I’ll put this in terms our imminent guest would use…
I wonder whose pussy Chairman Wiik had to put up for grabs to make this happen:

Former President Donald Trump will be visiting the Black Hills this September as an invited guest of the South Dakota Republican Party.
The front-runner in the Republican Presidential primary race will speak in-person at the Monumental Leaders Rally scheduled for Sept. 8 at the Monument in Rapid City, according a tweet from the SD GOP on Wednesday.
The Monumental Leaders Dinner had originally been scheduled for Friday, but in an email sent by GOP Chairman John Wiik on July 13, the dinner and following state central meeting had been postponed.
“This adjustment will allow us to secure a highly distinguished guest speaker who will undoubtedly provide a new level of excitement and success for the SDGOP,” according to the email [Annie Todd, “Former President Donald Trump Set to Visit Black Hills for GOP Rally in September,” Sioux Falls Argus Leader, 2023.07.19].
If you love your wives and daughters, keep them out of reach of the SDGOP’s featured guest September 8… assuming, of course, that he doesn’t have to make bail.
Yes, we have asked Donald Trump to come to South Dakota, he is after all, Our Choice for South Dakota, South Dakotans love Trump
Speak for yourself. He turns my stomache.
No doubt he’ll stick Rapid City and/or Pennington County for the cost of security like he did Sioux Falls. The SDGOP is such an embarrassment to South Dakota voters.
He is not eligible to run for anything in South Duhkoduh except federal prison. drumpf 2024 years in prison for treason and inciting magats to attempt to overthrow duly elected Biden administration.
Christian Nationalists support Herr Trump because they’re convinced he’s the Antichrist who will enable them to conquer the Seven Mountains. The End Times fulfill a prophesy and welcome a supernatural extraterrestrial to create a one-world government. No higher being could be anything but predatory. It’s dystopian fantasy run amok.
And mine and many, many more THINKING South Dakotan’s: those that are easily duped by a carnival barker DO like him, tho, I understand.
So, Mike Z, what can he promise we Dakotan’s besides more chaos in government and society, and his cohorts (large $$$ donors) advocating for him to be the 1st US dictator. read this https://open.substack.com/pub/heathercoxrichardson/p/july-17-2023?r=jigsm&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email
“I wonder whose pussy Chairman Wiik had to put up for grabs …..”
Found her, but I was surprised it wasn’t the DeSantis of Palin half-wit in the Gubner’s manse.
However it figures said half-wit will be adding more hair extensions so she can ride onstage as Lady Godiva on a Shetland pony.
Hopefully she won’t be having any more back surgeries for her rearranged face ’cause that’s what tRUmp Wifey One did and she ended up at the bottom of some stairs quite dead.
Will there be fireworks?
A bigot likes a rapist. Who would have thought?
This is very disappointing.
grudznick knew this was coming, but it is still very disappointing.
BAH! I say.
The original America First leader was not Donald Trump. Read some history.
Todays so-called Republican party just keeps going lower and lower, and that includes the SD party. I grew up in a republican home and I’m a registered republican (true republican, not the current republican party). Real republicans would not want anything to do with a man who tried to overturn the government, illegally keep government secrets, call people who disagree with him nasty names………………………
Trump and Noem are not republicans, but manipulative con-artists.
Agree with Mike Z. We SD love us a good pussy grabber.
Mike Z, perhaps you have forgotten that both of South Dakota’s United States Senators have endorsed Senator Tim Scott for the Presidency.
AG Jackley signed-on, complaining to Biden, arguing for nation-wide “Uterus Surveillance” committing South Dakota with 18 other RAGA states.
Good point, Donald P! It is remarkable that Chairman Wiik would forget that the original “America First” leader was Charles Lindbergh, who toured the country in 1941 preaching isolationism and blaming the war, which he called a military and financial “fiasco”, on the nations that intervened against Hitler. In a September 1941 speech in Des Moines, Lindbergh said Jewish support for intervention was understandable given the persecution they had suffered in Germany, but he said the warmongering and influential Jews threatened American security: “Their greatest danger to this country lies in their large ownership and influence in our motion pictures, our press, our radio and our government.”
