to fall. This is the Cam Before the Storm.

  16. Porter Lansing 2017-12-15 14:28

    OS … Don’t you mean, “The Cam before the Stam?” ☚😉

  17. Roger Cornelius 2017-12-15 14:42

    “Over 4,000 indictments”, don’t worry they don’t matter.

  18. OldSarg 2017-12-15 15:37

    “I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office – that there’s no way he gets elected – but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk,” Strzok texted on Aug. 15, 2016. “It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40.”

    The sky will soon fall.

  19. Roger Cornelius 2017-12-15 16:17

    Andy Strzok doesn’t matter.

  20. Darin Larson 2017-12-15 16:25

    Indictments don’t matter. Nothing matters.

  21. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2017-12-16 06:26

    Again, OS appeals to the Trumpist nihilist relativism. When the facts are damning, the diehard fascists must convince a voting majority (or a sufficiently angry and intimidating torch-and-club-carrying minority) that the facts don’t matter.

    Trump has ended the American century, an era in which the world could count on America as a force of stability. Trump is failing to respond or even listen to concerns about a proven threat to our security and our political institutions. Trump’s actions in this regard are indefensible.

  22. Porter Lansing 2017-12-16 07:09

    Let’s make Trump so small a blip in history that our Grandkids won’t even read about him in school. We can put USA back on track, quickly.

  23. bearcreekbat 2017-12-16 16:14

    While I also agree that Trump, himself, doesn’t matter, the harm his policies have inflicted on women, families and children matter. It is hard to imagine how anyone can feel satisfaction in wanting to hurt, men, women, and especially little kids because of their skin color, parent’s birthplace or religion.

    See, e.g.

    . . . On top of an increased threat of deportation, immigrants and their children are also becoming targets of heightened racism and discrimination. Teachers have reported cases of children adopting Trump’s rhetoric to bully their peers in school, telling Latino children that they will be deported and saying they should go back to where they came from.7

    For the nearly 6 million U.S.-citizen children living with at least one unauthorized family member, life in Trump’s America is frightening.8 Since the election, adults across the country have reported spikes in fear and distress among young children from immigrant families.9 Now more than ever, citizen children are worried that they could be separated from their parents or forced to leave their communities.10

    Trump’s harsh immigration policies create toxic stress for young children by breaking families apart, instilling fear in the immigrant community, and preventing families from accessing programs that meet children’s most basic needs. Policies that cause children emotional distress and economic insecurity in early childhood interfere with their healthy development and derail their future success.

    See also,

    I suppose for those who take pleasure in hurting others, imposing these mean spirited policies are counted as Trumpian “wins.”

  24. OldSarg 2017-12-16 16:40

    All that maters is the removal of those working to undermine our Nation through their criminal use of our government against the citizens themselves. It will all be over by April. The lemmings of the left will have lost their leadership. Q will close the noose of righteousness and the law around the necks of the traitorous left.

  25. Roger Cornelius 2017-12-16 17:05

    All that matters is that April is the target date for Trump’s impeachment hearings.
    Evangelicals and their doomsday preaching will not be able to save Trump anymore than they could save Roy Moore.
    Mueller is coming! Mueller is coming!

  26. jerry 2017-12-16 17:54

    April showers bring May flowers. Mueller Always Gets Answers hee hee. MAGA. Roypublicans are even wanting to shred the Constitution for the pedophiles and the money.

  27. Porter Lansing 2017-12-16 18:01

    Wow, Sargie. I walked by a meth head, sitting on a bench at the train station the other day muttering the same thing. Have you lost any teeth, yet?
    ~ There is research that has suggested that Prozac (fluoxetine) may be useful in the treatment of crystal meth addiction during the withdrawal process.
    ~ Remeron (mirtazapine): Remeron is an atypical antidepressant that has its primary mechanism of action on both serotonin and norepinephrine.

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