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Penn Pubs Bringing Anti-American, Anti-Cop David Clarke to Keynote Lincoln Day Dinner

The Pennington County Republican Party is branding its October 7 Lincoln Day Dinner as “Honoring Our Heroes—Military & First Responders“. Wait a minute—I thought political parties were supposed to focus on raising money, recruiting candidates, and winning elections. Didn’t I read somewhere that parties that quit doing the things that a political party is supposed to do become irrelevant?

The Pennington County Republicans are upholding their branding by bringing in former policeman and Trumpist Russian collaborator David Clarke to make a speech at the new Box Elder Events Center:

Pennington County Republican Party, FB post, 2023.08.25.
Pennington County Republican Party, FB post, 2023.08.25.

You can bet there won’t be much thinking inside or outside the Box during David Clarke’s speech to the Trump faithful in Box Elder. They certainly won’t be thinking about the incongruity of their “Honoring Our Heroes” branding with their featuring a man who told his political followers not to cooperate with law enforcement following the January 6, 2021, insurrection.

Clarke is currently considering helping Republicans lose another U.S. Senate race in Wisconsin in 2024. Remember, Penn Pubs—the purpose of a political party is to win elections.


  1. John 2023-08-29 08:18

    The lunatics are running the republican asylum. The Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association acts very unconstitutionally. They teach that the sheriffs and peace officers are the law unto themselves. They teach they can ignore laws they don’t believe. ‘”CSPOA, teaches that elected sheriffs must “protect their citizens from the overreach of an out-of-control federal government” by refusing to enforce any law they deem unconstitutional or “unjust.””
    Civil rights? ignore it. Guns” ignore them. Taxes? ignore them. The CSPOA are more like the Tory sheriffs enforcing arbitrary law from some far off swan singer, than they are public servants. A CSPOA member ought be striped of their law enforcement credentials for not following their oath of office to support and defend the US and State Constitutions.

    CSPOA zealots are a far, far way from Lincoln who said, “The best way to get a bad law repealed is to enforce it strictly.”

  2. buckobear 2023-08-29 09:43

    I think it was the “cowboy” hat that sealed the deal.

  3. DaveFN 2023-08-29 12:15


    Yes, suckers captivated by the image no different than suckers fixated on a photo of Noem on a horse with a flag.

  4. Donald Pay 2023-08-29 13:25

    You can keep Clarke there. Clarke put out feelers earlier this year about running for the Republican nomination for Senator against Tammy Baldwin. That scared the hell out of the Republicans here, so they have been trying to get a more rational Republican to take on Baldwin. Republican Congressmen, though, have decided to pass, knowing that Baldwin is popular. She’s progressive, but is very good at working on bi-partisan legislation. A few weeks ago, Clarke came out again with another threat to run against Baldwin. So now I’m expecting Wisconsin Republicans to find a billionaire to run and lose. The Republicans here think Clarke is crazy, and don’t want him anywhere on their ballot.

  5. Arlo Blundt 2023-08-29 15:04

    He will be well received in Pennington County. He’s nuts, of course. He’s has had his turn as a “Fox News Personality”. I expect him to be featured at the Republican Convention in Milwaukee. The GOP is starting a long, slow slide into irrelevance.

  6. Bob Newland 2023-08-29 23:09

    “The GOP is starting a long, slow slide into irrelevance.”
    It doesn’t seem as short or as quick as that of the Democrats. The only thing keeping the Democrats relevant is the self-immolation of the Trumpocrashers,

  7. larry kurtz 2023-08-30 15:28

    As most Americans know, if you’re Black and/or Brown in the United Snakes you’re more likely to be arrested for cannabis possession. My home state of South Dakota is infamous for it where a state trooper routinely spent his time systematically profiling cars with license plates from states with legal cannabis until a Washington man stood his ground. Cannabis is legal in Washington but South Dakota convicted African-American Donald Willingham with multiple counts in Pennington County after Trooper Zach Bader illegally profiled the vehicle in which he was riding on Interstate 90.

    The overwhelming number of people profiled from legal cannabis states on I-90 are persons of color as is the population in South Dakota’s jails and prisons. Black man Yiel Wuol of Spokane, Washington and Joshua McLean of Raymond were arrested and convicted in South Dakota after being pulled over for driving TWO MILES AN HOUR over the speed limit!

    Mercy is a lethal injection but any time spent in a South Dakota jail is a living hell.

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