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South Dakota Gets D+ for Rising Preterm Birth Rate

In further evidence that South Dakota struggles to live up to the “pro-life” sloganeering of its one-party regime, The March of Dimes gives South Dakota a D+ for its pre-term birth rate. 10.4% of births in South Dakota happen before they ought to. That’s actually equal to the national rate, but the March of Dimes isn’t grading on a curve; the national average is bad, so 25 states get Ds or Fs:

March of Dimes 2023 Report Card for the United States, retrieved 2023.11.20.
March of Dimes 2023 Report Card for the United States, retrieved 2023.11.20.

Nebraska has the highest preterm birth rate in our seven-state region. Minnesota has the lowest.

Preterm births have been rising in South Dakota for the past decade, with just a small dip in 2022 that barely eats into the ten-year increase:

March of Dimes Report Card for South Dakota, preterm births 2012–2022, retrieved 2023.11.20.
March of Dimes 2023 Report Card for South Dakota, preterm births 2012–2022, retrieved 2023.11.20.

Preterm births are notably most common among our American Indian population:

March of Dimes, retrieved 2023.11.20.
March of Dimes, retrieved 2023.11.20.

…due to the prevalence of a variety of health factors:

March of Dimes, retrieved 2023.11.20.
March of Dimes, retrieved 2023.11.20.

The March of Dimes identifies seven policies states can implement to reduce preterm births and improve other pregnancy outcomes. South Dakota has extended Medicaid for women postpartum, expanded Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act (good work, 2022 voters!), and enacted a federally funded maternal mortality review committee. March of Dimes reports South Dakota has not adopted paid family leave, Medicaid reimbursement for doulas, fetal and infant mortality review, or a perinatal quality collaborative.


  1. John 2023-11-20

    Oppositions parties ought to craft a scientific “pro-life” annual scorecard of metrics similar to and analogous to those used here by the March of Dimes to grade states on their REAL pro-life outcomes and policies.
    Then watch the red staters howl, whine, and nash their teeth,

  2. Eve Fisher 2023-11-20

    John, I agree 100%.

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