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Noem Not With Landowners at Protest Yards from Her Capitol Desk

Well, I’m with the landowners and always have been,” Governor Kristi Noem said on the radio last week in response to a reporter’s question about her absence from the fight over eminent domain for private carbon-dioxide pipelines.

But she wasn’t with the landowners yesterday at the protest they held in the Capitol Rotunda fifty paces from her Second Floor office:

About 250 people descended on the state Capitol on Thursday, demanding a prohibition against carbon capture pipeline companies gaining access to land against a landowner’s will.

Lawmakers, landowners and concerned citizens from across the political spectrum called on Republican Gov. Kristi Noem to call a special legislative session to address the issue. She did not attend the rally.

“Governor Noem, you say you stand with us,” said rally speaker Ed Fischbach, an Aberdeen-area farmer whose land is near a proposed pipeline route. “We need your actions to speak louder than your words” [Joshua Haiar, “Hundreds Rally in Pierre Against Eminent Domain for Carbon Pipelines,” South Dakota Searchlight, 2023.07.06].

Fischbach and fellow Democrat Representative Oren Lesmeister (D-28A/Parade) spoke at the rally. Libertarian Collin Duprel did, too. Republican Reps. Jon Hansen (R-25/Dell Rapids), Karla Lems (R-16/Canton), and Scott Odenbach (R-31/Spearfish) showed their support for landowners over Republican corporate raiders from Iowa. Governor Noem had time to run to her private Capitol video studio to holler on Fox and Friends about Ben and Jerry’s, but she did not have time to receive the 2,000-signature petition the protestors delivered to her desk calling for a Special Session on eminent domain.

Noem said last week she has “always” been with the landowners. If we are to believe last week’s statement, we can only conclude that “always” ended yesterday.


  1. sx123

    No permits? and already using eminent domain? I know several plots of nice farmland others own that I will now have condemned and then take.

  2. All Mammal

    We’ve created a creature with a kangalo weave. Everything she says should be met with no more than an eye roll and pity, just like any underperforming governor with debilitating E.D. Leave it alone so it can grow.

  3. Ed

    She was at Zestos in town eating ice cream while the rally was going on, picture posted on her own facebook page. So much for standing with landowners! A photo op eating ice cream was more important.

  4. e platypus onion

    Rumour has it Noem was eating Mt Rushmore circa 1868 ice cream made from sacred ingredients stolen from Native Americans.

  5. John

    She’s show horse. Never been a work horse.
    It’s an amazing ignorance that the South Dakota voters were unable or unwilling to see through that over a decade ago. She is and will continue being one of the most inconsequential governors of South Dakota and of the northern plains.

  6. Donald Pay

    Zestos!!!! The Capitol Building or Zestos? I’d take Zestos, but I would have done the right thing in the first place so people wouldn’t have to protest. My Mom would always say, “If you do the right thing first, you don’t have to worry.

  7. sx123

    Probably posted Facebook zestos photo to prove to Corp sponsors she wasn’t at the rally

  8. Stance

    Noem is a liar, has been since the beginning of her career in politics. SD voters will believe anything without checking the facts. Dhe claims to be a Christian, yet her actions are contrary to her claims. Did landowners actually believe that she supports them? Seriously?

  9. Bonnie B Fairbank

    SD didn’t elect our guv for her Protestant work ethic, intelligence, or her ability to create consensus and get things done, John. Nope. Nuh uh. Nein. As far as I can tell where I live, she was elected on her wankability factor. (British, very rude)

  10. Loren

    She would have been there, but her Carhart vest and trucker hat were at the cleaners.

  11. DaveFN

    [from Cory’s link:

    “GOV. KRISTI NOEM: I’m not going to listen to a bunch of liberal Vermont businessmen who think they know everything about this country and haven’t studied our history. Right now, Mount Rushmore is the greatest symbol of our freedom and history of the United States of America. We can learn from the men on that mountain. We can do better. But, boy, they led us through some challenging times. And I think Americans in this country need some inspiration, and we can gain it from a monument like that. We should be proud of America and knock off what Ben & Jerry’s is doing. They don’t have any idea what they’re doing.”