Lindbergh’s “America First”-ism sounds very familiar.
Pearl Harbor changed Lindbergh’s tune, or at least stifled it. In 1970, in a letter to the publisher of his wartime journals, Lindbergh contended that we lost more than we won fighting World War II:
Lindbergh flew his Spirit of St. Louis to Sioux Falls from Fargo on August 27, 1927, three months after his famous trans-Atlantic flight, to promote air travel in the U.S. Lindbergh flew into Pierre on September 1, 1927.
Maybe there’s no promise of female companionship involved. Maybe when Trump’s people asked, “Where will the rally happen?” Chairman Wiik simply said, “At The Monument!” and Trump’s people thought, “Mount Rushmore? Great! Trump will be there!”
Thune lied on twitter yesterday: “Democrats are trying to undermine the Supreme Court because they are not getting the rulings they want….” @SenJohnThune
Thune supported McConnell and engineered a Republican strategy preventing Obama’s SCOTUS nominee an “advice and consent” hearing after conservative Justice Scalia died. Then used his same rationale (backwards), quickly hearing and seating Amy Coney Barrett as the sixth justice of SCOTUS’s now 6-3 conservative majority to DEMONSTRABLY “UNDERMINE THE SUPREME COURT” leaving the Democratic Party now, the immense burden of fixing the damage Republicans in power caused to the nation’s legal system under Trump.
Republicans: Up is Down
Yeah, but Thune supports Scott, not Trump. I wonder if Thune and Rounds will be invited to the September 8 rally and whether they will attend.
The SDGOP spin blog has been silent so far about what sounds like the biggest political news in SDGOP-land. Pat Powers promoted the first Monumental Leaders Dinner and released Chairman Wiik’s July 13 email in postponing the event, hinting that the change of plans indicated a big speaker was coming, but yesterday as the Trump news broke, Powers said nothing about the announcement from his party leaders. Powers was online having a relatively big blog day, putting up three quasi-original blog posts alongside three of the usual tedious press releases, but this as Chairman Wiik touted Trump, Powers’s top story remained the obituary and some trivia about former Republican legislator Ed Olson, a New-York born mainstreamer: “Originally coming from New York, his brand of Republican politics were not as hard right as many nowadays, but he was a strong advocate for education in the legislature, and carried a lot of water for the SDGOP.”
Pat Powers appears capable of some subtle criticism, remaining silent about Trump while praising another son of New York as a real worker for his party.
Thune echos the Heritage Foundation’s Project 25:
“The election of Donald Trump to the presidency was a triumph that offered the best chance to reverse the left’s incessant march of progress for its own sake.”
Calling it an election TRANSITION strategy, these “lost cause” anarchists are building for the next civil war!
DANGEROUS POLITICS!!! https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/project-2025
Maybe the orange rapist is coming to grab the snow queens pussy? A judge in New York now says the orange one is a rapist, and the snow queen never makes any references to her husband, maybe she wants grabbed? Just sayin.
Mike Z, can you tell us why you support and endorse a man who:
– is a self admitted sex predator?
– embraces murderous dictators?
– lead an attempted coup against his own government?
– has now been indicted multiple times for various crimes and more indictments are coming?
– was found liable by a jury (two of the jury members were Trump supporters) for raping a woman
– has been credibly accused of sex assault by 20+ women?
– ran up the U.S. debt to record breaking figures?
– stole classified documents (after running on a campaign message that thou shall not take classified documents)?
– is morally, ethically, and legally bankrupt?
And he stiffs governments/jurisdictions wherever he goes. Who will be paying the bills for this disgusting visit?
So when will the senile Joe be campaigning in SD?
He has a lot of time since he is not running the country.
My guess is he won’t be the nominee.
The revenue generated by the the thousands of people traveling to see him will more than pay for any security.
The campaign will dispatch VPOTUS Kamala Harris to Indian Country to reassure tribal communities of continued Democratic partnership with Indigenous people.
