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Board of Elections Says Post-Election Audit Workers Aren’t Worth Much

Well, citizens won’t make a lot of money serving on the new post-election audit boards. The state Board of Elections met yesterday and approved reimbursements to counties for the trouble election deniers have caused them, but, like most other South Dakota employers, they are stiffing the people doing the work:

County auditors from across the state recently submitted a joint letter with their suggestions, including specific reimbursements. The Board of Elections worked from the letter Wednesday to set the amounts.

For example, the state board decided that people who serve on the post-election audit boards should each receive at least the minimum wage and up to $25 per hour per day for conducting the audit and for training [Bob Mercer, “Reimbursement Amounts Set for Post-Election Audits,” KELO-TV, 2023.09.27].

We pay what we think work is worth. Paying minimum wage and capping pay at $25 per day shows we don’t really think post-election audits are worth that much.


  1. Bob Mercer

    It’s $25 per hour per day, not $25 per day.

  2. Donald Pay

    What the hell does $25 per hour per day mean? Is a day a work day, generally considered an 8-hour day, after which you get time and a half? Or is it $25 per hour for a potential 24-hours of work in one day? The cap is $200 per day, if it’s eight hours. But if you work longer than eight hours it appears you don’t get paid for those hours. That might be illegal.

  3. Bob Newland

    What does $25 per hour per day mean?

  4. O

    “We pay what we think work is worth.” I don’t think that is the case — especially in Red states. We pay the absolute minimum needed to get someone to do the work (at least when it comes to labor).

  5. Loren

    Can’t we just contract it out to Cyber Ninjas. I hear they do incredible work. ;-)

  6. All Mammal

    A hero fighting for democracy said it perfectly on PBS’ Frontline 2: Putin vs. the Press. After being doused with acetone dye for continuing to print facts in his newspaper, Dmitry Muratov, the Nobel Peace Prize winning Russian said, “There are people who can resist propaganda and there are people who can’t.”

    That is what we are seeing.

    “Free press and open elections are the cure for war.”-also Mr. Muratov

    And then here we have a meeting brimming with prime examples of how we Putinize South Dakota. Mr. Muratov also compared propaganda to radiation. It spreads out, even indirectly, it touches you. Ms. Anderson, Ms. Johnson and all their radiation gobbler friends have no excuse because we have sources to find the truth still. They are simply craving war. Sick. The media has so much responsibility and we all need to help out by spreading truth about our fair elections so that these people get zero votes in the future. Long live our democracy.

  7. California fast food workers will be paid at least $20 per hour next year under a new law signed Thursday by Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom.

  8. David Bergan

    The wage for jury duty is $50/day.

    Kind regards,

  9. leslie

    Fix elections. Get paid a lot!

    Three examples.

    In September 2020, after the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, [lawyer Carrie-yes, CARRIE!] Severino and Judicial Crisis Network enlisted support from what Severino called a “war room” of pro-Catholic and pro-business advocacy groups including the Susan B. Anthony List, Catholic Vote, America First Policies, the Club for Growth and Heritage Action.[20][21]wiki

    Ginnie Thomas came under fire over text messages revealing she pressured the Trump White House to challenge the 2020 election, a move that put renewed scrutiny on her husband, who had participated in cases related to the election. A day before the news broke, the Judicial Crisis Network, another part of [Leonard] Leo’s nonprofit constellation that is headed by Severino, launched a $1.5 million ad buy entitled “Misunderstood” that promoted Clarence Thomas and his judicial record.

    Other Lenard “Leo allies have nonprofits and have declined comment to POLITICO on what services they provided in exchange for millions of dollars, including Ronald Cass, a Boston University law school dean emeritus who runs a nonprofit registered to his home address in Virginia called The Center for the Rule of Law.

    Among the nation’s highest-paid law school deans at the time, Cass resigned his position in 2004 amid controversy over promising $36 million for a new law school building that didn’t fully materialize.

    Leo was best man at Cass’ wedding and, in 2018, when Cass’ daughter was a debutante featured at one of the nation’s most exclusive galas, Leo and his wife Sally were among the attendees. Cass was also a longtime friend of Justice Antonin Scalia. In a sign of the family’s proximity to the Supreme Court, Cass was the master of ceremonies at a July 2016 dinner honoring Scalia’s memory.
    (Leo and Cass both sat at Clarence Thomas’ VIP table according to a seating chart.) Cass’ daughter is slated to clerk for Alito.

    Cass’ group, described as an independent “center of international scholars analyzing rule of law issues,” doesn’t have much of a footprint. His wife, Susan, is the only other principal officer listed on paperwork filed in Virginia.

    Leo, Severino, Cass— those mischievous millionaire Catholic anti-abortionist politico insurrectionists, eh!

  10. leslie

    Politico, 9/10/23

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