    Worth rereading to savor the sheer vacuousness of it. What an air-head.

  12. LCJ

    The picture looks like it was the Zesto in Watertown

  13. Francis Schaffer

    She appears weak with her response. Why should I act surprised. I think Ben and Jerry knew exactly what they were doing, pushing Kristi’s buttons. Mission accomplished. She embarrasses South Dakotans too often.

  14. All Mammal

    Loren- your comments are sort of the whipped cream on top of Mr. H’s take on current events. They’re sweet perfection.

    I’d have to say Mr. Newland’s are the fat, syrupy cherry plopped on the tippy top. Utterly decadent, like letting someone know what ignorant sluts they are. It goes from tooth ache to rotted chickletts. In a really swell way.

    Anyways- thanks to everyone for reminding me to ring the jar.

  15. Bob Newland

    That’s what they called me when I went out for varsity football in high school; “fat, syrupy cherry.” I have owned it like a Bing ever since.

  16. Governor is only her title. Grifter is her profession in reality. 👸 Jeff, Young America Mn.

  17. Mark B

    She got her second term, doesn’t need South Dakotans anymore, just looking to fill up the bank account before shoving off for her next grift.

    Kind of nice to see her wearing thin with the real farmers and rachers..

  18. Mr. Newland published the Thundering Grasshopper Review on actual papyrus back in the day. My last of it started the stove last November.

  19. Dave Spier

    I’ve seen wrong information in several places. Joshua from the Searchlight reported a low number (250) of people at the gathering. I stated 300+ elsewhere. Capital police had a count of about 560.

    Noem had her ice cream photo op at the Zesto in Pierre to avoid facing 560 republicans, democrats, libertarians, and independents gathered in the rotunda by her office.

    It occurred to me later that instead of delivering the 2000+ petitions to her office that they more likely would get a response from.her by delivering a bunch of ice cream.

  20. Anne Beal

    The trouble with their argument is that eminent domain has been used for over 100 years by private businesses to run railroads, electric lines, gas lines, telegraph and telephone lines, fiberoptic cable, etc across private land. Private businesses also use public roads to transport goods and services..

    The thing about rural landowners is, they actually own the land under the township roads. They own the whole width that makes up the public right-of-way, not just the ditches.
    I have to put up with commercial vehicles, mostly farm equipment, propane trucks and delivery vehicles, that drive on my land, stir up dust, and run over a cat every ten years or so. Our neighbor’s dog was killed by a UPS truck. This is especially obnoxious given that a pet is still on his owner’s property even if he is in the middle of the road. As if the disturbance were not enough, we pay taxes on that land and are responsible for keeping it unobstructed. Ditches have to be cleared, and when a large tree fell across tve road it cost us $200 to remove it. I own all the vegetation in the right of way, yet I have to put up with asparagus pickers..The leafy spurge is all mine, but the asparagus belongs to the public. Go figure.
    But that’s how it works, and having a road across your land is a lot more disruptive than someone running a pipeline under it. One can be sympathetic to the landowners without supporting their cause. I understand their distress but I don’t agree with them.

  21. P. Aitch

    Anne Beal has a strong authority mask she wears with seemingly much comfort.
    I however understand that it can be incredibly challenging and disheartening to see your land being taken away, especially when it is for the benefit of wealthy individuals from out of state. It’s unfortunate when the needs of local communities, such as farmers, are overlooked in favor of profit-driven endeavors.

    Farmers play a vital role in our society, providing food and sustaining local economies. Losing land that you have invested time, effort, and resources into can be a significant blow, both financially and emotionally. It’s understandable to feel frustrated and powerless in such a situation.

    While I may not have a direct solution to offer, I empathize with the difficulties farmers face in such circumstances. It is important that communities and policymakers consider the long-term impacts and ensure that the rights and interests of local residents, including farmers, are taken into account.

    Thank you to Cory for at least voicing the farmers plight. The overbearing arm of oppression is standing on their necks and twisting it’s heal of despotism. Money will of course win and those elected to represent all voters is cowardly in the face of tyranny. Such is the sad state of Dakota.

