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Dan and Martin Rather Visit the Black Hills, Note Local News Coverage of Health Care

Dan Rather and his grandson Martin took a monumental drive from Texas to the Black Hills. Yesterday they visited Mount Rushmore and the Crazy Horse monument. Here’s their Monday report:

Dan Rather says the vanilla ice cream they had at Mount Rushmore, reportedly based on Thomas Jefferson’s recipe, is the best ice cream he’s ever had.

The veteran newsman also notes that the local papers he and his grandson have read along the way have given the health care debate front-page coverage while tucking the Trump-Russia affair farther back. There’s one more sign, Democrats, that health care is the primary issue on which you can win in 2018.


  1. mike from iowa 2017-07-18 16:53

    Imagine the stories they could tell if they made the drive stoned out of their gourds. Not that they actually would.

  2. Kurt Evans 2017-07-19 02:29

    Cory writes:

    Dan Rather says the vanilla ice cream they had at Mount Rushmore, reportedly based on Thomas Jefferson’s recipe, is the best ice cream he’s ever had.

    I worked in the ice cream station at Mount Rushmore during the summer of 1990. Back then concessions employees used to get an annual hike to the top of the memorial, so I’ve been in the Hall of Records and touched the back of the top of Washington’s head.

  3. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2017-07-19 09:22

    Wow! If ever they’re having trouble recruiting workers, they should emphasize that perk!

  4. Kurt Evans 2017-07-20 01:28

    I’d written:

    I worked in the ice cream station at Mount Rushmore during the summer of 1990. Back then concessions employees used to get an annual hike to the top of the memorial, so I’ve been in the Hall of Records and touched the back of the top of Washington’s head.

    Cory writes:

    Wow! If ever they’re having trouble recruiting workers, they should emphasize that perk!

    Good idea, but my understanding is that it’s been around 25 years since that perk was available.

  5. Kurt Evans 2017-07-24 02:33

    I’d written:

    I worked in the ice cream station at Mount Rushmore during the summer of 1990. Back then concessions employees used to get an annual hike to the top of the memorial …

    Cory writes:

    They should bring that perk back!

    We agree on this, but as you know, your political allies at Greenpeace haven’t helped the cause:

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