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DOT Just Checking Federal Box, Not Measuring Effectiveness of Efforts to Reduce Carbon Emissions

The South Dakota Department of Transportation may have a draft plan to reduce carbon emissions that satisfies federal requirements, but the DOT by gum isn’t going to make any effort to measure what if anything that strategy achieves:

SDDOT’s Carbon Reduction Strategy meets all the requirements of 23 U.S.C. 175(d)(2) by identifying projects and strategies to limit emissions. A critical aspect of addressing these requirements is Congress’s direction that the program be appropriate to the population density and context of the State because a program that is appropriate, economically efficient, and practical will best shape its implementation. Following this Congressional recognition will avoid creating economic and lifestyle hardships and restrictions on the freedom of travel. Another critical aspect is that any quantification of emissions by the State is at the State’s discretion. South Dakota chose not to do quantification [emphasis in original; South Dakota Department of Transportation, draft Carbon Reduction Strategy, 2023.06.09, pp. 37–38].

I’d like to think the DOT is taking the comforting and folksy philosophical perspective that not everything that counts can be counted. But it seems more likely that the DOT is looking for ways to meet the bare minimum statutory requirement of composing a carbon reduction plan without committing to taking such a green-smelling plan seriously. We’re not talking about love, beauty, or chocolate chip cookies (don’t count them; just eat and enjoy!); we’re talking about a measurable substance produced by measurable economic activities with measurable environmental impacts. When it comes to public policy, more often than not and most certainly in this case, if we don’t count it, it doesn’t count.


  1. P. Aitch 2023-07-11 07:52

    Admitting that your state “doesn’t matter” won’t attract many businesses. I label it grudz-think. i.e. Stay small, think back, and cling to your memories. The future is scary and evil.

  2. John 2023-07-11 09:14

    P. Atich nails it. The mental path out of South Dakota’s stagnation is admitting that in the national sense, the state doesn’t matter. Aside from the past accident of ICBM stationing and present mobile bomber stationing, the state’s relevance in the US is nil.
    The sad truth underlying this clip of America’ empty north is that this region arguably hosts 12ish largely worthless US senators:

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