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Open Primaries Halfway to 50,000 Signatures on Initiative Petition

While Attorney General Marty Jackley throws his weight behind an effort to undermine the Roe v. Wade amendment petition drive, another initiative that would subvert Republican command and control is coming closer to the 2024 ballot. South Dakota Open Primaries says it has crossed the halfway mark in its drive to collect 50,000 signatures to put a top-two primary system to a statewide vote:

The nonpartisan South Dakota Open Primaries ballot committee has collected 25,797 signatures to put their initiative on the 2024 ballot. Although only 35,017 signatures are needed to place a constitutional amendment on the ballot, the ballot committee aims to submit 50,000 signatures.

…The required number of signatures must be submitted by May 7, 2024 to obtain ballot access, giving the committee another 6 months to complete the effort [South Dakota Open Primaries, press release, received by DFP 2023.11.04].

SDOP launched their petition drive on April 19. Collecting 25,797 signatures in the 198 days up to this past Friday means they’ve been collecting an average of 130.3 signatures per day. If their circulators maintain that pace for the remaining 186 days until the petition deadline (counting yesterday and today), they will collect 50,030. Keep up the good work, circulators!

One Comment

  1. Richard Schriever 2023-11-06

    For those of us who have spent our Summer in other states, I would like to see some links to information about places where one might sign these petitions – maybe some consolidated locale, or some locales where they are available for signature on a daily basis.

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