I imagine Kristi will be there to service… Did I say “service? I meant “support ;-). As far as Thune/Rounds support of Scott, I think it is because he is so much like them. Have you listened to him speak? He can talk for an hour and not say a thing. Like our duo, he apparently has no core values, only pablum for the crowd in front of him.
TRE45ON trump says this about noem’s chinese enemy: “President Xi is a brilliant man. If you went all over Hollywood to look for somebody to play the role of President Xi, you couldn’t find it. There’s nobody like that. The look, the brain, the whole thing.” and “Think of President Xi. Central casting, brilliant guy. You know, when I say he’s brilliant, everyone says, ‘Oh that’s terrible.’ Well, he runs 1.4 billion people with an iron fist. Smart, brilliant, everything perfect.”
And yet the conservatives who have been crying about biden not being tough on china will have what to say exactly…? You guess it – nothing! Or they will flip and start supporting china, just like they did with russia after trump kissed putin’s ring publicly numerous times. Sad excuses for human beings, these GQPers.
I’ll attend only if his lovely, and always smiling, wife accompanies him.
LCJ – Only thing you run is your mouth.
LCJ, President Biden has already come to South Dakota. Where ya been you goofy goose? You sound like the 3 bozoheads who fail to represent us in Washington.
“Congress has approved President Joe Biden’s $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill.
Now it’s time to spend the money.
South Dakota is set to receive about $2.8 billion from the bill. The nine tribes within the state’s borders will also receive money.
The money includes funding for dams, water projects, electric vehicle charging stations, broadband, lead-pipe replacement and more.
South Dakota’s congressional delegation did not support the bill. They said it’s too expensive.” https://listen.sdpb.org/politics/2021-12-01/federal-infrastructure-bill-includes-nearly-3-billion-for-south-dakota
Common criminal trump always had “Infrastructure Week” that didn’t bring South Dakota a damn dime. trump is a fraud, just like the SDGOP, always on the grift. https://theweek.com/articles/839005/all-infrastructure-weeks-ranked
Rapid City is gonna get a stiff one from mushroom head and the taxpayers are gonna pay for the bed.
Ahh, so this must be why SD Senator Helene Duhamel pushed through a bill to make it possible for out of state convicted sexual predators to simply be removed from the sex crime and pedophile registry.
You do not give one shuck about kids or the law when you invite rapists/traitors/criminals to SD. What a bunch of ball garglers just lining up to gank on that mango Mussolini. Unrolling the red carpet for an incestuous trust fund baby who has never held a broom or shovel with his pink, puffy, fat, tiny hands and who wears heals to appear taller? That’s sick.
I want to warn the women and girls about the danger their politicians are putting them in this September. Keep your heads on swivel, girls. If you catch a whiff of dank, old alleyway futon and cheap aftershave, run! Don’t get caught alone when Uncle Bad Touch comes to town.
Hey, Trump sycophants- remember that time your boy saluted a North Korean general? Haha. And remember when he called a former POW a loser? And said he was “very pro-choice”? And said he would run with Oprah as his VP? And said universal health care was a birthright? He says whatever the working hump wants to hear, then crumbles like a piece of tissue. No spine and full of rich-boy snot.
I’ll bet somebody ten bucks that trump isn’t at that event. Cory can serve as escrow agent if he’d like.
As I recall, Governor Noem’s mother warned her to never be alone in the same room with President Donald Trump back in 1917 when she was in the House. So…I think a close encounter of the pervert kind is unlikely.
Oh you poor souls, you don’t understand: this is a fundraiser. The objective is to sell tickets. If they could get every candidate running for POTUS to attend a fundraiser, they could have a dinner every month and sell lots of tickets, make lots of money. The nice thing about declared candidates as keynote speakers is they don’t charge 6 figure payments for their appearances the way retired politicians do. Once they retire, they often cost a lot of money.
Nobody really cares who buys the tickets as long as their checks clear.
Are the SD democrats bringing in anyone to help them raise money? Or are they just going to have rummage sales?
Racists rule in SD.