  22. P. Aitch


  23. Bonnie B Fairbank

    Cory’s title to this article prompts the question: Is Noem EVER at her Capitol desk? Desks used to be where responsible workers fulfilled their duties, and, in this case, ostensibly serve the voters. South Duhkoduh elected a wandering “look at ME” media wh*re whose only job related goals are to be famous for nothing except being famous.

  24. Anne Beal

    The Farm Bureau, the Corn Growers’ Association and the South Dakota Ethanol Producers all support the pipeline. The blanket statement that “the farmers” oppose the pipeline is misleading at best.
    That pipeline is going through. There is no way a change to our eminent domain laws, prohibiting privately owned businesses from using it to transport products or services, is going to pass a court challenge. No road in the state could be widened for heavier (commercial trucking) traffic, trees could not be trimmed under electric lines, nor could trenches be dug to lay those lines underground. I think there is a failure to understand how many utilities are privately owned and operated for profit. While in some places the water and electric providers are municipally owned, in other places they are not: there is a cooperative of investors who receive dividends (private gains.) Trying to change the laws governing eminent domain to prevent private use to transport anything would be a big mistake.

  25. Mrs. Beal is the South Dakota Queen of Schadenfreude. My hope is when those CO2 pipelines rupture her house is downwind.

  26. How well I remember back during the debate surrounding the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments, the first President Bush called ethanol: “Daschle Gas.” He didn’t mean it as a compliment. I’m not sure he was even talking about fuel, to be honest. I consider it a sign of progress that what the father thought was a joke, the son was willing to call – in the State of the Union speech – a necessity.

  27. P. Aitch

    Anne Beal is once again arrogantly wrong. There is absolutely a way to change the eminent domain law and changing it would be a move towards protecting private property over bowing down to money at every turn.

  28. Frank Kloucek

    Anne Beal

    I respectfully disagree with your comments.

  29. e platypus onion

    From the department oif redundant redundancies, Noem is a LIAR!

  30. jkl

    Maybe Knife River quarry in Sioux Falls will use eminent domain to take the fair grounds.

  31. Ed

    FYI Anne Beal, South Dakota Farmers Union, South Dakota Stockgrowers , and Dakota Rural Action are supporting landowners opposition to this pipeline. I am a corn grower, and so are all the farmers opposed to Summit’s CO2 pipeline. Corn Growers Association and SD Ethanol Producers group don’t speak for me or the other corn farmers opposed to the pipeline. A lot of us won’t sell our souls to a corrupt, out of state company with secret foreign investors no matter how much money they throw at us. You should probably get more informed from now on before you post your ridiculous comments.

  32. Mike Lee Zitterich

    The problem is much of the “Land” held in South Dakota was warranted and patented under the 1841 and 1862 Settlement Acts, allowing early American Families to lay claim to, settle, and build their Home, Farm, and Township. But also, the Federal Govt as part of these acts, reserved the right to assess a tax on all commercial activities on the land, let alone the right to tax the use of Natural Resources and Minerals from within the land. ALL LAND held in South Dakota lie within the BLM MONTANA-DAK land district,of which is managed, and held in the jurisdiction of BLM of which is under the Secretary of the Interior, of whom is approving all of the Land Surveys. No one is stopping the Surveys, the Governor cannot even stop them, they were approved from above her…I AM NOT in support of the Pipeline, but there is a process of applying Eminent Domain, and it has NOT yet been granted, so the Farmers, and all the Landowners around them have a fighting chance still…

    I did some research, and wrote this Google Document what we are up against, and why it will be an uphill challenge to fight it.

    Also, visit the Attorney General webpage, and search a 1983 Legal Opinion adopted, or formed in the mid 80’s – it will tell you all you want to know. The Legislature has approved the surveys long ago, and the former A.G explains by forming opinion 1983-32.

  33. e platypus onion

    Noem was back on Fake Noize today touting the quality of magat potus candidates, basically demanding Biden tell her how cocaine got into the WH and another shot at Ben and Jerry’s give Rushmore back to the Natives.

  34. e platypus onion

    Noem denies public access to whistleblower hotline although the info was allegedly supposed to be available. Nolem is a liar, inpure, but simple.

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