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Jenae Hansen Declares for District 2 House

Out standing in her field... screen cap from Jenae Hansen campaign website, 2017.12.14.
Out standing in her field… screen cap from Jenae Hansen campaign website, 2017.12.14.

District 2 has its first declared Legislative candidate. Democrat Jenae Hansen from Turton says she wants to represent Hamlin, Clark, most of Spink, and a wickedly gerrymandered* mostly rural chunk of Brown County in the South Dakota House of Representatives.

A consultant and adjunct instructor at Presentation College, Hansen has three Legislative sessions under her belt as a lobbyist for the National Association of Social Workers. Hansen’s district is currently represented by Republicans Reps. Lana Greenfield and Burt Tulson and Republican Senate President Pro-Tem (and Lana’s son) Brock Greenfield. Tulson is termed out of the House in 2018, so Hansen has a shot at at least one open seat.

Ready to go with Web outreach, Hansen offers this announcement on her campaign Facebook page, complete with an endorsement from Senator Jason Frerichs:

“This is my home. It’s the community that shaped who I am today, and demonstrated the importance of public service. I am excited about the opportunity to give back and represent my friends, family, and neighbors. I commit to being a strong advocate for issues that matter most to those in our District in Pierre” Hansen said.

Hansen, an Aberdeen-area Social Worker, believes in building strong communities, putting people before politics, and protecting rural life.Through her experience in social work and agriculture, Hansen understands that we must find common ground and work together to build a better community for everyone.

Jason Frerichs, former Senate Minority Leader and District 1 Senator praised Hansen’s candidacy. “Having served as one of the few rural legislators in Pierre for the last nine years, I am excited about Jenae Hansen’s candidacy for State House. I have had the privilege of working with Jenae on agricultural and social work issues in Pierre and northeast South Dakota,” said Frerichs.

“Jenae is focused on the future of our rural communities through increased access to healthcare for our families and use of renewal fuels,” Frerichs continued. “If you haven’t met Jenae yet, once you get to know her and what she stands for I think you will agree with me that she will represent District 2 well and hit the ground running as a legislator [Jenae Hansen for SD House District 2, press release via Facebook, 2017.12.14].

Technically, no one is a candidate until petitions are filed. Hansen and other aspiring legislators can start circulating their nominating petitions on January 1. Hansen, fellow Democrats, and her Republican opponents need to collect 50 signatures from voters registered in District 2 in their party by March 27. Independents get an extra four weeks to circulate petitions. Libertarian and Constitution Party candidates only need to get five signatures to run, but they may have a hard time finding signers: in the whole district, from Claremont to Estelline, there are only seventeen Libertarians and seven Constitutionalizers.

District 2 map, with voter registration figures, Secretary of State's Office, 2017.12.14.
District 2 map, with voter registration figures, Secretary of State’s Office, 2017.12.14.

Geography Note: District 2 is the only Legislative district in South Dakota that almost completely surrounds another district. District 2 touches every point on the border of District 3. The only way I can step out of my District 3 into a district other than District 2 is to walk up Dakota Street to its intersection north of Aberdeen with 130th Street and jump kittywampus, northwest, into District 1.


  1. grudznick 2017-12-14 20:35

    Who will this young lady be running against? The Greenfields of Clark?

    I like the kittywhompusing and hope you do whomp a few kitties there in your district, Mr. H, but is this shaping due to the fat population of Aberdeen or because Mr. Novstrup, the elder, did this for nefarious reasons? Or maybe Mr. Greenfield, the large, did this for more nefarious reasons to protect his mother.

  2. DR 2017-12-15 08:24

    I have lived in Aberdeen my whole life and have never heard of Dakota Ave. Please clarify!

  3. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2017-12-15 08:27

    Darned Aberdeen and its backward streets!

    Sorry about that, DR. I’ll correct above. :-(

  4. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2017-12-15 08:30

    Grudz, I don’t know if the Greenfields have yet declared their intentions for 2018. Neither is term-limited, so Brock and Lana could each run for reëlection.

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