But, “a program [of college affirmative action] for the descendants of slaves would be unquestionably constitutional under Clarence Thomas’ and right-wing jurisprudence’s own logic concerning race neutrality.”
Republicans. Billionaires don’t want to share earth’s resources. They (Koch’s NOVA etc distract us w/ searching for life in the universe, aliens, alien craft in government hands.)
They are con-men (and women—Betsy Devos) playing us with shell games. Dems must not be distracted from truth. Billionaires can make finding it VERY difficult. About half of SD voters go along with it.
“ senile Joe … has a lot of time since he is not running the country .”
get back to me—leslie
jerry, “goofy goose” is quite funny. Thx ;)
President Biden is running the country far more effectively, intelligently, and selflessly than the previous occupant of the White House did.
I guess if Trump can get people to buy tickets, then great for the fundraisers. I wonder what cut of the gate Trump will demand.
Under Biden unemployment for women is at its lowest point ever.
Thanks to Leslie for the link extolling the accomplishments of Biden/Harris. Reposted the link on my THREADS site.
lest we forget who, precisely, we are dealing with:
Mob boss Trump, invited back to Sx Falls by SD GOP.
Thune Mitch’s spin boy: SenJohnThune Jul 19 twttr
Democrats are trying to undermine the Supreme Court because they are not getting the rulings they want…
And Flamenwerfer Noem:
A Free Press character solving race murders in NATCHEZ BURNING (2014) is ordered beaten by a billionaire beneficiary of KKK’s secret paramilitary killers, the Double Eagles, is on death’s door in the ER; meanwhile billionaire’s gun-room trophy flamethrower is unleashed late that night across the Mississippi River in Ferriday LA, totally destroying all evidence of the reporter’s decades of work entangling KKK lies and lynchings, burning the local newspaper to ashes in moments.
This is lost cause, anti-reparations Republicanism happening all across the nation. Not in SD, you say?
Trump just said, about his newest criminal target letter from DOJ:
“I think it’s a very dangerous thing to even talk about, because we do have a tremendously passionate group of voters, much more passion than they had in 2020 and much more passion than they had in 2016,” Trump told a radio show in Iowa this week via Mediaite. “I think it would be very dangerous.”
Flammenwerfer Noem
Noem has recently offered Aldean a place to play his garbage on the front lawn of the Guv/s mansion.As usual she swallowed every statement Aldean made about how his song is not this or not that. According to the man he has apparently never seen first hand any of the stuff he is whining about in small towns.
The Assistant is a big music fan. Upon listening to Jason Aldean’s “Try That In A Small Town” The Assistant noted the lyrics helped explain why your Governor Noem and her majority think and act in such an unfriendly manor.
Jason Aldean’s song “Try That In A Small Town” is overtly confrontational, irrational, and unfriendly due to several factors:
1. Perceived threats to ego: In small towns, people often have a strong sense of community and pride. When someone comes in acting in a way that challenges their values, beliefs, or traditions, it can be seen as a personal attack or a threat to their cellophane thin identity. The confrontational nature of the song is a defensive response to protect their fragile egos and feeble attempt to maintain their indefensible status quo.
2. Reinforcement of social norms: Small towns tend to have tighter-knit communities and more conservative values. When someone tries to deviate from these norms, it can lead to resistance and a need to protect the established social order. The confrontational tone of the song may serve as a reinforcement of these norms, defending what is considered by very few as acceptable behavior only in small towns.
3. Fear of change: Small towns often have a slower pace of life and less exposure to diversity and new ideas. When someone tries to introduce something different or unfamiliar, it can create feelings of discomfort and fear of the unknown. The confrontational nature of the song could be a reaction to this fear, attempting to preserve the familiarity and white privilege of the small town environment which is fading fast.
4. Us versus them mentality: In some cases, small towns can develop an “us versus them” mentality, feeling defensive or protective of their community against perceived outsiders or individuals who do not fit their idea of what a small town should be. The unfriendly tone of the song may serve as a way to cover up the false perception of unity and solidarity of the small town, subconsciously reminding others that small towns are indeed different, odd, and should not be taken too seriously. – P. Aitch’s Assistant