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Yankton Country Club Sexual Harassment Suit Headed for August 2024 Trial

One USD Law student is sharpening her litigious sword before graduation. Aliyah Jackson, her sister Asiah Jackson, and USD cheer friend Hannah Molitor are suing the Hillcrest Golf and Country Club in Yankton, their former manager Adessa Chester, and club members Jeffrey Dayhuff (a Noem chum) and Paul Eichfeld are headed for trial in 2024. In two now-consolidated lawsuits before the U.S. District Court of South Dakota, Southern Division, the Jacksons and Molitor allege unwanted sexual conduct from Dayhuff, Eichfeld, and Chester. They also allege that Chester encouraged her employees to engage in sexual contact with club members.

Making things ookier is that Dayhuff, Eichfeld, and Chester aren’t fully denying touching the employees and instead are asserting the plaintiffs invited their advances:

In response, Hillcrest, Eichfeld and Chester deny all of the plaintiff’s claims. Eichfeld and Chester contend any contact with Molitor was consensual, and the defendants challenge Molitor with the burden of proof regarding any claims for damages.

…In their defense, Chester and Dayhuff deny the claims against them. They contend that “any contact with the plaintiffs was consensual,” and the Jacksons hold the burden of proof for any claims of damages [Randy Dockendorf, “Country Club Lawsuits Appear to Be Headed for 2024 Trials,” Yankton Press & Dakotan, 2023.08.22].

According to discovery reports from the Jackson and Molitor dockets, lawyers for all of the parties, plus Adessa Chester representing herself, conferenced on July 27. The discovery reports note that mediation failed before the plaintiffs filed suit and the parties see no prospects for settlement. The parties expect a five-day jury trial for their consolidated cases on or after August 1, 2024.


  1. Every brothel, er golf course, should be shut down and turned into low income housing tracts. These brothels, er golf courses, are clearly outlets for illegal activities and on top of it all, waste precious water.

  2. John

    Women recent law graduates ought to surreptitiously record all job interviews – especially those with law firms. Too many of my classmates were shocked at the questions about whether the applicant was next pursuing her MRS degree or her Motherhood LLM. One good recording will pay for all those student debts – and have enough remaining for a good beginning on post graduate life.
    Wishing the Jacksons and Molitor well.

  3. ska sunka

    A little check into the background of this Dayhuff character would reveal the sketchiest of people.

  4. P. Aitch

    Guess who’s about to pop up on this blog with stories of being made a victim?

  5. Arlo Blundt

    Just good old boys having some fun. They pay a pretty penny for their membership, spend plenty out of their pocket, and expect prompt and comprehensive service from the employees.

  6. P. Aitch

    Of course, the three defendants are innocent, currently. Not that Judge Lange will rule in a way I can predict but if the three or any of them are found guilty it would be proper and entertaining to let the guilty party or party’s present to the court what punishment they think they should receive for the crimes of sexual misconduct and pandering.

  7. There is no punishment for sexual misconduct in South Dakota for the political class nor for the well heeled. I think we have seen the proof of that with a legislator and his grooming habits or for wealthy donors to the republican insurgency. I just hope these young women get some compensation for this.

  8. Arlo Blundt

    As James Brown sang, “It’s a Man’s World”. That is certainly true in the South Dakota Legislature and Court System. We understand thoroughly that sex is a Man’s Prerogative. Young women were placed here on Earth for the amusement of older, privileged, men. We are the Land of Infinite Variety.

  9. grudznick

    This could bode badly for even Democratic golfers. There are some at the Red Rocks and at the Arrowhead clubs.

  10. Arlo Blundt

    Grudz–Here’s one pervasive male activity that has absolutely nothing to do with politics. I don’t know for sure why middle age men believe they are exactly what young, good looking women are looking for, but have come to believe it has to do with a declining tolerance for alcohol and a residual supply of hormones.

  11. Lori

    What’s gone at Hillcrest is sickening !!!!!! This has been going on for many many year’s there . This club is nothing special only to the people that couldn’t make a living anywhere else but small town Yankton SD . This club is like the project’s compared to the beautiful club’s in the country that I have been to . I wish those girl’s the best and don’t doubt them a bit what those creep’ s did to them and many other’s that have not come forward .

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