Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg came to South Dakota this week to announce that Uncle Sam will invest $855,000 from President Joe Biden’s infrastructure law to help Chamberlain finally replace the mobile home that’s served as its airport terminal since the 1970s:

Secretary Buttigieg also visited Salem to explain how the eleven new truck parking spaces at the I-90 rest area just west of the Salem exit that are part of $61.6 million he approved for I-90 upgrades in 2021 will make roads and truckers safer:
Buttigieg said additional parking spots allow truckers to avoid dangerous alternative rest areas.
“Most highway shoulders aren’t designed for heavy vehicles to be parked there for hours at a time, meaning that they take damage, and it makes the whole roadway less safe for anyone who uses it,” said Buttigieg.
Buttigieg said having more secure parking locations for truckers can bring more people into the industry.
“Women, in particular, who are already underrepresented in the industry, who deserve our support, and who I believe are a big part of the solution of how we call more people into the next generation of drivers,” said Buttigieg [Evan Walton, “U.S. Transportation Secretary Visits South Dakota Outlining Federal Grants,” SDPB Radio, 2023.09.12].
Secretary Buttigieg said these upgrades are among 137 South Dakota infrastructure projects on which Uncle Sam is spending $1.3 billion. South Dakota’s Congressional delegation had the decency not to show up at Secretary Buttigieg’s visits and try claiming credit for the infrastructure funding that they did not support, because they know he’d have gleefully noted their photo-convenient conversion to socialism.
To top off Buttigieg’s visit, South Dakota Democratic Party leaders sealed the deal on a dream replacement ticket for Biden–Harris to crush any electoral advantage Trump may gain by picking a South Dakotan as his running mate:

Former Democratic legislator Frank Kloucek made sure Secretary Buttigieg could sustain his smile and his full tummy with a kolache variety pack from Pietz’s Kuchen Kitchen of Scotland. If President Biden decides he’s done enough good in one term, those kolaches guarantee Kloucek the #2 spot in Buttigieg’s campaign to beat back Trumpist tyranny. For better airports, roads, and baked goods, Buttigieg–Kloucek 2024!
lol. Love it. I’d vote for that!
My mission is to force airlines to reconfigure the cabins of commercial aircraft to allow ECV’s on board with the rest of us.
– Over 50% of the time requiring these electric conveyance vehicles to fly in baggage results in damaged wheelchairs and disabled passengers becoming stranded far away from home.
ECV’s have been welcome on trains and buses since the 70’s. The difference is that buses and commuter trains are owned by cities and airlines are privately owned. And recording record profits, I might add.
It’s time to stop asking and start demanding equal treatment for those disabled.
New train line to connect Cheyenne, Wyoming with Denver and Pueblo. That old Biden is bringing the sauce to the bbq.
Right on, Jerry.
It’ll pass below ground two blocks from my home.
My state taxes are paying for a lot of it, and I couldn’t be happier.
*Buying things as a group yields much better things at a much lower cost.
That will be POTUS Pete, 2032-2040 if this nation has any sense and smarts remaining
I’m w/you Joe. And let’s see if Joe Biden can BRING IT thru 2028!!
We must pulverize the Republican Treason Party. No more gentle reconstruction. PUT AN END TO THE BIGOTRY THIS NATION WAS FOUNDED ON!
End Billionaires rein of terror. End racism. End corrupting democracy for conservative values. End incompetent leadership which enables Republican win-at-all-cost authoritarianism and fascism.
disclosure: one of my grand parents was born/raised in Scotland SD :)