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State Sends Ian Fury to Leadership Training

I hear through my grapevine that Governor Kristi Noem’s most underused asset, press secretary Amelia Joy, may have gotten her big chance last week to crank out some gubernatorial exclamations because the usual official chattering attackbot, Ian Fury, was away at school. Specifically, Fury appears to have spent a week away from his desk participating in the Governor’s Leadership Development Program. I think that’s this graduate certificate program offered through USD exclusively to state government employees nominated by supervisors for the 15-credit program.

Governor M. Michael Rounds created Governor’s Leadership Development Program in 2005. Governor Dennis Daugaard offered these thoughts on leadership to state employees graduating from the program in 2016:

Good leaders are good listeners. One area of leadership where Daugaard admitted he himself could do better at is inviting opinions by drawing others into the conversation — as in, “What do you think, Joe?”

“I don’t do as well as I should. But be better than I am, and do that,” he said.

Where things need improvement, be specific. As governor, he tries to base everything on facts and figures, not emotion or anecdotes.

Also, leaders do not have to be aggressive.

“It doesn’t inspire your followers. You want people to follow you, not because they‘re afraid of you. You want them to follow you because you inspire them” [Lee Zion, “State Employees Learn Leadership,” Pierre Capital Journal, 2016.09.24].

Invite people into conversations, don’t be aggressive… let’s hope Ian Fury learns those lessons and starts living up to his leadership training instead of his last name.


  1. grudznick 2023-11-25

    Young Mr. Fury, likely born Chadwick Hartshorn, probably hanged his name upon his 18th birthday to become the Marvel-esque superhero he is today…Ian Fury.

  2. e platypus onion 2023-11-25

    Fury needs to wear a muzzle and Lewdandlusty needs obedience school and needs to know humping female legs in public is not acceptable behavior even when the woman asks for it.

  3. grudznick 2023-11-25

    Mr. Mike, who is from Iowa, says in a very Iowegian manner:

    when the woman asks for it

    grudznick is taken aback with the shocking misogynisticness of that comment.

  4. Arlo Blundt 2023-11-25

    The Noem Executive Staff is quite a story and I hope sometime somebody tells it. Not many “roots” in South Dakota since Tony Ven Huisen left.

  5. grudznick 2023-11-25

    Mr. Blundt, it would not be surprising if a book is not being concocted at this very time. Or maybe a big blogging, the sort of which those outfits who popped up with the newspapers died might right. A big, big blogging, which will draw dozens of readers and sell an add or two.

  6. Richard Schriever 2023-11-25

    15 credits = an entire semester (9 weeks) of 3-hour classes (5 of them, an hour per day, 3 days a week). Not a one-week course.

  7. grudznick 2023-11-25

    What Mr. Schriever suggests is that young Mr. Fury may have been enrolled in this class for some time, earning a post-graduate degree, on the state taxpayer’s dime. Let us debate the merits of ladies working for tips at the Campbell Street Cafe or the fellows doing the caramel rolls paying for unnecessary education for others.

  8. e platypus onion 2023-11-25

    Noem needs to be sent to a girl’s school to learn how proper young ladies act, not like a she cougar in heat, if the rumours are true.,Don’t bother with a retort\, Goatzilla. I am Scotch Irish with some Cherokee blood in there somewhere.

  9. DaveFN 2023-11-25

    Ian Fury, a doggie in need of obedience school. And Noem admits it.

  10. Loren 2023-11-26

    At least Noem recognized his need for training. ;-) Now, if she could find a good obedience school for Lewdandlusty. :-)

  11. Vi Kingman 2023-11-26

    Ian is a MAGA. He won’t change. A waste of taxpayer money-again

  12. Michael Card 2023-11-26

    There have been hundreds of state employees nominated through their supervisors to cabinet secretaries and the Bureau of Human Resources to participate in the program taught by USD since the Rounds Administration. These are courses taught by USD faculty in communication studies, business, and public administration. These courses enable students to use what they learn in these courses if they wish to pursue a masters degree in several degree programs and on-the-job.

  13. Richard Schriever 2023-11-26

    That’s Dr. Schriever to you giudz.

  14. grudznick 2023-11-26

    No, we’ll just call you Dick.

  15. Lars Aanning 2023-11-27

    Leadership classes/programs by professional/corporate organizations have been nothing but loyallty indoctrination courses in my experience…

  16. e platypus onion 2023-11-27

    USD answers to a board hand picked by Noem Nothing, if memory serves.

  17. e platypus onion 2023-11-27

    Board of Rejects, I believe they are called.

  18. Michael Card 2023-11-29

    We called them Board of Regrets when I was a student.

  19. grudznick 2023-11-29

    The Regrets board is a shell of its former self. Today, the Messrs. Rave and Partridge rule with an iron fist and will smite any who buck their raw.
    Funny that neither of those young fellows is a Ph. of D.

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